Wednesday, August 23, 2023

things I've learned from people who inspire me


Happy Wednesday, friends! I was wracking my brain for a post idea yesterday when I came across this idea from a Pinterest writing prompt for the month of August. I thought I'd share a few things I've learned from people who have influenced my life. 

It's no secret here that I am a woman of prayer. I believe in the power of it, and I am all about sharing my needs with others so that they can help me pray. I depend on my family and friends for this, and I am so thankful for them! Something my friend Sheila taught me over a decade ago is to pray often, and at all times of day. Sheila and her husband are missionaries in Iceland that we met and fell in love with years ago when we went there on a mission trip. She would wake up in the morning, and the first words out of her mouth everyday were, "Good morning, Lord! Thank You for this beautiful day!" In the years since I first met her, that has never left my mind. I often do the same thing the minute my feet hit the floor each morning. I'm so grateful that I have had women like her who have made a huge impact in my life!

And also on the topic of prayer, another friend Denise taught me the importance of prayer, and the benefits of praying with friends. She encouraged me to find a prayer partner at a time in my life when I needed one, and I am thankful she influenced me to do just that. It's how my friend Abbey and I became such great friends. We met each week to pray together in a prayer room at our church. When the boys were little, I belonged to Moms in Prayer, and I met weekly with a group of women to pray over our local schools. We would pray, then we would write notes to encourage them, and finish them off with a little sweet treat. Those were the sweetest days! That group was borne out of tragedy that took place in a teacher's life, and is also when I met my friend Tarin, who would (years) later lose her third battle with cancer, going on to meet Jesus face to face, finally fully healed in His presence. 

All of these women taught me to pray, and I am forever changed because of them. I pray that I have that type of influence on people!

Another thing I've learned over the years is to go with the flow. I have had several women in my life who have shown me examples of this type of behavior. I want to be the type of woman who remains steadfast even when pressed from all different sides; haven't you heard the phrase that whatever is within will come out when times are hard? I want to faithful in every area in my life. I don't want to be impatient, unloving, and unkind. I want to be full of the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 

I am not a go-with-the-flow type of person, but the older I get, the more I am learning. My last job taught me that, and I'm grateful for not only the opportunities and new things I learned, but also the life lessons that came along with working in an environment conducive to lots of change at a moment's notice. I'll never be too old to learn!

One last thing I'll share was the important things I learned in a Bible study for young wives, when Todd and I first got married. We did have kids at this time I'm referring to, but they were young. I learned so much from the older ladies who mentored the younger ladies. There is something so beautiful about older women pouring into the lives of younger women, and I want to be that same kind of older woman someday. I hope I am now! Between them and my mom teaching me all the things having to do with making delicious meals, I am so thankful that I learned all that I did. One thing I always ask the Lord for is a teachable heart. Like I said, I want to continue to learn until the day He calls me home. 

What's something invaluable you've learned from someone inspirational in your life? I'd love to hear the story! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I've heard a lot of good prayer advice that I've taken to heart and try to incorporate in my own daily prayers. I have also looked at the actions and habits of those who I believe live exemplary lives and try to emulate the ones that I can. I am thankful for the example of others both in real life and online whom I believe God placed in my path for a reason. Enjoyed reading your post of those who were inspirational in your life. Have a great Wednesday!

  2. Now that I am in year 30, I appreciate and remember those teachers who were so kind to me as a 22 year old. I had one gentleman who was an English teacher who let me use his computer and grade program and I know he had other things to do. I didn't have a classroom or a computer my first years. I had to wheel around on a cart. I had a Math teacher who was so funny and great to vent with who I just re-connected with on Facebok. I hope I can be that mentor to the younger generation of teachers.
    I had youth group leaders at church who poured into me and I had a very special neighbor who I remain close to. I remember most how she made me feel. Giant hugs, laughter, bragging on me constantly to my mom who was very critical of me. She probably doesn't even know how much I needed that. Now I want to write to all these people!
    My biggest influence was my Dad. His words are in my head everyday.

  3. Maria, I love that! I feel the same as you, and have had so many Bible teachers and authors teach me things on prayer, and walking through life as a believer. I'm thankful for all of them, just like you!

  4. Amy, I love that you had those teachers who extended kindness to you as a younger teacher. What a lesson for us all, right? To take the time, make the connection, slow down and show someone kindness. I love that you just reconnected with the math teacher! And your neighbor sounds like she was sent by God to encourage and love you as a younger girl. I know you miss your dad! I'd love to hear more about him.

  5. I loved reading this and your words touched me. In work, I have been so fortunate to have some amazing bosses over the years- the ones that stand out in my mind were the ones who taught me how to focus on building strong relationships and focusing on that. Business will come later- focus on the relationships. That advice and practice helped me to come up with my own advice for younger recruiters in my field and that is "Do What You Know Is Right And The Rest Will Fall Into Place." I tell my girls the same thing but most often, I leave them with "Work Hard- Be Humble- Be Kind" :)

  6. I love that, Holly! That was great advice/encouragement you received from past employers. I also love what you tell your girls each day! I always said something similar to our sons when they went to public school- do your best, and above all, LOVE. Thanks for sharing that, friend!

  7. I've learned from a friend, who has truly had a lot of hard stuff in her life, that joy is a choice. No matter how hard life is, we get to choose whether to be bitter and hateful or to be joyous in the Lord. I choose joy!

  8. I love that, Cathy! And that is so true. I've had people teach and model that to me as well.

  9. Great post...thanks for sharing. When I consider those with spiritual walks and/or prayer lives that I would like to emulate, it seems most, if not all, of them use prayer journals. They keep a list of prayer request/needs...and then date when they receive an answer to that prayer. I have been encouraged to do this many times but I have to admit, I do not do it. I just cannot journal anything. It feels incredibly vulnerable - too much so. But, no doubt, I should give it a try!

  10. Jennifer, I do know a lot of people who do that! I wish I were more consistent in using one, but I'm not. I do use a journal, though, for everything and if I am praying for something I'll write it there to remember. You are not alone! I loved the movie The War Room, where she had her hallway of prayers.


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