Wednesday, August 30, 2023

What's Up Wednesday ---> working at Cornerstone Bookstore & Café and what else I've been up to lately


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm joining in with Sheaffer and Shay for today's post that is about my new job, some details about everything that goes with that, and what I've been wearing and been up to lately. A couple of you asked me to do this, so if that was you, thank you for the request, and here you go. I hope you get to read this while you drink your morning coffee; that's my favorite way to read blog posts!

Did you know I have a new job? For the third time in one year's time, I am saying that. In case you're new, I started working for an attorney's office on our town square last August, and worked there until December, when I was hired by our town's school district as an educational assistant in the reading intervention room at one of our local elementary schools. The job was temporary, and I worked there from the end of January until May, when school let out for summer. 

I spent a glorious summer doing nothing but reading, catching up on cleaning and laundry, seeing friends, dating my man, traveling to the beach, and lounging by a pool. I wasn't bored at all, but I knew I would miss working, and I started wondering if I should look for another part-time job. (The job at the attorney's office was VERY part-time, and then I started working full time at the school. This job is part-time, thank the Lord!) I was offered a full-time job at church, but I turned it down for lots of reasons, mainly because of aging family members. When I asked them to keep me in mind for a part-time position, this job became available and they offered it to me. I have to laugh, because I just think it's funny how the Lord works. It's been a dream of mine forever to own a bookstore, and you can't get any better than what I'm doing now, which is just running one and not having to deal with the major responsibilities that ownership would bring.

Basically, I'm living my dream and having the time of my life. I worked yesterday and started repositioning things in a way that made sense to me. Here are a couple of pictures I shared last week...

And after working yesterday, I took these to share what I'd accomplished.

I open the bookstore on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, for a few hours each morning. I'm also open during church hours, which means Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. It's so perfect! We sell Bibles, books, Bible studies, journals, and small gift items. Additionally, we sell drinks and snacks for people coming in during church hours. I will also have to open the bookstore anytime there's a funeral at our church, but it would only entail me being there for about an hour. I make coffee all day long while I'm there, and I have discovered that my church family cannot live without it to drink. 🤣 That being said, I've learned a few things.

I've learned that I get really hot while working. I am always on the move, restocking, straightening, ordering, cleaning, and organizing. I worked yesterday and walked myself to death. I've learned that dresses are better for me to wear, because of how hot it can get in there, which is why I've ordered several new ones. I have learned that I have missed people! I've been in choir for so long that I'd forgotten what it's like to see people who aren't in choir. I love choir, don't get me wrong! But I've missed other people. I've learned that there are lots of ministry opportunities working in a church. Just yesterday we had someone looking to shop in our clothes closet, and I got to meet and talk with a new friend, her mom, and her cousin. They spoke very little English, but it was wonderful to be able to have that opportunity. 

Even though it doesn't matter how I dress, as long as it's business casual and appropriate, I wanted to have some new things since I'll be working at my church. Because of these things mentioned, I thought I'd share some of what I've been wearing lately.

First up are these two dresses I bought two weeks ago from my favorite boutique, The Paisley Rooster. (Todd calls it The Paisley Chicken. 🤣)

Two dresses in the same style, but with different prints. These may look familiar to you...

Because they're the same style of dress. I am definitely the kind of gal who likes to stick with a good thing, in case you didn't already know that. I know that most of you do understand that about me, particularly because I don't love shopping for clothes.

Next up is this dress I ordered from Shein. 

I love this dress and am blown away by how great it feels and looks, especially considering the very inexpensive price! I ordered similar dresses in dark green, and one in a black and white gingham print. I figured to make them more appropriate for cooler weather, I'll throw on a cardigan, like the black on above, or a jean jacket. 

I bought these jeans a few weeks ago, and I love how they fit. They flare at the bottom, and I love the cropped length because I'm short. 

I bought this top at the boutique I mentioned above on the same day I bought the two dresses. I bought a second top, one that will be perfect for fall, and in that beautiful mocha color that I love. I also bought a dress in a shade of that color from Shein, but I don't have pictures yet. And here are a few more things I've been wearing recently. 

As far as what else I've been up to, I've been reading, decorating for fall, dreaming about that and things for the bookstore, and I've been hanging with friends. I hope you come back to read this week! I'll be sharing about the books I read this month either tomorrow or Friday. 

What have you been up to lately? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. This is exactly why I get hot when I teach. I am standing all day - moving around the room, gesturing wildly, etc.! Ha!
    So your Shein fabric isn't tragic? The tops I got have a very, very thin and weird fabric. I do like the one blouse that I have worn twice, but it feels cool on, but then makes you sweat. Ha! I love the black and white print dress you got from them and it reminds me of the Old Navy one I have in pink and orange that also comes in black and white. It's very thick and can make you hot, but the thick fabric seems very nice to me - better quality than Old Navy of past. I am very picky about fabric!
    Love all your purchases and love what you have done with the bookstore.

  2. Amy, I get it now! 🤣 I don't gesture wildly, but there's a bit of physical labor with this job. There were two dresses that the fabric is different on, but I don't think it's scratchy or will make me hot. I was really pleased with all of what I got! That print is similar to your ON dress now that you said that...but the sleeves on mine are more of a cap sleeve, and the fabric is thing and kind of satiny. Thanks for the love about my purchases of late!

  3. I wear dresses a lot too! You have found some cute ones. I'm so happy to hear you have these new opportunities to meet people who are in the church. After I drop off my daughter at college, we can find another time to meet. Looking forward to it! Hope the morning goes well at bible study!

  4. Congrats on the new job and that it's such a perfect fit! I would also love to manage a bookstore/coffee shop!

  5. I love all the dresses and they all look so good on you. I'm the same way. When I find something I like, I usually try to buy them in different colors and prints. Hope you have a great day.

  6. Congratulations, again, on your new job! It does sound perfect and so glad you are enjoying yourself so much! And looking awful cute in those new dresses! I really like that one from Shein (I never know what size to order from them!?)

  7. Thanks, Marilyn! Yes, that sounds good. We can text and plan a date!

  8. Thank you, Kym! I feel so grateful that the Lord worked this job out for me. It's perfect for my availability, what with needing Fridays off each week.

  9. Thank you, Cathy! That's funny that you do the same thing. I hope your week has been good so far!

  10. Thank you so much, Jennifer! I really do love it there and have met so many new friends already. Just today I was able to chat with ladies attending another Bible study there. It was so much fun to do that and to be paid for it, while selling them things.

    From my experience, most of the dresses do not stretch, so they tell you to size accordingly for that. One time I ordered too big, and had to return them all. I've discovered that using their sizing chart helps, and also knowing what the fabric is. They have excellent descriptions of each product. I hope that helps!

  11. What a wonderful new job and all your new clothes are so cute!

  12. I loved reading about your job and the bookstore. It's so cute! I prefer dresses too...dress/cardigans are my go to once I head back to school.

  13. Thanks, Jen! They really do just make so much more sense to me right now. I have so many from the summer and all of my shopping lately! I bought them all knowing I could change them up with a denim jacket or cardigan.


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