Wednesday, November 15, 2023

my TBR list and some favorite books, the holidays edition


Happy Wednesday, friends! Are you anything like me and have a list of books to read as long as your arm? Just me? I thought I'd share some of what I'm hoping to read soon, and a bit of what I have already read and loved, pertaining to holiday books. Just click on each picture to be redirected to an Amazon link. Happy reading! 

I'm going to finish a couple of library books first, but this book is one I'm excited about! I bought it for really cheap on Amazon, one day when it was on sale. 

I discovered last year that I enjoy this author. Last year I read her book, One Last Gift. Have you read anything by her? 

I borrowed this next one on Kindle Unlimited. It's free right now!

I don't know that I've read anything by Jenny Hale before, but for free, I can afford to find out whether or not she is for me. 

I paid full price for this next one, from the Queen of Christmas herself. I know I love everything that Debbie Macomber writes. It's been a few years since I've read one of her Christmas books...or maybe she just hasn't been writing them? I'm not sure, but either way, I'm looking forward to this one.

I noticed this next one is free right now as well. It sounds promising! 

These are just a few of what I have planned to read soon. I also thought I'd share some of my favorite holiday books that I've read in recent years. 

I love Pamela Kelley! This is one of my favorite Christmas books. 

I loved these books by Nancy Thayer that I read last year. 

This entire series by Elin Hilderbrand is one of my favorites! 

I only linked the first book in the series, but you should read them all. 

I hope to make it to the library this week. I keep saying I want to go, and then I come home and don't go. I'm laughing and rolling my eyes at myself. I love seeing holiday books in person, though, and always find some good ones when I go there to browse. What about you—what books are on your TBR list? Have you read anything that you've loved lately? I'd love to hear your recommendations! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Definitely putting Love Holly and Holiday Romance on my list. You know I can't handle Macomber, Kelley, or Thayer among a few others! Ha! I have The Christmas Wager waiting for me. I think I should be able to read it and start decorating next week. I still haven't switched out my Halloween for my Thanksgiving things. I just didn't feel like it this weekend and during the week - I am in survival mode. I will stop whining now!

  2. Amy, I forget about this with you and books! I can't believe you don't like those authors, because they're my favorites. 🤣🤣🤣 I was wondering if you were going to decorate this year since y'all are traveling at Christmas. I'm glad to hear that you are, even if it's not what you normally do. You make me laugh, my friend! I hope you have a great day!

  3. The Winter Street series is my favorite holiday collection. You will want to read all of the books- I think there are four? You end up falling in love with the characters -can't wait to see what you think!

  4. Holly, I loved that whole series! I hated to see it end with the fourth book.

  5. Thanks for the recommendations! Let the holiday reading begin. I also loved the Hildebrand series.

  6. Adding so many of these to my list - Kindle or the library! Thanks!! Christmas is one time that I really do enjoy reading:)

  7. You're welcome, Tanya! I love holiday books and always need recommendations for myself!

  8. Jennifer, that's great! I love reading books that are set in this season!

  9. I love the selection of books that come out at Christmas. Debbie Macomber lives in our town and she used to hold book signings at the Navy Exchange but she's mostly retired now. Jack Frost is a paperback but her office said she's going to put out a new hardcover book next Christmas.

  10. I do too, Pamela! That's so cool that you live in the same town as her.


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