Friday, August 25, 2023

Friday Favorites, 8.25.23.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. I hope you've had a great week! I have, and I'm kind of shocked that it's already Friday. Time flies when you're learning all the responsibilities for your new job! 🤣 

I'll start with this picture below. It's one of my favorite things that I read this week! Isn't all of that true?

And this one made me laugh, even though it feels painfully true. It was 103 here on Wednesday and I almost died.

I loved seeing this old picture of a text that Dad sent me several years ago. He no longer texts because of his eyesight. Words and conversations will always be my favorite thing.

And on a lighter note, this text and picture that a friend sent me was also a favorite and made me laugh out loud.

This picture below will always be one of my favorites! This was taken in 2019, when we visited our old church. This precious lady taught all my boys Sunday school when they were in the first grade. Mrs. Joanna cried this day that she saw them. Is that not the sweetest thing ever?

Seeing this available for pre-order on Amazon was a favorite! Click here if you're interested in ordering one for yourself. Also, Bible study is my favorite. It is so good to be back! I had the privilege of leading our small group this week, and it was wonderful being back. 

This picture will always be one of my favorites. The ladies are Sherry, Nita, and my mom-in-love Phyllis. Notice the fingers/numbers they're holding up. They called themselves wives numbers 1, 2, and 3! Nita is my mom-in-love's best friend who died a little over a week ago. Her memorial was on Monday, and I am still thinking about it, days later. I plan on sharing some about that next week, when I find all of my words. You know I am one to take my time processing something deep and so meaningful. I had to share this picture with you, though. I loved Nita so much! She was like an extra grandmother to my sons.

Shopping on Saturday was my favorite! I didn't bring this top below home, because of a tear on the sleeve, but I did buy four items: two dresses and two tops. I also ordered more dresses last week and will share about all of that next week. I was bummed about this top, because I loved it! It would have looked good with the new jeans I recently ordered. I am thankful to find clothes to wear to work at my job, since it's so different and because I need to look put together at all times.

My priority time has been my favorite lately. I can't stay out of the books of Psalm, Isaiah, and Jeremiah!

This day was a favorite of the week, because I very unexpectedly saw one of my best friends at the memorial we went to on Monday. Christa and I went to lunch afterward and sat and caught up before carrying on with our days. She was off and had errands to run, and I was on my way to my first staff meeting at church. 

Seeing this picture of my dad is my favorite! I love hearing his laughter, and doing that with him is one of my favorite things. This goes for my mom too, because she and I have been known to get ourselves into some hairy situations! Laughter is the best kind of medicine for the soul. 

It's my favorite thing to see my sons doing their thing! I found this on Instagram when I opened up the app earlier this week. This was Drew at work on Monday or the Friday before. I'm so proud of all young men! I'm thankful they all have such a great work ethic.

There has never been a more true statement than the one below. Amen! You all know that prayer is something I am very passionate about, and it's my favorite way to feel close to the Lord.

Wednesday nights are my favorite, because most weeks, my bestie and I go to a place called Levee Creamery for protein bites and a Diet Coke. It's so good to sit and catch up! I talked her ear off this week, because I had all the things to say.

My niece started her homeschooling journey this week, so I've been sending her old blog posts and adding them to a new Pinterest board. If you're interested to see that, you can click here. Needless to say, I've been strolling down Memory Lane again and I have come across some of my favorite times to look back on, like this one below. The boys spent hours and hours out there on that trampoline! It was the best thing they ever had. This was our first one that they wore out, so we got another one almost immediately. Usually it was full of neighborhood kids, but this was on a weekend when their friend Ben was here. 

Last, but not least, is this favorite reminder I came across this week. Is that true or what? 

Did you catch my other blog posts this week? I'll link them below. 

Monday was a weekending recap. 

On Tuesday, I shared about some things I am looking forward to soon!

On Wednesday, I talked about things I've learned from people who inspired me.

Thursday, I shared another throwback post about our days of homeschooling.

Also, don't forget that tomorrow is the August edition of Share 4 Somethings, where we'll talk about things we loved, things we learned, things we read, and things we ate and/or enjoyed. I'll see you back here for that, hopefully, and I'd love for you to join in the fun. Tell me something good about your week! I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. You have me in all the feels with the sweet text from your Dad and the sweet memories of beloved people that impacted your life.
    I want a whole dedicated post on your new clothing and thoughts behind what you picked for your new job (and other events).
    About the quote that you started with... one of the most impactful books I have read as an adult is called The Artist's Way. It asks you what you enjoyed doing as a child and if you still do that today. It gives you "homework" to take yourself on a date to do something you want to do, and it really taps into your creativity and your life's purpose. I was an early reader and always had my nose in a book and I wrote stories, poems, and songs. The fact that I get so much enjoyment out of making up teaching jingles now and that I tried Tik Tok last year makes me happy. That is the Amy of girlhood. I guess writing a blog is also like the Amy of girlhood. What a great quote and great reminder and how much do we say no to because of those things? I am taking a picture of the quote as a reminder to myself!
    Happy, happy Friday! It's been a week. I'm exahusted, but in the very best way. It's been a good week and I need to do so much to prep for next week! Eek!

  2. Amy, I know you must miss your dad! I can imagine how greatly his loss still affects you. Stay tuned next week when I share that! I love what you shared about the quote, and I'm glad we texted after you read this. I hope you have a great weekend, my friend!

  3. What beautiful memories- I love seeing all of your boys in one pic- such a great crew!

  4. These throwback photos are so cute and so sweet. I love that your boys are such hard workers too; I feel like they are going to go so far just based on that alone nowadays!

  5. So many fun favorites this week. Your weeks are always so full - and blessed. I'm a bit envious, if I'm honest. I'm glad you are enjoying your job!! And you even need new clothes and must go shopping:) I do wish I had a friend who met me every week just so I could talk their ear off - lol!! Happy Friday to you friend!

  6. As usual, your Friday Faves left me feeling happy and uplifted. I love the picture of your son working! Enjoy your weekend.

  7. From the pictures I see her and the times I've seen you, you always look so put together and cute! Enjoy your weekend!


  8. I have been married four 4years and on the fifth year of my marriage, another woman took my lover away from me and my husband left me and the kids and we have suffered for 2years. I met a post where this relationship doctor have helped many couples get back together and i decided to give him a try to help me bring my Man back home and believe me! i sent my picture to him and that of my husband and after 48hours as he have told me, i saw a car drove into the house and behold it was my husband and he have come to me and the kids, he appologize to me and the kids and promised never to break up with me again. I am happy to let everyone in similar issue to contact this man and have your lover back to yourself.______________WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is unbelievable... I love this!

    Get back with Ex... Fix broken relationship/marriage..........

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Share 4 Somethings (#2 of 2025)

  Happy Saturday, friends! I'm so glad you're here to join in with us for this month's Share 4 Somethings, where we'll talk ...