Thursday, September 21, 2023

quintessential fall music and techy things


Happy Thursday, friends! This is my throwback picture from the year Todd and I went to New York in the fall. It was as dreamy as it sounds! I thought I'd share my favorite music and techy things for this season. I hope you enjoy this post and are inspired to do this in your own home!

I'll start with music. You know I always have it playing in the background, and have ever since my boys were little. Two of the best things we've ever bought are the Google Nests that I listen to it on that I have throughout the house, and a family subscription to Spotify. I can tell Google to play my music on home, and it'll play all over the house, both up and downstairs. I have a speaker in the kitchen, our living room, and in our bathroom. I can tell it to play downstairs, and the one upstairs will stay off. I love these things! Music is a great way to make your home warm and inviting, and I have so many playlists there that I've lost count. Do you have a movie you love? Look for the soundtrack! I assure you there's one somewhere. Do you have a time of day you want to play it quietly in the background? Type in "quiet morning" and see what pops up. I have different music I listen to at different times of day; in the mornings I like it quiet and soft. In the daytime, I love jazz music like these two playlists below.

My dad loves these as well, so I play them when he's here on Fridays. You can type in "fall coffee shop" and find some great music as well. In the car, I like to listen to upbeat music, so I'll listen to my favorite 80's playlist that I listened to all summer, or I'll make my own combination playlist for a season. I did that over the summer and listened to it all season! If you're interested, you can follow me on Spotify by clicking here. I keep my account public so that you can have access to my favorite music.

Another thing I love to do for the different seasons is to change up my phone case, Pop Socket, and background on my screensaver. I buy inexpensive cases for my phone, like this one that I bought on Amazon. I like to buy Pop Sockets there sometimes as well, but usually they have good ones at Target if you're wanting to browse in person. Pop Sockets help me to hang onto my phone better, and I've used them for years! My boys turned me onto them a few years ago, and I've never turned back. As for screensavers, I like to type in "fall screensaver" to Pinterest, and I'll find an image I like. I take a screenshot of it, then I crop it to get rid of the edges, then I "use as" my screensaver and wallpaper. I love this one I found on Tuesday.

The last thing I do that Tanya introduced me to is to use YouTube on your tv as a screensaver. It's easiest to subscribe to channels on your phone's YouTube app. Most phones come from the factory with this app, so you shouldn't even have to add it. You can type in "fall screensaver" into the search bar and see what pops up, but a few of my favorites are:

Calmed by Nature

Coffee Shop Ambience

Candy Music Room

The Alley of Ambience

I love to choose the ones that are hours long, because it's so nice to have as the background on my tv. Mine sits above our mantel, so it's almost like having one of the art frame tvs, but without paying the hefty price. 

See how cozy it looks? I love it so much, and you can even find ones with jazz music playing in the background. That's nice too, but I like my own music more. Speaking of all things fall, you should come back for my bonus post on Saturday! In honor of the fall solstice being that day, I am going to share my annual "Come on In" home tour for my favorite season. I hope you'll come back to read it then! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 🖤


  1. I have no doubt that you have created a cozy fall home! I am thinking about decorating both of my patios today - Day of the Dead theme - sugar skulls because I have all the decor and then I will buy mums now that it has cooled off enough, I think.
    I don't play music in the house as much as I should. Once I discovered podcasts, I stopped listening to as much music, but I do play music a lot in my classroom! I also used those screensavers in my classroom on my big panel tv!

  2. Thanks, Amy! I love to change up the decor for the seasons. Your ideas for your porches sounds fun! I can't wait to see how it turns out. That's so good that you use music and a pretty background in your classroom! I'm sure your students love that.

  3. We do so many of the same things :) Thank you for sharing the tip about YouTube on the tv- definitely trying that out this weekend!

  4. I would love to follow you on Spotify, but I couldn't find you! The link kept linking to my own account and when I typed in your name, I couldn't find your profile. If you find me, let me know :)

  5. I know we do, Holly! You will love seeing that on your tv, it's so cozy!

  6. Debbie, I'll try to find you instead! Or I'll send you an IG message.

  7. Oh I just looked up the cozy jazz playlist! I listen to podcasts usually if I am home alone, and music if someone else is home and the tv isn't on! I love the fall screensaver on your tv. I have done that with Christmas in the past, but need to check out the fall views.
    Have a great evening!

  8. Marilyn, I'm glad you checked them out! You'll have to share with us which one you choose for your tv. I love seeing a glimpse of people's homes all dressed up for the seasons!


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