Friday, September 15, 2023

Friday Favorites, 9.15.23.

Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. I hope you've had a great week! I'll jump right in with some favorites from mine. 

These paper bags from Aldi's are my favorite! I hate plastic bags. 

This Hallmark movie from last weekend was my favorite. Fourth Down and Love, or something like that? 

Chip is Chloe's favorite.

Wednesday was my favorite this week! I was working my job, and I acted as a ministry assistant for my friend Amy, since hers was out of town. This was me getting things set up for Bible study this week and I was on my way upstairs in the elevator and sweating.

Our town balloon festival is my favorite! It's this weekend and I'm looking forward to seeing all of these. 

He's my favorite! He went on a long country ride this week and sent me this.

It was not my favorite yesterday when I broke a huge glass pitcher at work.  Glass was in my hair, in my shoes, and I swept and vacuumed for a solid half hour cleaning up all the fragments.

Last night was my favorite! I wore my fancy lipstick and went to a fundraising event for an amazing ministry in our city, One By One Ministries. This ministry partners mentors with pregnant moms to walk alongside with throughout their pregnancy and first year of their child's life. I have been through the training and volunteered to be paired with a mom last night! I'm so excited I can hardly see straight. 

I was a table host for my friend last night, and it was a fun night. My best friend went with me. She's my favorite! 

Did you happen to read my other blog posts this week?

Monday was a weekending recap.

Tuesday was when I shared some September things that I am loving

On Wednesday I shared some random things and updates

On Thursday I shared another throwback post. 

How was your week? Tell me something good about it, I'd love to hear! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. You look beautiful! Love the lipstick and the black top on you :) I LOVED Fourth Down and Love too!

  2. I love that mentoring program!
    I also broke some glass this week. I'm sorry you had that happen at work!
    I hope you have fun at the balloon glow/race this weekend! I am having FOMO because we have a big festival called Bourbon and Beyond and we have perfect weather. I didn't get tickets for any of the days because of the timing of Mason leaving. Bruno Mars is singing Sunday night! I might try to look for a ticket for after his plane leaves.

  3. Thanks, Holly! It was such a great movie! I love those two actors.

  4. Amy, I love it too. It's such an amazing ministry! Thanks for that! I hope you enjoy your weekend and that maybe you can find some of those last minute tickets. That does sound like fun!

  5. I'm just catching up on blog posts this week! What a great event that was last night. I have that Hallmark movie on my list to watch and hopefully get caught up on those this weeekend. Enjoy the balloon festival!

  6. You've had a busy week! Breaking glass is the worst! You never feel like it's really cleaned up. It goes everywhere.

    And I love that lipstick :) You look beautiful!

  7. The pups snuggling pic is so cute. Looks like a great week!

  8. Marilyn, were you at the One By One banquet?? I hope you got to catch up on some movies this weekend!

  9. Debbie, I did have a busy week...busier than my normal, that is for sure. I am thankful for it, and for my job that I love, but I was so glad it was Friday! Thank you for that, my friend!

  10. Thanks, Jen! I never get tired of those types of pictures. I hope you enjoyed your weekend!


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