Wednesday, November 22, 2023



Happy Wednesday, friends! I thought I'd share some things I am thankful for this week. I won't be here tomorrow, but I'll be back on Friday for Friday Favorites. 

I am so very thankful for all of you who read this blog faithfully! I have said a million times how much I love this community, so much more than I like social media, and I am grateful for each and every one of you. I always appreciate how you take the time to comment, and know that I always read and try to respond to each one, even if you never see it. I always try to reciprocate and comment on your blog, even if it's not as often as I'd like. Thank you for always encouraging me and for being so kind with your gracious words. I hope I am half as encouraging to others as you all are to me. 

I am thankful my family, the ones who love me unconditionally. I am always thankful for the fact that they encourage me, support me, and push me to be a better version of who I already am. I'm thankful that our parents are living, and in good health (or moderately so, at least), and that we can see them as often as we're able. So many no longer have this, and I never want to take that for granted. 

I am grateful for friends who are like family. It's a wonderful thing to know that I can call any number of dear friends at the drop of a hat to ask for prayer, and knowing that each of them will do just that. My best friend called me out of the blue yesterday and asked me point blank about one of my sisters, calling her by name. She said she'd had her on her heart nonstop and had been praying for her and wanted to know how things were going for them. That is a gift that I could never put a price tag on! I was moved to tears during our phone call. She's one that has seen and heard me cry a hundred times, and she just lets me talk and pout my heart out without even offering advice, just listening. She is such an priceless gift to me and I literally thank God for her, and for the rest of my dear friends, every single day. 

And most of all, I am thankful for Jesus, my Lord and my Savior. He saved me and assures me in His word that He will never leave me or forsake me. He is the reason I can say that He is always good, no matter the trial or circumstance in life at that current moment. It's His character to be good, and especially when we go through hard times in life. There's a song that I love about this, by Jonathan McReynolds that I'm going to share. You should listen to it, if you have some spare time. 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! I hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families tomorrow, and that it's everything you hope for. I know some of you are without all of your family members this year, and know that I will be praying for you as you miss them. Love to all!


  1. Sweet post and you definitely are that IRL and blog friend to others. I am so happy that you have all of these wonderful blessings in your life and that you appreciate them. So many people take that for granted.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Jennifer! Grateful for YOU too XO

  3. Happy thanksgiving! You are definitely a bright spot in blogworld!

  4. I'm thankful for the encouragement you bring to us bloggers and also to know you personally! Happy Thanksgiving friend!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, Holly! I am thankful for you too, my friend.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving, Tanya! Thank you for that, my friend! I feel the same about you. I hope you enjoyed your day yesterday!

  7. Thank you, Marilyn! I feel the same about you, sweet friend! I hope you enjoyed your family yesterday!

  8. I hope you've had a lovely Thanksgiving, Jennifer. I appreciate the monthly 4 Somethings gathering you host. I'll see you on Saturday!

  9. Thank you, Lydia! I'm so glad you joined in with us this month!


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Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

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