Friday, November 17, 2023

Friday Favorites, 11.17.2023.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. I hope you've had a good week! I'll jump in with some favorites from my week.

This is my favorite meme from this week! One thing about me that gets worse with age—not only can I not lie, I cannot conceal the emotions and thoughts from displaying front and center on my face. I immediately texted this to my best friend after I saw it this week.

This is my newest favorite Hallmark Christmas movie! Have you seen it yet? 

On the same day that I saw the movie, this memory popped up on Timehop. This is me with Mallory (on the left) and Meg, friends from church. We were in charge of the Christmas decorations in the choir rehearsal suite that year, and we had the best time together. Mallory is the one who ended up telling me about the lead actress in the movie above, Ginna Claire. She played Glenda the Good Witch in one of the Wicked productions. She's crazy talented; I went down the rabbit hole of her videos after Mallory told me this. 🤣 

I love seeing older pictures of younger friends; Mallory has gone on to become a mom and no longer lives in our area, and Meg went back to teaching a few years after this picture was taken. She was a young stay at home mom at the time we did this. We all sang together in choir for a few years. Those were the days! 

I wore this old favorite shirt to work one  day this week, but I probably won't wear it again because it's way too big for me now. Have I mentioned that I need to do a closet clean out? I do.

My morning coffee and blog reading is my favorite time of my mornings.

This is another favorite top of mine. I love it and how the long necklace looks with it. 

Remember how I mentioned that Jonah's been working on cleaning out and organizing our attic? This is the result of the last endeavor! It was so much that my neighbor texted me asking if we were moving.

My last workday of each week is my favorite! Remember when I hated Thursdays? I don't hate them anymore! For the first time in the months that I've worked in the bookstore, the registers came out completely even and correct! I have been slightly over each week I've been doing it, so imagine my relief when it came out perfect this time. I threw my hands up in the air and cheered when I saw the total on the register tape. 

Did you know that folding shirts is my favorite? I folded 349 of them on Thursday! We're selling these and they needed to be sorted, and folded. The front of them says 150 years, which is how long our church has been around. Isn't that amazing?!

It's my favorite when this little guy comes to visit me! His mom left him with me for a few minutes while she got his big brother from preschool. This is my little friend Tobias. 

Are you on Tik Tok? I am. Did you know that there is a Tik Tok shop? There is. I blame it for making me buy this cup, but LOOK HOW CUTE! You'll never believe how much it was. $16! It's a 40 oz cup! It's the Meoki brand, and I love the metal straw with rubber tip. 

Did you happen to catch the rest of my blog posts this week? 

Monday was a weekending recap.

Tuesday was a post that I titled November thoughts about goals I set this year.

And on Thursday, I shared a day in the life.

What's something that was a favorite for you this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!


  1. The cup is adorable but I HATE TikTok! I know there are plenty of benign things on it- Alyssa finds lots of good recipes, skin care routines, product recs, etc. But I read somewhere that it has altered the brain of those who use it a lot- it makes it much harder for people to focus on anything for longer periods of time since each TT is of a short duration. UGH! But on a very positive note, Jonah did an amazing job clearing out your attic. How wonderful to get rid of so much stuff (and not have to do it yourself!)

  2. I love the cup and I did not know that there was a shop.
    I'm so glad you like Thursdays now!
    I was going to say that I thought that top was too big on you. Well, I wasn't going to say that but I was thinking that you probably need to treat yourself to a few sizes down. You look great. Not that you didn't before, of course!

  3. You look fantastic girl! Wow :) Love the flashback pic and the stories- will def have to check that Hallmark movie out

  4. Maria, I totally understand you hating Tik Tok. I did for a long time, and then I finally succumbed. I've found good recipes there, but I still prefer Pinterest. I like to watch it for a few minutes right before I go to bed each night...I love the dog videos!

  5. Amy, I had no idea either until recently! The only drawback is that the shipping takes a while. Thanks for that, my friend! I could tell when I wore it Tuesday that it was too big, but I wore it anyway, and then was uncomfortable all day. I was glad to be home early so I could change! I do need to shop soon for some of the basics. I may do that this weekend.

  6. Thanks, Holly! I hope you have a great weekend!

  7. That was a cute Hallmark movie. I'm looking forward to A Merry Scottish Christmas this weekend.

  8. That is a huge pile of stuff but I bet it feels great to have it cleaned out. Even baggy those shirts look so cute on you.

  9. That's amazing how much "stuff" he got out of the attic. I can see why your neighbor thought you were moving! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  10. So impressed with the attic clean out, and that must be such a good feeling! You look great and love reading the little victories in life about your Thursdays. I hope to watch that Chrismtas movie this weekend. Enjoy!

  11. Thank you, Joanne! It really does feel so good to have that huge task completed. I used to lose sleep over the junk piles that were up there, but I was too overwhelmed to do anything about it. I'm so thankful he took it upon himself to do that!

  12. Tanya, right?! I can totally see why she asked me that!

  13. Thank you, Marilyn! I am so relieved that I am feeling more confident in my job. Who knew there was so much to learn?


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  Happy Monday, friends! This post is better late than never, right? I totally forgot to write this yesterday, and then the day got away fro...