Tuesday, August 8, 2023

how I spent my Monday (8.8.23.)


Happy Tuesday, friends! I had another post scheduled for today, but I'll share that next week. I wanted to share what I did yesterday with Drew, Todd, and Jonah. I've said before here that this blog started all for selfish reasons that I had; I wanted to use it as a journal, of sorts. I've gotten away from that as the boys have grown up, and I don't share much about them now, but I had to talk about yesterday, and I want it for my memories and to look back on. (I love this picture of 14 year old Drew above! Here is what he looks like now, even though this picture is a year old.)

Drew and his roommates moved into their new home yesterday! This was an answer to prayer, and I'm so grateful that this day is behind them so they can start making new memories. Drew moved out from our home in the summer of 2021, and he's never looked back. He lives with his old friend Zach, and another guy named Sam. When the boys were younger, and in fourth, seventh, and eighth grades, we went to a homeschool tutorial on Thursdays. The students went to classes and while they were there, the moms met for Bible study. Through that group, I met my best friend Andrea, and another dear friend named Kari. Kari's son Zach (and now Drew's roommate) and Drew became the best of friends. They grew apart for a couple of years, but then they started hanging out again, and that's how Drew came to live with him and Sam. Also, about my friend Kari is now in heaven with Jesus. She died a few years ago, so my heart is really inclined toward her sweet son Zach. Every time he hugs me, it feels like Kari is hugging me and I am usually fighting tears. 

Anyway, the guys first started living together in a house in Memphis. Then last year they moved to an apartment in a better area of town, but somehow ended up being even worse than their house in a bad part of town, and now they live in a nearby town that's about 30 minutes from our house. They had a hard time finding something to rent, and this one almost fell through once. They looked at houses in their old neighborhood, and they finally found this one that is five minutes from Drew's work. He is so excited about having no commute now, especially because he often works late at night. I was praying for them to find the right house, my best friend was praying, his Nana and Mimi were praying...like I said, this house was an answer to our prayers! I'm so thankful, and happy for them. 

Their house is really nice! Here are some pictures.

This second picture is looking out their front door. I love their screen doors in all the doors. They have a carport with a huge storage room off it, a nice front yard on their corner lot, and a tiny backyard. It won't take much to cut the grass, but I think they plan on getting a lawn service. 

I love their entry flooring! Throughout the house are hardwood floors. There's also a huge closet right in the entry hall as well. They have a ton of space here! 

Their laundry room is nice and big with tons of space in these cabinets below. I loved getting them all organized yesterday.

I cleaned these for them yesterday before I started their laundry. They had cleaned out their pantry before they moved, but I brought some things for them to hold them over a few days, and then I organized in here as well. I had made tuna for our lunch and brought a loaf of bread, chips, granola bars, Gatorade, and zero sugar ginger ale and Dr. Pepper. One of their friends also ordered a few pizzas. 

I mentioned that it felt so good to be able to do this for them yesterday, because these boys never ask for any help, regardless of the money or material belongings they don't have. 

We got Drew all set up in his room, then Todd and Jonah helped the other boys. They hung TVs, and while they did those things, I finished unpacking the remaining boxes in the rest of the house. I even decorated their built in bookshelf in the living room, and they loved how I displayed things like their poker chips, a pitcher of bottle caps, soccer balls, and fancy basketball shoes. We emptied every single box! Their kitchen is finished, and I loved that when we left, all they'd have to do is arrange the furniture they picked up last night. My mom and Bill gave them a recliner and table for the kitchen, and a friend gave them a loveseat. They already had a gray recliner, but they were in need of a couch. Here's Drew's room. He ended up with the master bedroom with his own bathroom, because in the rental house and in the apartment, his room has always been the smallest. I love that he's living in such a huge space! Even his closet is big, which I realized as I hung up all of his clothes and arranged them according to season, sleeve length, and color. 

The Lord gave me the idea to take him clean towels, sheets, and bathroom rugs that we had and no longer use. He was very appreciative of all of that, and later on when Noah went to see them, he took more rugs for his bathroom, entry hall, and back door. These were all extras that we had laying around in a closet, and I knew they'd be happy to have them. 

These are looking into their living and dining rooms. The refrigerator and oven are being delivered tomorrow, so that's why those spaces are empty in the pictures. Noah sent me these when I asked him for them last night.

Anyway, I just wanted to share about how I spent my Monday. It was a hot day, and it rained some, but the Lord was sweet to hold it off of us the entire time they packed and loaded up, and even while we were driving to the new house. They (mostly Drew) worked all day long on Sunday packing and cleaning, and after two long days in a row, I know he slept soundly last night. He had to be at work by 7:30 this morning and will work late most nights this week. He is going out of town to see his girlfriend Caitlyn this weekend, so I know he's glad to be settled in and unpacked. Thanks for reading about the Monday that filled my heart up to overflowing with all the good feelings for these sweet boys that I consider some of my own. I love them so much! Here they are two years ago in their old neighborhood that housed what they lovingly referred to as The Trap House. (This place is an iconic donut place in Memphis, Gibson's Donuts.) He hit the jackpot with these guys as friends and roommates. I'm so glad they have each other!

I'll see you back here tomorrow, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Jennifer, what a great blessing for the boys to have found a nice house, but also have great friends to share it with! And I know it gives you a peace of mind to have them in a nicer neighborhood.

    Coincidentally, I have been moving kids this week too! Collin and Morgan and baby Asa are moving into a townhome and we're so happy for them to get out of their apartment complex, which has raised the rent 3 times within 12 months!

    I love to see my kids moving up and taking those necessary steps that we've all taken. I know your boys truly appreciated all the help you gave them. What a blessing you are to them :)

  2. What a nice house! And, so wonderful that he had a village to help him move and settle in. It feels so good to take extras to donate or give to someone who needs it when we don't. I am so proud of my kids for using the same college things for four years now! Most of the blue IKEA bags held up. In a couple of weeks, Mason will be helping his roommate move in and move in the shared items they have. Then, it will be set up for him when he returns to campus in spring, too.
    Jack has a solo room again but this year as a senior gets his own bathroom so I think we will have to take some bathroom items.

  3. Amy, I think so too! I was so surprised when I saw how nice it was on both the inside and out. I was also super impressed over all the space. I'll admit, I felt a little jealous over their huge laundry room with all the cabinet space. 🤣

    How nice for Jack to have a room to himself, and that Mason will have his stuff set up for his return. I'd be proud of them for that too! That's kind of how I felt for Drew, Zach, and Sam- I took them some newer things that we had and were no longer using, and I took Drew a new shower curtain that we had and used for one week before my mom bought the boys a different one.

    I love using Amazon for inexpensive bathroom items. It's where I recently bought some cleaning items, rugs, shower curtain liners, rungs, and towels. The prices can't be beat!

  4. Looks like a great place for the boys! Very pretty place and with it being a house, I'm sure they have more room than in a traditional apartment. My son's roommate purposely chose the smaller room for himself (that doesn't have an attached bathroom like my son's does) which was thoughtful of him. My son moved mainly for geographic reasons and it turns out his new roommate also works in the same vicinity so they both only have five minute commutes to their work which is a blessing both for time and not spending as much on gas. I hope "your" boys (your son and his roommates) continue to like their house and that it's a blessing to them.

  5. Thanks, Maria! That was so thoughtful of your son's roommate! I know they love that short commute. I know Drew and these guys will! It was sweet that they didn't mind him being so close to work. They work at night a lot, and in the downtown area of Memphis, but where they live now is easily accessible to the interstate. It's only five minutes from their house, and then they get everywhere quickly. Thank you for your sweet words!

  6. What a great house. It sounds like it was a long journey to find the right house in the right neighborhood. I know he must have really appreciated all your help and all the things you brought over to help make it feel like home.

  7. Thanks, Tanya, I think so too! I lost count on how many times they thanked us for the help yesterday, and also from the amount of hugs I received. They're my favorite!

  8. Looks like a nice place. I know it is a blessing to your mama heart to know that the boys are in a nice place, a safe place and that they all get along so well!!:)

  9. It really is, Jennifer! And you are so right. My heart is full after a great day with them!

  10. Oh, so happy for Drew and it looks like a great house! My heart just went out to his friend and so glad you can be there for him. I was actually at Gibson's this morning pickup doughnuts to take to the hospital. Have a good evening!

  11. Thanks, Marilyn! Mine does too- I always see Kari when I see Zach, because he favors her so much. I love it when I'm able to "mom" him a little and I really love when he comes to eat with Drew on the nights he visits. That's funny that you were just at Gibson's! They lived off Mt. Moriah, just a few blocks away from there.

  12. You are such a great mom!! Their new place looks very nice!

  13. Bri, you're so sweet! I think so too, and am so happy for them. 💙

  14. That is a lovely house and I bet those boys were so thankful for all the help!


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