Thursday, August 17, 2023

thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I thought I'd share some things I am thankful for this week. There may be a lot of them! 

I am always thankful for how God is always working in my life. I don't always sense His presence, but I know He is always with me and working things out for His own glory and for my good. There's verse that I love that talk about this. 

We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

And I love this reminder from Paul, the writer of Colossians.

And let the peace of Christ, to which you were also called in one body, rule your hearts. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15

I am thankful for new opportunities that the Lord keeps giving to me! Most of you read on Monday that I was offered a part-time position at church—I'll be in charge of our church's bookstore, Cornerstone. I was there on Tuesday afternoon to help my friend who has been running it for the past two and a half years. She was showing me where things are kept that need to restocked, like drinks and snacks that we sell. I was there for about twenty minutes on my own before she was able to meet me, so I cleaned, straightened up a bit, and rearranged a few items that we sell, aside from books. I took some pictures for you!

We restocked the refrigerator you see right above; also, please ignore the sad bookshelves. I'll be changing that around soon so that I can try to sell what has been there forever. I have plans to arrange them differently, in a way that will hopefully draw the readers I know and love that frequent here often. Isn't it cute? I want to add some touches of green, some twinkling lights, maybe some candles... I had fun piddling around there on my own Tuesday afternoon.

I am thankful for the night that we helped lead worship at another church in Memphis! We did this on Tuesday night—there's a church here that was holding a conference at the seminary across the street from them. Our worship pastor was asked to lead a night of the worship, so he invited his best friends (the choir and orchestra) to join him. It was so much fun to sing outside of our church walls. I love doing that and never want to take for granted what a privilege it is to do that.

I talked my best friend into going with me, and another sweet friend joined us for the ride there. This was during our rehearsal. I am always thankful for opportunities to sing at special events like this! 

I am so thankful for these women! These are my friends and co-writers. 

You know those picture/memes that say, "How it started and how it's going"? That's what I feel like these are below. I love these women so much!

Please note my friend Barbee's face. 🤣 Left to right are Lynn, Barbee, Amy, and me. 

It's such an honor to get to walk through life with them as friends. I am thankful for the gift of friendship, not just with these beauties, but with all of the friends that the Lord has given to me. 

I am so thankful to be able to have a job at my church, and doing something I love. Is there anything better than working at something you love? 

I am thankful for every single opportunity the Lord gives me to write, whether here on my blog, or for a Bible study, or when I used to write for an online magazine. 

And lastly, I am thankful for my pastor who preaches such relevant and insightful sermons to help us along in life. He preached on the topic of praying parents this past week and knocked it out of the ballpark once again. I always take notes as he preaches, and here are mine from Sunday.

Tell me something you're thankful for this week; I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 🖤


  1. The bookstore is going to be so much fun to work in and fix up as you go along :)

    And what fun to take your worship team and sing at another church!

    I'm thankful, this week, for my family. My two sons are sharing their gifts with the world, my grandkids are thriving and I love hanging out with my DILs and my husband is loving his new job :) All blessings and I just thank God for all of it.

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Debbie, it really is! I've enjoyed being there this week. I know you are thankful that your family are all doing so well and walking closely with Jesus. What a blessing that is for you, as a mom! I have felt very thankful this week, as well, for these things I listed today, but for many more. I didn't include my family in this, but they're always at the top of my list. I hope you have a great day, friend!

  3. You are blessed with these friends and they are certainly blessed to have YOU! I am thankful for safe travel, the comforts of home and the Back to School prep and excitement :)

  4. It really is a real store! I like when bookstores have "employees' picks" or when they write a bit in their handwriting about a particular book. Also, my librarian is super creative and she has done "blind date with a book" where the book is covered in brown paper. She currently has a Barbie book display and an Oppenheimer book display. The Barbie one is just all pink covers and the Oppenheimer maybe are all about that time period? I know you can't do that but wanted to mention. Maybe some faux greenery would look good? A Science teacher put faux greenery hanging down from her cabinets and it looks nice.
    I am thankful for time to come home for lunch while my kids are home. I can't do that on a school day.

  5. Thank you, Holly! I know you are so glad to be back at home. I love to travel and love going to places I've never been, but home is always my favorite and the best, in my humble opinion. I feel like you feel the same. When do your girls start back?

  6. It really is a real store, Amy! Isn't it exciting? I love the ideas you mentioned. I have plans to feature my favorite author, and the pastor's favorite book, but I love the idea of using my handwriting and sharing why I loved the book as well. I have seen that in one of our local bookstores in Memphis. Thanks for sharing those!

  7. That bookstore looks amazing. How cool to get to RUN IT!! Excited for this opportunity for you. You and your writing friends are so beautiful on the outside and I'm sure (if they're like you) that they are beautiful on the inside, too. Thank you for sharing your notes from the sermon. I am going to look up a few of the verses that you wrote down. Have a great Thursday, friend!

  8. That’s a fantastic church bookstore! Can’t wait to see the little touches you add!!

  9. I'm excited to see what you do with the bookstore! Hope you have a great day.

  10. Thank you, Maria! They are the sweetest ladies ever, and I'm so glad we're friends. I loved that sermon...that's a great idea to look up those verses! I've thought about his words all week long!

  11. Thank you, Cathy! I hope your week has been good!


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