Friday, September 22, 2023

Friday Favorites, 9.22.23.

Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. I hope you've had a great week! I will jump right in, beginning with the fact that tomorrow is the start of the most wonderful time of year.

I feel so basic, but I have always been like this, even before social media and blogs ever existed. You can ask my husband, he'll testify to my crazy on my behalf. Hello! My name is Jennifer and I am my mom's daughter. 🤣 

My favorite part of the week so far was coming home last night to sit down and put my feet up. My brain felt tired and I started to read, but instead decided to sit and watch an old favorite fall movie on Hallmark. It's one I recorded last year, Autumn in the City. I was gone all day yesterday, so it felt so good to be home and comfy. As I am always reminded, home is my favorite place to be! I had fun at work yesterday, though, and pulled out some of the fall decor that was stored in our closet. I wish I'd taken pictures, but I was so busy doing that, that I forgot. 

Actually, I failed to take pictures of anything this week. I'll try to remember to take more next week! I still had some moments that I loved throughout the week.

One such time came about when Drew called me on Wednesday. I was at work and doing a few things at once, and he called me as I was letting our Pastor into the bookstore for coffee. He told me to stop and answer the phone right then, so I did that, because he usually doesn't call me on a random morning. Turns out everything was fine, he just ended up having that day off, so he wanted to come to town to eat lunch with me. Time spent one on one with any of my people is always a favorite thing of mine. 

Because I'm low on content this week, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite accounts to follow on Instagram. 

I love this account, Travel Tips by Laurie. I also love her YouTube videos and could watch them all day. Why do I love to see how people pack?!

I am not 50 yet, but I love watching Kim apply her makeup and share tips for makeup for women who are older than me. Her account's name is kimlightupyourface. She uses the Seint makeup that I know a few of you use. Also, I probably didn't spell that right. 

I love, love, love Natalie Grant. She's a Christian singer who is way more talented than so many of the mainstream artists who I hear on the radio. I love about her that she could be super famous if she went mainstream, but that she chooses to honor God with her talent and only sings Christian music. She is gaining popularity in the secular world, though, because a few of her songs have crossed over into that lane, and also because she is known for singing the national anthem. She sang it at the beginning of the presidential debate that took place a few weeks ago, and she's often invited to sing by NFL teams. She is such a fun follow on Instagram!

My last one is this cleaning/cooking/organizing account, Catherine Benson. I ask again, why do I love watching people restock pantries/refrigerators and organizing or cleaning? I could watch these videos all day long. I love to be inspired, and I do feel like they're very motivational in that department. 

Do you have any favorites that you love to follow on Instagram? I'd love to hear yours.

Did you read my other blog posts this week? I'll link them below.

Tuesday I talked about a few good words to live by.
Wednesday I shared about my dreams for the upcoming season.
Thursday I shared about quintessential fall music and some techy things thrown in for good measure.
And come back tomorrow for my bonus post!

For all of you planners and blog post schedulers, Saturday September 30 is next weekend! It'll be time for the September edition of Share 4 Somethings, where we talk about things we've loved, learned, read, and ate and/or enjoyed throughout the month. I hope you'll make plans to join us! 

Tell me something good about your week, I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 



  1. I'm glad you had a good week! What a nice phone call and lunch with your boy! I love getting Instagram recs bc it's so overwhelming to find good accounts to follow on my own. Thanks!

  2. Yay for one on one time! It sounds like you had a lovely and productive week. I struggle with Instagram-- because when I see recipes or photos (like on that travel account you recommended) I have no clue how to actually get to the recipe or see the tips beyond the opening photo and I am much too impatient to take the time and figure it out. LOL.

  3. Since our French Bulldog is the center of our lives here, I follow many Frenchy accounts on Instagram- they bring me such joy and it is good to see that the crazy behavior is not just at our house- ha! Have a wonderful weekend Jennifer XO

  4. Amy, it was definitely a highlight of my week. I love getting to see him! I feel the same way about Instagram- there are so many that it's overwhelming. I wasn't trying that hard when I came up with these. I know I can give lots more recs!

  5. Joanne, I feel the same way sometimes. I don't like the "like to know it" app, or whatever it's called. Too many steps turns me off. Give me one link to a recipe on Pinterest, or to an Amazon find, and that's enough for me.

  6. Holly, I left off the dog accounts that I love! Another one of my favorites is Sunday the Golden Retriever. She's such a precious pup!

  7. So glad you took that call and had a lunch date. I follow a lot of life/relationship accounts on Instagram along with DIY home projects. I tend to watch those a lot! One account you may like is ussielarsonauthor. She give a morning and evening prayer each day and it is encouraging. Happy Friday and so glad we are turning the corner to our favorite season!

  8. You don't need photos to have a great blog post full of wonderful recommendations! Have a great weekend!

  9. Marilyn, I love those accounts too! I am excited for cooler weather again this week. I hope it lasts!


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