Friday, October 20, 2023

Friday Favorites, 10.20.2023.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. I hope you've had a good week! Mine has been really good. It's been great to have everyone back at the church this week; last week was Fall break, so there were many people who were out. Bible studies didn't meet and even our preschool shut down for the week. I miss all those people when they're not there! We've had lots of things going on this week, so that's been fun. 

First up is this favorite quote I found from a page that I follow on Instagram. This is so true! Have you ever walked in unforgiveness? It feels heavy, stressful, and hard. I heard my pastor say once that forgiveness is often for you, and not necessarily the other person. Can you attest to this? 

These views at my dad's house are my favorite! I took this after I dropped him off last week. The leaves are just barely starting to change; by November they'll be peaking in color. I know this because my sister and I do the Christmas lights on his property every year, and every time we do it, the leaves are on fire with color. 

I include this picture to show you Chloe's favorite sitting position. She sits on things like this, which cracks me up! It's like she's a person.

Saturday was a favorite day this week, because I got to spend it with my mom! We had fun going from shop to shop looking at Christmas decorations. Christmas is our favorite! 

Sunday night found Todd and I at home binge watching a favorite show, The Great British Baking Show. We ate dinner while watching the show, and this was what we had. It was delicious! Dinners like this are my favorite thing. Because my niece asked, this is beef smoked sausage and sharp cheddar cheese. I cooked the sausage in the air fryer at 400 for ten minutes, then I sprinkled everything with a dry rib rub that we had in the spice cabinet. Have you ever heard of the iconic Memphis restaurant, Rendezvous? Their seasoning is to die for, and you can buy it on Amazon! This would be delicious with that sprinkled on top. 

My favorite thing to do after dinner is to get all comfy and cozy and to watch tv or read, or work on my blog. This was me on Sunday; note my fuzzy socks. I was freezing and could not get warm!

I am Chloe's favorite place to sleep.

This is my favorite picture of Graham! I never ever get pictures of him, and I honestly wasn't aiming to get this one on the night I took this. I was looking more at the dogs, but I think our oldest son is super handsome. I do also love that three of the pups are cuddling on the couch. 

I love wearing this favorite sweater when the weather is cool! Notice the towels in my hand; do you clean up after other people when you visit a public restroom on the counter? Just me? I do kind of consider this something that goes along with working in a church. I've noticed a lot of people pitching in wherever help is needed. I also cannot stand a messy bathroom!

This is my current favorite thing to drink! My friend introduced me to it over the summer at the beach, and I finally remembered to order some this week. It's delicious!

Pictures like this are my favorite! I love seeing my sons happy and thriving.

And lastly this week, this is my new favorite creamer! Have you ever had anything with brown butter in the ingredients? It is so yummy! It's a great fall flavor, actually.

Here are my other posts from the week, in case you missed them! 

Monday was a weekending recap.

Tuesday was a post where I talked about skincare and makeup.

On Wednesday, I shared a post of random midweek things.

And on Thursday I shared some outfits I've been wearing and loving lately.

Just a reminder that next Saturday is October 28th, and the last Saturday of the month. That means it's almost time for Share 4 Somethings, where we talk about things we've loved, learned, read, and ate and/or enjoyed throughout the month. I'll open the link up at midnight on the 28th, and I'll keep it open for about three weeks. Additionally, the Currently link party happens on Wednesday November 1. We'll be talking about what we're currently loving, buying, preparing, excited for, and planning. (I changed one of these for November, just in case you'd made a note somewhere of when I talked about this on the October Currently post.) I'd love for you to join us for one or both of these! 

As always, thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 🖤


  1. The pictures of your boys are great! Very handsome men, and, yes, it is a wonderful feeling when we know our kids are thriving. I have never cleaned up a public restroom before; I am thrilled after I have taken the time to clean mine. I´m not adding any more bathroom surfaces to my cleaning regime! On a different note, our leaves are at peak and have been stunning to see this past week. I´m sure you´re looking forward to the time when your leaves turn. Have a great weekend!

  2. I want to try that creamer. I feel like that would be good with a decaf coffee for an after dinner treat!
    Such cute pics of the sons and the dogs!

  3. Awww your son DOES looks so happy- so sweet! Your dinner looks delish and love all of your QT with your people this week-have a wonderful weekend XO

  4. Thanks, Maria! I know, it's a weird trait. I do it in restaurants and at work, and just the countertops. It's crazy, I know! I am sure you have loved seeing your leaves all lit up! I can't wait for ours to do the same. I hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Amy, that's when I drink it; it's so delicious! Thanks, friend! I hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Thanks, Holly! I hope you have a great weekend too, my friend!

  7. I love that sweater you are wearing! Also, that same Fresca has become a staple on my grocery list as well! It is so good and refreshing by itself or mixed with something else.

  8. Great favorites! Chloe look adorable perched on the edge of her bed. Have a great weekend!

  9. I do the same thing in a public restroom...just a quick tidy of the countertop! Chloe is the cutest, and your son looks over the moon happy! My grandmother used to drink Fresca. I need to give it a try! Have a great weekend!

  10. Thanks, Marilyn! That's funny that you love it as well. I know it's been around for ages!

  11. Thanks, Pamela! I hope you have a great weekend too!

  12. Tanya, how funny that you do the same! You definitely need to try it, it's delicious!

  13. That sweater is so cute! I remember you talking about it in Thursday's post (that is the same one, right?). Our leaves are just getting past peak now where many are falling at such an alarming rate... I HATE to see them go.

  14. Thanks, Joanne! You're right, it's the same one I talked about on Thursday. I hate to see the leaves fall off the trees, especially when they're so pretty in color!

  15. I think if Chloe was to write a blog about her favorite things it would be you! She looks like she rarely lets you out of her sight. Our leaves are all but gone up here, a few are still hanging in there, but most are on the ground.

  16. Barb, I love what you said about Chloe! It's so true. Oh, wow! I can't believe most of your leaves have already fallen. It's so different for everyone, depending on where they live. I hope you had a great weekend!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...