Wednesday, July 19, 2023

words on Wednesday


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm using another writing prompt for my blog post today and sharing some things I always...fill in the blank. I hope you enjoy! 

I always finish a book, move it around on Good Reads, edit an in-progress book post about it on my blog, and then promptly start another book. Do you do this? I also almost always am reading more than one book at a time, particularly if it's a fiction one and a non-fiction one. 

I almost always have a cup of coffee after dinner at night. It tastes like dessert to me and I have grown to love it almost as much as the first cup of coffee I drink each morning. Speaking of that, I haven't been loving my morning coffee. How sad is that? I don't know if it's because the weather is doing weird things to my head or what, but my taste buds are all screwed up right now and nothing tastes right. I have lost like five more pounds because nothing tastes good to me, not that I recommend doing it that way. 🤣

I always watch shows over and over again. My favorite shows are Gilmore Girls, Parenthood, Army Wives, Grey's Anatomy (not the new ones), and when I finish the last episode of the last season, I start over. I really only do this with GG and Grey's. I usually watch through season 15, then start over again with season 1. I still get irritated that Shonda killed off all the good people! I might have rewatched The Summer I Turned Pretty three different times. I know. I'm ridiculous. 

Most of you know this, but I always have music playing in the house! I have different playlists for different times of day, and especially in different seasons. In the morning, I like jazzy type music that's instrumental. Think café music. In the afternoon, I switch over to Ben Rector radio before I start dinner and keep it on until the kitchen is cleaned. Sometimes I listen to worship music, sometimes I turn on the K-Love app on our tv for the dogs, sometimes I listen to yacht rock, or 80's summer get the drift. I have very eclectic taste in music. Oh! I also love 90's country, because it reminds me of when Todd and I dated when we were in high school. 

(Speaking of, this was us the summer we graduated from high school. May of 1995.)

I always talk to my mom first thing in the morning. My sisters do the same, and sometimes we're competing for her attention between phone calls! Isn't that funny? I feel very fortunate to be able to say that. My mom, sisters, and I are all extremely close, and while no perfect relationship exists, we are so blessed to get along fabulously. Occasionally we will have an issue arise within us, but we say what needs to be said, then we move on. I feel like women hold grudges, don't you? I'm glad we don't. 

This was us three years ago at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs. Left to right is Trish, me, Lisa, and Debi. In age I am the youngest, then Trish, then Debi, and Lisa. This was a crazy fun trip! 

I always use punctuation and sentences when I text. I have to be grammatically correct! My sons laugh at me over this, and when I make a mistake, I always use a little asterisk and the correct word right after the wrong one. I was just talking about this on Sunday with my worship pastor and his wife. I was telling Hannah that he made me laugh because I overheard him dictating a text and he dictated the punctuation. I do the exact same thing! #nerd

I always look on Life 360 if I wake up in the middle of the night to make sure my people are all okay and in a place that's familiar. Is that ridiculous? I am glad we have the app, because it gives me peace of mind. I just like knowing my people are safe after a night out! 

I always love to light candles after dinner. I love to smell food while it's cooking, but once we're done eating, I don't want to smell it anymore. I love candles and think it's a great way to cozy up things in the home, regardless of the season. I never burn them for less than three hours, and I never trim the wicks. I don't know if that really makes a difference or not, but it's what I do, even so. 

I always work on blog post before they publish. I used to just wake up and write a post, but who does that kind of thing nowadays? 😉 (I'm kidding, I know plenty of you do things that way!) I've found that when I started making a plan for posts each month, that it helped me know what to write and when. I love writing here five days a week, but sometimes I have even more than that in me! I can tend to be wordy, so it's not usually a struggle to come up with topics. Now, if I didn't schedule each post, I feel like that would not be the case. It takes very little time to do this kind of thing, even if I don't always get around to writing post ideas down in my notebook.

What are a few things that you always do? I'd love to hear about them! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. Well, I'll just jump right in...

    I always write my blog post in the morning, as that's just what I've always done since I started blogging in 2008!

    I never read a book twice, but I will watch a movie or show over again, if it's exciting and good. I recently re-watched Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris again, just because it's so delightful :)

    I always have coffee first thing in the morning and have possibly been known to drink about 3-4 cups in one day. I also love having a cup after dinner as my dessert.

    I always make my bed and I always get out of my pjs as soon as I finish coffee and reading blogs. I have never worn my pajamas all day and absolutely never will.

    I always listen to podcasts or youtube while fixing dinner or driving anywhere in my car. I also play music on the tv during the day and love lots of genres of music.

    I always have more than one book going, in different genres. I always post reviews on Goodreads and always participate in the Reading Challenge every year.

    But, enough about me! :) This was fun :)

  2. Debbie, that was fun to read about you too! I can't believe you've never stayed in pjs all day- I do that sometimes, especially when I'm sick. My pjs are more than just pjs, though, they're lounging-around-in- clothes. I really like to be comfy while I'm at home! I forgot the make my bed one. I do that almost every single day!

  3. I loved this especially how you and your sisters talk to your mom first thing every day AND the fact that you check Life 360 when you wake up overnight- we are alot a like! Ha! I always check Life 360 when my people aren't at home- I always have coffee first thing in the morning- I always pray- I always try to laugh- I always try to Follow The Joy

  4. I've many books a 2nd time and some I've read 3-4 times. We watch some TV shows over too. Nine times out of Ten I can't remember the outcome so it's almost watching or reading them for the first time. Of course, there needs to be a couple years between the reading or watching. Enjoyed your post. Hope you have a great day.

  5. Holly, great minds think alike! I'm not sure what that says about us, but there's a reason we're friends. 🤪🤣 I used to just text my people and ask for proof of life, but now I just check the app. It gives me peace of mind!

  6. Cathy, ME TOO! Like the Robin Jones Gunn books, and all the Yada Yada books by Neta Jackson- I have read all of those multiple times. I love them all so much!

  7. This was a fun prompt! I am not a coffee drinker, but do enjoy hot tea year round and hot chocolate in the winter. I will often treat that like a dessert! I have watched Heart of Dixie a few times, but it only has 3 seasons :). Did you ever see that? Once I finish a who on Apple TV, I have The Summer I turned Pretty on cue to watch. I have definitely watched movies multiple times though!

  8. Thanks, Marilyn! I did start watching Hart of Dixie, but then it was taken down from Netflix. I never finished it, needless to say. I can't wait for you to watch The Summer I Turned Pretty! We'll have to discuss it the next time we meet.


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the Wednesday hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce today for the weekly hodgepodge. I always love this day of blog reading, and I ho...