Thursday, October 26, 2023

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! It's been way too long since I've written a Thankful Thursday post, so I thought I'd share a few things that have made me feel extra grateful recently. 

I'm thankful for the time that Todd and I spend together. Even if we're just at home doing nothing, I like being with him. I have a few friends whose husbands get on their nerves (this is a terrible thing to even write), and Todd has never been like that to me. I have to be extra careful about my friends who complain about this, and pray that it never rubs off on me. I've talked about this here before, but nobody will ever hear me say one bad word about my husband. It doesn't mean that he's perfect and that we don't bicker from time to time, but talking negatively about him or the situation doesn't solve problems; it just makes it uncomfortable for other people to witness, and I always feel embarrassed for both parties when I'm around complaining spouses. 

I'm thankful for the kind of relationships we have with our sons. We've always had great ones with each of them, and I love that they like talking to us and sharing things about their lives. This is not the case for many of their friends. We hear all the stories about parents who won't let go of their grown up sons and daughters, and we agree that it's no way to be a parent to adults, even the ones who still live at home. I suppose we're super sensitive to this, because three of our sons still live at home. One of them is trying to find a third roommate to rent a house with, and the two younger ones aren't in a hurry to get out just yet. I think it's wise for them to be able to save money while they're here, though they do chip in with groceries and other things. I'm pretty sure they don't complain too much about us as their parents. 

I'm thankful for the fact that I am able to work at my church! There is no better place to work, in my opinion. I genuinely love all of the staff people, and there are no kinder people to have to see daily. I have been encouraged, and thanked profusely since I've started working there, and I've been the recipient of grace upon grace for the times I've messed up. This is exactly how it should be! I'm still figuring out some things pertaining to the business side of things, but even in this part that doesn't come naturally, everyone has been so kind and encouraging. I will be thankful for this for as long as the Lord has me there! 

I am so very thankful for the fact that even though people in my life will always let me down, Jesus never will. I remember coming to this realization several years ago, because I was always being disappointed in people I love. The Lord is always kind to me, but He was especially kind then to remind me of this truth for that time in life. I saw this on Instagram last week and had to save it to my phone, I loved it so much. 

I am thankful for my Pastor. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I've been sharing snippets from his Sunday messages there in my stories. I am so thankful for the fact that he is such a good shepherd to the flock God has given him. Do you encourage your pastor? October is pastor appreciation month! I'm thinking of him because he's preaching a Wednesday night series titled Israel, Prophecy, and the Middle East. He's preaching from Ezekiel chapters 36-39. I started session 1 last night while I was in the bookstore at church. It was a slow night, so I was able to get halfway through. I hope to listen to the rest today on YouTube after I'm finished doing the Thursday things in the bookstore. 

What's something you're thankful for this week? I'd love to hear about it, if you want to share! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I am thankful for the connection I think I am building with my students that are new to me this year. I always want to be a positive person in their lives. We are asked to stand at the door and greet kids as they enter the classroom and this way we can always supervise the hallways, too. I would do this anyway because it sets the tone. I can say hi, ask a quick question, compliment something, etc. I hope that I also am continuing to connect with the ones I had last year.

  2. Amy, I love that! I am sure that is a challenge for you each and every year. I love that you stand at the door to greet and help supervise. It makes perfect sense, and I can sense that you would love doing that. It's always good to get outside of your own classroom, too, I bet.

  3. Amen! I am saving this- so important to remember and so very true! Thank you for sharing Jennifer. You have so much to be grateful for. I am grateful for my family, my friends, my career and life in general

  4. Thank you for sharing this. The people will let you down but Jesus never will is something that's hard to remember sometimes, especially when life throws you curveballs - but it's 100% accurate.

    This week I am thankful for a brand new healthy baby nephew - born yesterday! God is good!

  5. What wise words about not speaking about/against your husband. So often women try to one-up with something worse about their mate. After 52+ years of marriage and ministry, I'm super thankful for a kind, loving husband - not perfect, but he's married to a sinner, too! Blessings on you and your sweet family. . .

  6. Hello! I am thankful for the friendships I have made here in Blogland and the inspiration they give me. I agree with you about not saying disparaging things about my husband. I cannot stand when women do that! I hope you have a cozy afternoon.

  7. So much to be thankful for this Thursday! I'm thankful for my son's girlfriend....for they way she so easily "fits" into our family, that she enjoys being with all of us and how she brings out the best in my son. We have shared some extra fall fun this week and so glad she is apart of the memories made!

  8. Holly, isn't that such a great reminder? I needed to remember it as well when I saw it last week. I am with you, my friend. We have so much to be thankful for!

  9. Kirsten, you're welcome! I needed the reminder as well. And you are so right! I love what you're thankful for...congratulations on your newest little nephew!

  10. Thank you, Vickie! I love what you said, about how he's married to a sinner, too. That's so true! It's a good thing for everyone to remember. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Jennifer, I love that! I know that makes your heart full to overflowing. What sweet things you say about her! I am sure she's a lovely young lady, and I am so glad your son has found someone!

  12. I love your list, Jennifer! I feel the same way about my husband. We love being together even after 40 years and it's not because either of us is perfect but we choose to give God's grace to each other because God has shown us so much grace. I'm thankful for many of the same things: my years in full-time ministry and still being able to serve God, for my church and my pastor, and for our family. Blessing to you, Jennifer. Thanks for sharing with us.

  13. Reidland Family: thank you for your kind words! I can see how you would be thankful for some of these same type things. What a testament to the Lord, for your many years of marriage!


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