Friday, October 13, 2023

Friday Favorites, 10.13.23.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. I hope you've had a good week! My week has been really good; I didn't work quite as much this week since it's fall break for our local schools, which means that our church didn't have as much going on. We always take that week off from Bible studies and Wednesday night church, so I had some additional time at home. You know that's always my favorite! It was especially nice after being out of town last week for most of the week. Home is where I recharge my batteries!

This cold night at home last weekend was my favorite night! I love, love, love sitting outside with a fire going in the firepit. I read my book, football was on the tv, I had coffee, and Todd enjoyed some bourbon. I love such cozy nights!

This store is one of my favorite places to visit! It's John Mark's, which a home interior decorating store, and the owner is a young 30 years old. He is brilliant with decor and florals, and you should check him out on Instagram. His name there is John Mark Enterprises. Tomorrow and Saturday is his open house for Christmas, and I think I'm going to go with Mom. I can't wait! I love this giant wreath he made recently in light of his upcoming open house. 

Our weather has been so nice this week! It's not quite as cool as I'd prefer, but I'll take 80 degrees any day over anything warmer. It's cooling off again this weekend, and I think it might stick this time, so I'm enjoying the outdoors life while the dogs are outside. I love sitting on my swing and reading or praying.

Todd and I visited our favorite food truck Tuesday night! We're getting new phones this weekend, so we went up to the Verizon store and pre-ordered our new Google Pro phones, then we went to eat. How adorable is this place?

Memories like these are my favorite! This was a mere nine years ago, when Dad was still driving. This was a Friday afternoon that we'd probably gone to eat somewhere and then come back home. The boys always walked him out and hugged him goodbye. I love that Alex is in this picture! He was such a huge part of our everyday lives when he was growing up. (For anyone who doesn't know, Alex is my bonus son, a neighbor's nephew who lives on our street. Back in these days, he was at our house more than he was at his own! The Lord gave me a supernatural love for him, a love that is similar to how I love our own sons, and we're still close today, though we don't see him as often.)

Having a spontaneous lunch out with Mom is always a favorite! We went to our favorite Japanese restaurant to split a tornado sushi roll and some vegetable fried rice. She's been out and about on her own, so I joined her for this lunch and then went right back home. I love spending quality time with Mom! 

I was in the bookstore closet cleaning up yesterday and looked out to see one of my favorite things: the senior citizens in our church were putting together Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes! I love that we have such wonderful and caring people in our church. They assembled hundreds of these!

And lastly, work is my favorite! I love being there on the days I'm there, and I feel so grateful that I'm finally able to operate (almost entirely) on my own now. Peep my morning protein shake/coffee drink and ever-present black portable fan. I was settling down to count money for the week, so I snapped this quick picture before I got started. 

This was in my mailbox when I went to work yesterday; I'm sharing in case anyone wants to make note of these ways we can actively pray over Israel in their time of immense distress.

Did you happen to catch all of my blog posts this week? I've written two bonus ones starting with the one from last Saturday! I'll link them all below. 

Saturday I shared about what I've Primed lately.

Monday was my weekending recap.

Tuesday I shared some thoughts on marriage, in light of the anniversary we just celebrated.

Wednesday was when I shared from a writing prompt, a post titled, Thoughts About the Season We're In

I also linked up with Shay and Erika that day for the October edition of Let's Look

Finally, yesterday was Thoughtful Thursday, when I shared some encouraging words that I'm living by at the moment.

What was something that's a favorite of yours from this week? I'd love to hear! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. That taco truck is so cute! That Japanese meal looks delish! I wondered if your church observed a fall break! That's nice! It sounds like you are really happy in your new schedule and that makes me happy for you. I agree about this weather. I am outside right now as it is 56 and perfect with my little candle lit and my porch lights on!

  2. Amy, it's been nice having a slow week at work! Actually, I'm never really that busy, but nobody was in this week since most of the staff wasn't there. I just turned on some music and piddled around after I got all the weekly things done. I even did Bible study homework at one point, because I ran out of things to keep busy with! I'll be glad to see everyone next week!

  3. Oh that wreath is giving me all the feels- so joyful! Can't wait to read your recap of the open house :)

  4. Thanks for sharing that prayer check list - for Israel. It is just overwhelming to know what "to do"...even how to pray. Thanks. Your fried rice looks so yummy and, yes, that photo of your dad with all the boys is a good one!! Putting together OCC boxes already - wow!! Have a great weekend, friend!

  5. We are dipping down into the 50's at night this weekend, and I can't wait! Loved hearing about your week!

  6. Holly, isn't it beautiful?! The store was TO DIE FOR.

  7. Jennifer, I thought it was so helpful! I'm glad you appreciated it...maybe you can write down the prayer points. You are right: the dogs love my dad being here! Girl, we go through a lot of those boxes, so it takes some time to assemble them all. I was surprised to see them there at work when I got to the church that day!

  8. Tanya, that is glorious weather for you Houstonians! (I don't know if that's a word, but I went with it.) I am sure you'll get in some good outdoors time! Thanks, my friend!

  9. So glad you are settled in wtih your new job! I am loving this weather too and hope it stays for a while. I am over summer by July usually. Hope it's been a good weekend!

  10. Thanks, Marilyn! It feels so good to be "settled". Girl, this is the greatest weather! I love it so much.

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