Wednesday, August 16, 2023

What's for dinner?


Happy Wednesday, friends! I thought I'd share some more meal and snack inspiration, and then I want you to answer my question at the end.

I'm still enjoying this protein drink with coffee every morning. I fill this jar up with ice, pour in my Orgain protein drink, add a splash of oat milk creamer, then fill it up the rest of the way with black coffee that's been sitting out and is at room temperature. I love to sip on it all morning, and it fills me up!

I signed up with EatingWell about a year ago, and love getting their daily emails. Their emails contain so much useful information, along with tips and tricks to help you live your healthiest life. I'm inspired by their recipes for meals and snacks, and I read what they say about exercise as well, and how important it is to just move all day long, every so often. Click the green link if you want to join their email list! That's where the idea for these mini pizzas below came from. I bought some whole wheat English muffins, or British biscuits as my dad once called them, and topped them with a spoonful of jarred marinara sauce, Italian seasoning, garlic powder, a sprinkle of mozzarella and cheddar shredded cheeses, and some olives with pimentos. I cook them for about 6 minutes in my air fryer. They are to die for!

You know how I feel about this tomato pie! I modified it to make it healthier and replaced the mayonnaise with one cup of sour cream (for two pies and to cover the tomatoes), 2 eggs, and a splash of milk. Because those replacements made it have more liquid, I extended the cooking time until it was hot and bubbly, and when my inserted knife came out clean.

Dad and I enjoyed this for lunch Friday! It was his first time to have it, and he loved it as much as I did.

These spinach cups are amazing!

I never have cottage cheese, so I just use extra parmesan and an extra egg. I also bake these until they're hot and bubbly, or when an inserted knife comes out clean. Also, because I didn't use enough the first time, you need to very liberally oil each muffin cup if you don't use papers to cover each one. (I just ordered these parchment cup liners after writing that last sentence. They are a great price!)

Another thing I eat regularly is chicken or tuna salad, made with either a tiny bit of mayo, or using the mayo that's made with olive oil. I add in lots of celery, pickles, a bit of mustard and a drizzle of pickle juice, and if I have eggs that have already been cooked, I add a couple of them that I've diced into the tuna. I don't eat this with anything; I just eat it in a bowl with a fork. I am still eating either no or low gluten, as much as possible. Sometimes I will put a tablespoon of Nutella on one slice of whole wheat bread to satisfy my sweet tooth, and if I don't have that, I'll do the same thing with peanut or almond butter. 

Frozen sliced bananas drizzled with one tablespoon of chocolate syrup also satisfies a sweet craving, and it tastes like ice cream. I ate this Sunday night as I read.

Often times I crave something salty and crunchy, much more so than something sweet. Here's what I eat to satisfy those cravings.

These are all what I picked up at Whole Foods about a week ago, but they're listed in order of how much I like them, starting with the vegan almond and seed crackers. They're delicious! They're all good, but those and the pistachios are a favorite snack. I have also been known to eat a small Slim Jim for a quick shot of protein, or some tortilla chips with salsa or hummus, or a whole avocado. Those are my quick snacks. 

If I'm craving something sweet, aside from what I already mentioned above, I'll also grab a bite of one of these.

I really love the Think bars and have one in my purse for later today as I write this. Sometimes I crave actual candy, and when I saw these gummies at Whole Foods last week, I grabbed a couple of bags for me and whoever else was interested. I'm the only one eating them, though. I only eat a small amount, maybe ten of them at most. 

Additionally, for dinner this week, I'm having chicken parmesan (made with air fried chicken nuggets) tonight because I have to eat early. I have a singing event with the choir, and I'm excited about it, even more so because my best friend is going with me. We're meeting at church at 4:45, so I'll be eating around four today, which is why I have snacks in my purse for later. The rest of them will eat either taquitos or chicken nuggets, made in the air fryer. Tomorrow night will be something quick again, probably leftovers or tuna salad or mini pizzas, and on Thursday night Todd, Graham, his girl friend (not girlfriend, but friend that's a girl) Sam, and I have a company event and will eat dinner at that. For Jonah (who did not want to attend this event) and Noah, I'll make beer cheddar Joe's, since that's a favorite of theirs. I made that the last time I wrote this kind of post, but I ruined it by mixing ground turkey in with the ground beef. BLEH. I took one bite and forbade them eat any of it, then turned around and put it in the garbage disposal. 

I was talking to my best friend last night and sharing what I've been doing to drop some weight. I hesitate sharing that with people, because different things work for different people. I discovered quickly that I cannot eat like my husband; once I figured that out and started eating more "real" food again, the pounds started and have continued to fall off. I know that most women need a lot of protein, more than you'd think and that I thought. I also know that I have to be realistic sometimes, and if I need chocolate, I have to eat something with Nutella on it to satisfy that craving. (Think bars don't always cut it, for me.) 

I don't stray from my way of eating often; but when I do, I feel zero guilt, because I'm just trying to have a new mindset and lifestyle with the food choices I make. The key is to research, and find what works for you. I used to know that WW worked for me, but all of a sudden, it no longer did. When I figured all of this out, I've discovered tricks that have been successful. You have to research, and then you have to just put it into practice. I told someone that a few months ago; someone I know is to the point of having major health issues, and most of them will be cured when she starts making changes regarding the food she eats. 

I do believe that we are what we eat; if we eat healthy foods, we're healthier. If we eat junk, then we feel like what we eat. It makes perfect sense, right? By the way, I have never told you about my friend Chris  who cured himself of cancer, all by changing his diet. If you want to check his website out, click here. Chris is pictured there with his wife Micah, whom I graduated with. He is my age as well, but he went to a different school when we graduated, though we started out at the same place. You should read his story! Pharmaceutical companies hate him, because of the attention he's drawn about how our food and the American diet is harming us. Like I said, you should check out his story.

So, now that you know what we're eating this week, what's for dinner tonight at your house? Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 💚


  1. I am super into this post! I have started a post for next week about me getting back on track with my eating. I love the Chris Beats Cancer and subscribed. I totally believe that many of our mental illness stems from a poor diet. I want to eat mostly natural foods - not processed products, but I do have to rely on some. I go back and forth between the protein and the lots of vegetables theories. Also, I am trying to do WW in a more natural? way - not just looking at the points but also the real foods. I also know I need to cut alcohol. I was banking on being back in a school routine so that has derailed me a bit, but I did ok last summer so it is also a cop out on my part.
    I have the stuff for the spinach cups and I am going to do cottage cheese bc I have fat free on hand for my breakfast bake. It makes egg dishes really creamy.
    Love this and you are doing great - it's about feeling good in your skin and being able to live your best life!

  2. Thanks, Amy! I've had some people ask me in person what I've been doing, and while they don't comment, I know that most of them read my blog, so I thought it was a good place and time to share. I definitely don't have it all figured out, but I have discovered what works the best for me. I do have to do some of the processed foods, like protein drinks and bars for when I need something on-the-go, but I really have been trying to eat more of the whole foods.

    I know you'll get back on track soon, because being back in school will help you. I didn't mention alcohol here, but I really don't partake very often. I'm also full in the throes of menopause and hot flashes right now, and I can't drink because it makes them so much worse. Todd experienced this one night last week when I tried having a margarita with our taco bowls that I made last Thursday- I had to give it to him after three sips. That's just a personal thing for me right now because of the M word, but I do also know that alcohol will help pack on the weight, just from what I've been reading on different health-related websites.

    I think it helps to be accountable to someone, so that's another reason I like sharing here. It's good to have friends who encourage!

  3. Such healthy and delicious choices- thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Holly- I am always glad to share things I have found that help me along in life. I always think that if I need help with things like this, others probably feel the same. I hope you have a great day!

  5. Thanks for sharing this post with all of us! You are doing great and have lots of healthy snack options. This is such a journey for most of us to find a balance of healthy eating and enjoying a splurge. This has been a struggle for me and my emotions don't help the cause any. As far as dinner tonight, it may be trying out a new pizza place because we need a fun night around our home!

  6. So much good information - and inspiration!! I literally just finished eating lunch (and I'm full) but so feel like I want to go make some tuna salad or those pizzas in the air fryer!! The snacks look good too! I'm not a big snacker but everything looks good:) Congrats on continuing to shed the pounds. That's awesome! Oh, and congratulations on your new job!! I read about that earlier this week - and see I have the post still open on my tabs. Meaning I never got my comment sent. Oy vey. So easily distracted!! But I am so super happy for you....what a perfect fit, answer to prayer and such a blessing!!

  7. So many great ideas! Frozen bananas and chocolate syrup are such a great dessert idea! Now that school is back in session, I'm hoping to be more disciplined about my food choices, exercise, getting steps in, etc. I seem to do better during the school year than I do in the summer. Thanks for sharing your food ideas!


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