Friday, September 8, 2023

Friday Favorites, 9.8.23.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. I hope you've had a great week! I'll jump right in with some favorites from mine. 

Fridays with Dad are always a favorite! We ran all the errands last week before I took him home at 3:30. We had chicken pita sandwiches for lunch, and tortilla chips with salsa. 

I watched some of my favorite movies last weekend, starting with this one.

Speaking of movies, I'm sharing this image above again. It's a great list of movies!

Getting a pedicure is always a favorite, and I love the color I picked this time. It's OPI's Suzi and the Arctic Fox.

Seeing Noah's car out front is a favorite! The newness hasn't rubbed off yet. 

Dinner here with Todd last week was my favorite. Who knew we'd love dim sum as much as we did? Do you like to try new types of food? It's becoming one of our favorite date night activities.

We didn't do much on Labor day, except this. I wore a t-shirt I recently found again. I'd forgotten someone gave it to me, but I foresee it being a new favorite. It's the lyrics to the song Who You Say I Am, and it says, "Chosen, not forsaken, I am who You say I am."

It's always a favorite getting to rearrange things at my job. I worked on the Bible wall this week, then turned around and sold one of them, plus a cover. I'm still working on the bookshelves that are so full that they're overwhelming me. I think the solution is that I need another small shelf with a front and back. 

Bible study is my favorite! It was my turn to lead again this week, and this was me waiting on everyone on Wednesday. 

I took dinner to some friends whose wife is recovering from surgery, and instead of cooking, I picked up our favorite Mexican restaurant. I *might* have gotten myself a bowl of my favorite tortilla soup. Isn't this place cute? It's La Perla Tapatia. 

If you read my later-in-the-day blog post yesterday, you'll know that even though yesterday was not my favorite day, I was thankful for the kind way that people reacted when I did something that caused a lot of chaos for a bit. 

Did you read my other blog posts this week? 

Monday was all about what I've (Amazon) Primed lately.

Tuesday was a weekending recap.

Wednesday was this month's Currently link party.

Thursday was Thankful Thursday.

It was a good week! How was yours? Tell me something good from your short week, I'd love to hear about whatever it was that brought about some joy! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Cute Mexican place! I almost texted you about your blog post yesterday - will go read it now and I hope everything is ok!

  2. I love how you are in fall mode- how is the weather there? Can you believe up here in New England we have had record breaking heat? Just crazy...drinking my pumpkin spice coffee as I am typing this in our cool AC and pretending it's really fall- ha!

  3. Amy, thanks for thinking of me! I completely forgot to write the Thursday post early, so by the time I was home that night, I was too tired to write it. I walk myself to death on Wednesdays!🤣Everything is good, though, I was just out later than I thought I'd be.

  4. Holly, that's crazy! It's been hot again here too, but it's changing next week. I'm just over here pretending it cool outside as well! 🤣

  5. Super cute toenails! And that Mexican place looks like a great spot for "good food with friends"! Hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead!!

  6. That is the cutest looking restaurant! I love your nail color; that is perfect for dreaming of fall.

  7. Loved hearing about your week! My highlight this week was...getting highlights. :) Enjoy your weekend.

  8. I read the post about the key getting locked in a drawer. I get really frazzled in situations like that! But they should always have extra keys in the office, for such possibilities. So, grace to you :) I'm glad you are still able to visit with your dad on Fridays :)

  9. I love the nail color and the car. I hope your day is wonderful. Regine

  10. Thanks, Jennifer! You are right! La Perla is a perfect spot for meeting up with friends. 🖤

  11. Thank you, Debbie! Yes, grace to me! I have gotten better at letting things go. I get irritated with myself for a bit, but by the next day, it's always better.


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