Tuesday, August 22, 2023

things I'm looking forward to


Happy Tuesday, friends! I love having something to look forward to; do you? I thought I'd share a few of mine today. 

In honor of our surface-of-the-sun temps this week, I'm looking forward to fall and cooler weather. 

I never got around to buying a mum for the front porch last year, so I am going to get another big one like this when it gets a bit cooler outside. I love this style of them, the ones in baskets. I am probably going to be decorating for fall in our home next week. I just got inspired by old blog posts, which is why I share that. 

I always look forward to Bible study each week! I love leading a small group, and I love sharing with like-minded women what I've learned from Scripture. I also love hearing what they learned as they studied that week. 

I am looking forward to my job every time that I go to work! I'm so thankful for this wonderful job that I wasn't looking for. It's the second time this year I've said that here, but I really am loving working at my beloved church. 

I am looking forward to a trip that I'm working on! My sister Trish and I are going to see the Denver sisters this fall, and I'm beyond excited to get away. 

I'd love to go to Breckenridge for the day while we're there. It's been a few years since we've done that, and the scenery on the way there is some of the most beautiful I've seen. 

I'm looking forward to a quick weekend trip to the Nashville area to see a friend who moved there this summer. I'm going with my bestie! 

I really want to visit this bookstore again when we go. It's near(ish) where she lives now.

I'm looking forward to our anniversary! We celebrate 27 years on October 4th. 

Lastly, this time of year always makes me nostalgic of the year we moved into our home. Can you believe we'll celebrate twenty years here in November? In case you're new here, you should read the remarkable story of how we came to live in this house. Only the Lord could have orchestrated such an event—well, the Lord and my sister Lisa whom He used in November of 2003. Click here to read the story! 

What's something you're looking forward to? It can be seasonal, or something you've got going on this week or the next. I'd love to hear about it! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!


  1. Oh so many wonderful things to look forward to! I am excited about the school year for my girls and all of their fun activities :)

  2. I agree, Holly. I love having things to look forward to in the near future! That's a great one that you shared. I did love all of that with my boys as well, so I know what you mean!

  3. I'm already looking forward to when Mason comes home! Ha! I am also already looking forward to next summer - what is wrong with me? I am looking forward to cooler temps, too.
    Love this!

  4. A lot of times what I look forward to are events that need to be checked off the list. Does that make sense? Events stress me out. So I often look forward to the day after, when the stress is gone, but hopefully I enjoyed the event :) hahaha

  5. Amy, that made me smile! I know you'll miss Mason while he's gone. Thanks for that!

  6. Debbie, that makes total sense! I am like that with some things as well, especially if it's something I'm not particularly looking forward to, or if I know it's something that will keep me out late. I was like that with the play we saw last week. I loved it, and we had fun, but I would enjoy it so much more if the event started at 5 and ended by 8. From 7 to 10 is just too late for me! I enjoyed it, but I also fought to keep my eyes open the entire time.

  7. That bookstore looks so cool...hope you get to go browse for awhile. Loved reading the story again about how you got your house. God is so good. Some day I may need to share how we got ours and what was going on in our life then. Thanks for reminding me again about the miracles that God worked in our life at that time. Have a great day!

  8. Ah, I love that wedding photo! Could you both look any happier?? And, my goodness, but your boys look like their dad:) So fun to have so much to look forward to - enjoy!

  9. Yay for trips and like the rest of the USA, I am looking forward to cooler temperatures!

  10. Cathy, I'd love to hear your story! You should write about it!

  11. Thank you, Jennifer! Don't they look just like him? I think that as well. I hope you're having a great week!


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