Friday, November 24, 2023

Friday Favorites, 11.24.2023.


Happy Friday, friends! On the chance that these ladies are hosting the link party today, know that I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. 

Welcome to my favorite season of blog posting all year long! From here on out, my theme is Merry Everything and Happy Always. I consider myself reserved about Christmas until Thanksgiving, then from that night on, I am fully embracing my favorite season of the year. I hope we can still be friends, if you're new here!

I pray and hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We did, even if it was a little quieter than the usual this year. I felt like we were all a little sad, because of being separated by many miles from some of our family members. It was just the Tennessee bunch of us this year, so we had twelve in attendance: Mom, Bill, Trish, Devin, Tyler, Graham, Drew and Caitlyn, Jonah, Noah, Todd and myself. Even if we were a little smaller and quieter, it was a wonderful afternoon with an amazing lunch. I am so thankful for my mom, Bill, and Trish, who do all of the cooking. I know it's a lot of work and I appreciate that they do this for us every year. 

Aside from the holiday, I had a great week, and I hope you did too! I thought I'd share some of my favorites from the week, starting with this that I mentioned last week that is worth a repeat mention. I love my new tumbler from Meoki! It's 40 ounces and it keeps my drink super cold. I'm planning on which cup to order next that's not a Christmas theme for after the holidays. I ordered this from the Tik Tok shop, but you can find them on Amazon. Speaking of...are you doing any online shopping this weekend, or Monday? Are you shopping in person? I do have to get out today, but not for gifts. I have to run a few errands for work, starting with a Sam's grocery pickup, then a trip to Hobby Lobby. Tomorrow I am planning on shopping small with my mom and sister. 

My Christmas nails are also my favorite! I never get tired of this sparkly Christmas red during this season. 

Did you know that you can buy Starbursts flavored water packets that are low in calories and sugar to help you meet your water goal each day? I wasn't aware of this until recently, but one of these flavors 40 oz of ice water perfectly. My favorite flavor isn't pictured, but is the pink Starburst. 

Trying new places is a favorite! I went to a new and charming restaurant here in town this week with Mom, my sister Lisa, and nephew Tyler. This place had great ambiance, but the food didn't quite match. It's called SOB, which stands for South of Beale (Street). There's another location in downtown Memphis.

After lunch that day, I visited my favorite happy place and brought home three Christmas books by authors that I love.

This sweater that I wore that day is my favorite; and another favorite is how Chloe naps on me for afternoon cuddles.

My current favorite snack is a white cheddar rice cake with Laughing Cow cheese spread on top, and Everything But the Bagel seasoning sprinkled on top. 

I wore my favorite winter poncho to work with these olive green pants this week. I love the poncho, but I think I'll wear a black shirt under it the next time. It's big on me since I've lost weight, but I don't really care and will just keep on wearing it with fitted pants.

I worked for a few hours on Wednesday, and my favorite guy came with me for the morning! Look what he did while I worked on the bank deposit for the week.

He hung the lights above the coffee makers, we rearranged the bookstore together, and we put the Christmas tree up. I am excited to work more on this next week! I found some cute things that I have to sell. Everything I used to decorate with is for sale! 

For the third year in a row, Todd and I had our date night on Thanksgiving eve, eating non-Thanksgiving food. We went to our favorite local Mexican restaurant. then we went to Costco, our town square that's all decked out for Christmas, and ended the night with Academy, Dollar Tree, Harbor Freight, and Walmart.

I'll say it again; I live in a Hallmark movie town!

I bought myself a few things online this week, one of which are these boots that I'm wearing below. I love them and know they'll become some of my favorite shoes for the season. 

Though I don't have another actual picture of it, this color combo is my favorite that I wore for Thanksgiving day lunch yesterday. The plaid shirt that you see is also new; I love wearing it with the dark green pants! 

I have a few favorite Hallmark movies that I've been watching!

I'll be doing a lot more movie watching this weekend and next week with Todd out of town all week!

Lastly, my Mom's house is always my favorite. So was this plate of food that I ate! I went back for a small second helping of prime rib and sweet potatoes that I didn't get on the first round. 

In case you missed them, here are my other blog posts from the week.

Monday was my weekending blog post.

Tuesday was a Thanksgiving edition of This or That.

And Wednesday I shared about a few things I'm thankful for.

Will I see you here tomorrow? It's the last Saturday of the month, which means it's time for the Share 4 Somethings link party. I hope you join us! I'll open the link at midnight on Saturday morning. What was something that was a favorite for you this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I don't think I can get a post together for tomorrow because I have to travel for Thanksgving round 2 today. I took pics of your movie recs. I have one for you - Exmas I think is the name, but if you search that it should come up. One of the girls from Gossip Girls is in it. Your plate looks amazing! Love your new boots, your poncho, and your outfit. Now I am on to Christmas colors!

  2. Amy, that's understandable! Just so you know, I always keep the link open for three weeks, and will do that again tomorrow in case you ever want to join us later. I'll have to look that one up, thanks for the rec! I found another one that looks cute on Netflix as well, and will probably watch it and share about it on Monday. Thanks for the outfit and boots love! Now it's onto Christmas everything, right?!

  3. I love your boots your nail polish. Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving. I did too. I went to my sister's home and all 3 siblings and their wives/husbands were there. One of my nephews and his wife was there with their 2 year old. Needless to say the 2 year old stole the show...he is so adorable. Unfortunately hubby was not feeling well and didn't get to attend. I didn't want to leave him home alone, but he insisted and I'm glad he did. I enjoyed being with my family and the food was great. I did bring him home a plate of food and he enjoyed that.

    So happy Thanksgiving to you and keep enjoying those Hallmark movies!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving weekend to you! Glad it was a good day yesterday.

  5. Thank you, Cathy! I am so sorry to hear your husband was sick over the holiday. I know it was sad not to have him there, but it sounds like you both made the right call in him encouraging you to go. I'm glad you enjoyed the day in spite of that! One year over Christmas, Todd came down with strep and couldn't do anything either. The boys were young, and the five of us managed to enjoy the day without him, but they (and I) cried all day long that year. It just wasn't the same!

  6. Thank you, Marilyn! I hope you had a good day as well!

  7. I love this time of year for blogging as well!

    Also, I have to try the white cheddar rice cake with the laughing cow spread and Everything but Bagel seasoning! It looks delicious!!

  8. Rachel, it does seem extra festive, doesn't it? You have got to try it, it's delicious!


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Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a good week! Mine has been mostly great; I'm looking forward to this weekend and upcoming...