Wednesday, September 20, 2023

dreaming of the autumn solstice


Happy Wednesday, friends! The upcoming autumn solstice has me dreaming of all things pertaining to my favorite time of year. I thought I'd share a couple of things I'm thinking of that I'd love to do in the next month or two. 

We used to go camping every year, twice a year. Most times I think I don't miss it, but right now, I seem to be dreaming of going again. It is so much fun to get away from the hustle and bustle of town life and responsibilities, and I would love to do this with just the two of us. With views like these, how can I help but dream of such times?

This particular time was when we went camping with a group of friends in Arkansas. The campsite was Petit Jean State Park. What I wouldn't give to be sitting in one of these chairs right now with a blanket, a cup of coffee, and a good book. We were actually talking about going with our friends in November, and we still may do that, if they don't mind us butting into their anniversary weekend. It's probably going to be the best of both worlds as we use a tent next to their camper...or maybe we'll go deeper into the woods for a little more peace and quiet. I actually have no idea if this will really happen, but it's fun to dream of, right? 

I'm also excited to kick off the season with a trip to the Rockies. There is no place as pretty as Colorado in the fall! This will be the third time I've spent a slice of time there during my favorite season. I can't wait to share more about that trip when the time comes. My sister and I leave in less than two weeks! 

What are you dreaming of with the upcoming change in season? I'd love to hear! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!


  1. It is so nice to get away for a few days- in nature, in a beautiful setting, with someone you love dearly makes it that much more dreamy. Throw in a few red leaves, crisp Autumn air, and mountain vistas that you don´t get to see everyday- perfection! I can see how you are looking forward to your trip!

  2. We used to go about twice a year, too! I have been sitting outside in the mornings like I am right now and it reminds me of camping but without the uncomfortable sleeping! Ha! I do think it would be nice for Tom and I to get away and pitch a tent. My favorite part of camping is sitting in a chair around a campfire.

  3. Maria, right?! You're proving my point even more!

  4. Amy, I didn't realize you were a camping family as well! I really do want to go with just us two; I think it would be a lot simpler than it was the six of us. That's my favorite part as well! We actually used to sleep really, really well. We always took foam sheets as our mats and we all slept like the dead, once we got comfy and warm. I don't know how I'd do on an air mattress, though...

  5. I don't blame you missing camping with that view- how festive! I am looking forward to seeing pumpkins everywhere and a slight chill in the air in the mornings to enjoy my pumpkin spice coffee with :)

  6. We're not really a camping family, but we used to rent a cabin in Cosby, TN. and would go there and sit on the porch, morning and evening, and drink coffee, play cards and let the kids play, all while looking at the Smoky Mountains. We would then drive to Cades Cove, Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge and just find all the fun things to do. We rode the train in the Carolinas, and just had the best vacations. Those are the things I dream about doing again.

  7. No camping for me, but a nice cabin would be okay. lol Hope you get to do what you are dreaming of!

  8. Colorado is going to be great and so glad you will get that time away! I went to Petite Jean once, but it has been about 15 years. I'm sure it is beautiful in the fall as well.


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