Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Currently: October edition


Happy Wednesday, friends, and welcome to this month's Currently post, where we talk about the things we're currently loving, excited about, watching, seeing, and observing. When we come back for the November edition, we'll be sharing what we're currently loving, buying, prepping, borrowing, and planning. I'll jump right in!


I am loving my favorite hobby right now and have been reading all the books! All of a sudden my Libby holds for my Kindle are coming through one at a time, and I've been on a major reading kick. I love reading at all times of day, and I would prefer to do that instead of watching a movie or show on tv. I mainly read in the evening, though, while Todd watches something on tv and when I go to bed. Is there a better feeling than not being able to put down a book? I think not.

Excited about

Honestly, friends, I get excited about everyday. I have talked about this before, but I really do look forward to things each day. I enjoy my job, I enjoy being at home all day on some days, I enjoy each evening when Todd and I are together, I enjoy nights on my own when he works and I watch movies, I enjoy weekends, and Mondays, and everything else in between. I'm coming back home today from being out of town for a few days, and I'm every bit as excited about being at home than I was to go out of town. I try to be that person who enjoys each season and phase of life that I'm in, and I do a pretty job at this. I'm optimistic and always have been; it's my personality to be this way. I'm grateful for this, because I wouldn't want to be any other way!

I realize that most people are not like me in this, so I try to never be obnoxious in my eternal optimism. 🤣


I've mentioned a time or few that I love watching the Hallmark movie channel's "falling in love" movies. I'm also excited about starting to watch Christmas movies this month! I love, love, love Christmas everything, and of course I watch those movies early. It's part of the reason why I like to decorate our home for Christmas early, too. The movies get me in the mood for the holidays, and as much as I love seeing our home decorated for fall, I'm even more excited about seeing it all decked out for Christmas. You'd think I get tired of seeing it decorated, but I don't ever get tired of that. I will say that I like it all to be taken down and put away again by the new year, so I usually spend the 26th or 27th of December undoing it all, except for some wintry things I leave out through January.


I've been seeing a slight change in the color of leaves in our area! There's one tree at my neighbor's house that turns bright red at the top each year, and this always gets me excited about seeing what's to come. I do really think that this is the most beautiful time of year. 


I am always observing how people act when their "guard" is down, or when nobody is watching. I have always been like this, and something I struggle with is when people act different when they're at one place over another. The greatest example I can think of this is when I'm at church. I've seen people act one way there on Sundays, and then act the complete opposite when they're at home or out in public. Because it's something that I think is important, I try to be the same no matter where I am. I am normal, and I struggle with lots of things; I have no problem with people knowing that about me. I like to be authentic in personality one hundred percent of the time, and I do think I usually succeed at this. Our lives and how we react to certain things really say a lot about us; I want people to see love and kindness in me always, because I want to represent Jesus well wherever I am.

Thanks for linking up with us today, friends! And thank you for always reading and commenting on my blog, too. I always appreciate your kindness and words of encouragement. I will see you back here on Friday! Love to all.

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  1. We are "seeing" the same things! And thank you for your reminder at the end. We should always be a reflection of Jesus working through us and I fail at that a lot.

  2. So I LOVE all things Christmas too. I did promise my husband that we would not decorate until Thanksgiving Weekend this year - going to be a huge sacrifice for me BUT it doesn't mean I can't sneak in all of the Hallmark Christmas goodness ;)

  3. I love curling up and reading a good book and mostly in the evenings. It's fun to watch the Hallmark holiday movies. Thanks for hosting this fun link-up and enjoy the week.

  4. I love that tree. I hope ours look like that soon!

  5. Beautiful tree! It's good to be excited about everything - yay for a positive outlook no matter what the setting. I hear you on watching Hallmark Christmas movies - the Countdown to Christmas is marked in my planner, can't wait! I love to see the house decorated for Christmas but I'm with you, the tree comes down pretty quickly.

  6. OH yes, I have been on a great reading kick lately too and I am LOVING it!! That tree is just beautiful. We have a few changing colors already and I am trying to soak it all in.

  7. I really try to always have a positive outlook too. Thanks for the fun link up!

  8. It is the most beautiful time of the year! Thanks for hosting and welcome back home!

  9. I know the booklover in you is loving all those books becoming available! Hope your trip includes some extra quiet time and a chance to read!! Thanks for hosting the link-up!

  10. Thank you, Amy! It really is such a perfect fit for me. I'm having fun and don't anticipate it stopping anytime soon.

  11. Natasha, I fail at that a lot too! I have to remind myself all the time, and I still fail constantly. I'm always so thankful for God's mercies that are new every morning.

  12. Holly, that will be so hard for you, but it's sweet that you're sacrificing that if it's something your hubby feels strongly about. At least there will be all the movies!

  13. Pamela, it is so pretty! I am with you on all of that!

  14. Tanya, I know this about you already! A lot of that comes through in your writing.

  15. Thank you, Jennifer! I'm glad to host it each month, I love it too!

  16. Sarah Anne, you should read that blog post! I'll link it again tomorrow for Friday Favorites.

  17. i love to people-watch, too, Jennifer. thanks for the reminder to model Jesus' love with those who're keeping an eye on us, too ...

  18. Linda, thanks for that encouragement!

  19. I tend to be an optimist as well, and my "favorite" of anything is usually whatever was most recent in that category! So of course right now, fall is my favorite season ;-) I agree about being the same person all the time, because if we're Christ-followers, our lives should always glorify him no matter where we are. Yes it can be hard to be consistent, but it's important.


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Share 4 Somethings

  Happy Saturday, friends! I'm so glad you're here to join in with us for this month's Share 4 Somethings, where we'll talk ...