Monday, September 25, 2023

weekending things


Happy Monday, friends! How was your weekend? Mine was good, and I hope yours was too! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. 

Did you know that I shared a bonus post over the weekend? I did. Here's a link to my annual "come on in" fall home tour. I'd love for you to check it out! Here's a little hint...

I had a great weekend. Todd and I went out on a date night Friday night, and we ate at the cutest little space where our favorite food truck sits at a new location in Memphis. This is Tacos-n-Ganas.

I didn't get a picture of the string lights they have hanging over the walkway, but not only is it adorable, the food is amazing! My favorite street tacos consist of a marinated steak that is thinly sliced. I pour the spicy sauce over them, and squeeze the juice from two limes over it as well. We take our own water, and Todd bought some beef consommé for us to share. I can only eat two of these, but just writing this sentence makes my mouth water. 

After dinner we went to Costco for mums and pumpkins!

I love how big the mums are. Here's to hoping I can keep them alive! 

I watched a couple of episodes of Gilmore Girls while Todd was riding his motorcycle after that, then I went to bed. I met up with my mom and sister on Saturday morning for errands and lunch. I needed to replace a couple of my travel size toiletries, then I wanted to look for some shoes. I found these from DSW.

I love these! I tried on a couple of different pairs, but these Dr. Sholl's brand were by far the most comfortable. I had a dress on when I tried these on, and they were really cute with it. I still want some new neutral flats to wear as well, but these will be good enough for now. 

When I came home after running around with them, I stayed put for the rest of the day. We watched football, I read, and made us dinner. It was a nice and quiet evening. 

I had church on Sunday morning, and got there by 7:40...and was walking back out by 12:15. It was a great morning of worship. I got to see all our boys that morning, and Drew came to sit in the bookstore with me for a while after church before he left for lunch. I was home for the rest of the day and read my book. Todd brought dinner home for us again, and we relaxed together for the rest of the night. 

It was a great weekend, and I am ready for this week! Because I'm traveling this week, I know from history that this week will fly by. I'm excited for it, though. How was your weekend? Tell me something good from yours! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!


  1. Cute shoes! My old, tired eyes, read something incorrectly the first time that I read this. Regarding your meal Friday night, I thought I read that your husband brought beef consumme with him instead of bought it. I was thinking, well, it seems a little strange to bring beef consumme when you go somewhere but maybe it´s a southern thing, lol. I looked closer at the photo and only then did I realize that he BOUGHT it and not BROUGHT it!! I´m glad you had a good weekend. Safe travels this week :).

  2. Sounds like such a nice weekend. Lots of reading, which is a nice treat :)

  3. Maria, that made me laugh! I could have misspelled it, who knows? I'll have to check after this. We Southerners do some weird things, but that's not usually one of them. 🤣

  4. Debbie, yes! I love weekends like that!

  5. It does sound like a great weekend...and those shoes are the cutest! I might need to run (no pun intended) to DSW today or tomorrow!! I meant to say that I looked at your fall home tour and it was lovely! Your home is always so lovely. Sorry I didn't comment over there - but you get the idea!! Always love stopping by your blog and catching up with what is going on in your world!!:) Happy Monday to you my friend!

  6. Those shoes are so cute! It sounds like you had a wonderful date night too. We celebrated Evan's 16th birthday with the whole family this weekend and that was a lot of fun.

  7. Busy weekend! I love the shoes, they look super comfortable and great to wear with a dress or jeans.

  8. Cute shoes! We buy most of our shoes from DSW. We are going to Tacos n Ganas tonight!

  9. Thank you, Jennifer! I totally understand. I feel the same way about reading all the blogs I love! It's always so great to catch up on life with each other!

  10. Thanks, Joanne! That sounds like so much fun!

  11. Thanks, Marilyn! I hope you love it as much as I do! I love their barbacoa steak street taco. It's TO DIE FOR!

  12. What a perfect date... makes me think of Virgin River with the food/bakery truck they have on the show. Do you watch that? We are watching the newest season now (in between hunting season, lol)!

  13. Bri, YES! I love that show so much. It does kind of have that same vibe, right? I flew through the newest season of it and am anticipating the holiday episodes.


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