Wednesday, July 26, 2023

What's Up Wednesday


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Sheaffer and Shay for today's blog post. I'll jump right in!

What we're eating this week:

I feel confident that at some point I will eat at a Mexican restaurant. 

When I ordered groceries over the weekend, I also meal planned for the week. So, on our dinner list this week is chicken with boursin cheese smeared inside it, and wrapped up with a slice of bacon on the outside of it, served with broccoli. I'm making two quiches, since it's been about a month since we've had that, and one night for the boys I'm making beer cheddar Joe's and then taco salad for Todd and myself. On the other nights, we'll eat leftovers or something easy from our freezer that can be made in the air fryer. 

What I'm reminiscing about:

A fun Saturday night out with friends this past weekend! Guess which movie we saw?

This night thirteen years ago, when my boys were little and Christa wasn't yet married.

That time Graham and Jonah went to St. Louis with Todd for an overnight work trip. How ironic that these are the two sons that now work in the family business? We own Medical Repair Services, and we repair doctor's office/hospital/dental office equipment.

That time when Graham was learning to drive, and his dad owned the truck that Graham later bought from him and still drives today. It looks a lot different today than it did in this picture below, as you can see in the second picture under this.

When the boys were little, and we used to do fun things with my dad every week!

And last but not least, this amazing beach trip I took at the end of June. 

It was such an unexpected and wonderful week! I'm grateful that my friend Dedee invited me. I miss her when I don't see her regularly! 

What I'm loving:

This devotional that I've added to my quiet time routine.

... and reminders like this one below.

Since Tony Bennett died on Friday, I've been loving listening to his music and playlists. It reminds me of fall, and I'm counting down the days until it returns.

What I've (we've) been up to:

On Sunday night when Todd worked, he sent me these pictures. There was a Memphis firefighter who was killed in the line of duty last week, and to honor him, there was a sea of red Sunday afternoon/early evening. Isn't this beautiful? I love the tradition of honoring those who serve and protect us. Additionally, Todd has participated in a sea of blue, when a police officer loses his life. I just think this is wonderful and something about it brings me to tears. I asked him for pictures and videos, and he sent me both. 

This was me running lyrics in the A/V room at church this past Sunday. I love doing that! I also have something exciting in the works that I'm not sharing here just yet, but know that I may have some change coming to my life soon. Stay tuned!

What I'm dreading: 

I am dreading the heat of August. 

Literally, this one above was me on Saturday when I wore the dress on my outing with Mom. I said that in the booth as we left, that she had to give me a minute to unpeel my legs from the pleather bench seat.

 What I'm working on:

We have finished the writing and editing of our Bible study that we'll start in August, so now we're just working on all the details we need to finalize before we start mid-August. I'm excited! I missed going to Bible study from January to May, and am anxious about starting up again. I've participated in Bible studies either on my own, in a small group, or with a large group for the last twenty years of my life. Going feels natural, therefore, not going feels unnatural. We're also working on some details for the semester that will start in January of 2024. I am excited for this to come to fruition and for some big changes that may be coming for the year of 2024. I hope to be able to share them soon as we make decisions and get the plan laid out and on the calendar.

This is who I'm helping to work on these things. These are my writing team friends! I love these ladies so much. Left to right is Barbee, Amy, Lynn and me.

I am working on getting my cabinets and surfaces decluttered and organized once again. I've been going nice and slow, and have done the living room area, the downstairs bathroom cabinet, one kitchen cabinet (a big one), I'm working on my closet in bits and pieces, and under our bathroom counters. All of this fell to the wayside when I worked full-time, so it feels good to get things done again. I share this picture below, because this task also includes me decluttering my book piles once again. 

I am always working on Bible study things.

And lastly, I am working on getting more pictures like this! This one right below is Jonah with Laura, and the next one is Drew with his friend Caitlyn.

What I'm excited about:

I'm excited that it'll be fall soon! 🤣 I am also excited about celebrating Mom for her birthday in August, and seeing my friend Teresa who moved away. 

What I'm watching/reading:

I am watching each episode of The Summer I Turned Pretty as it releases every Friday. I love that show! I am also watching movies that are older and I am sort of on a Tom Hanks kick right now. I'm reading lots of great books, and I'll share all about them on Monday July 31st. You should come back to read that post! 

What I'm listening to: 

At the moment I am listening to the song Jireh by Maverick City Music on Spotify. But I've listened to some great music all summer long, mainly musical playlists of summer 80's hits. That is definitely my favorite music right now! 

What I'm wearing:

Pink, like this shirt I wore over the weekend.

Dresses like this one when I met Mom on Saturday.

Neutrals like this faded olive green and cardigans in the moments when I can't get warm, like when Dad and I were together last Friday.

And my favorite new sandals, these cute neutral/gold ones that I got last week. They're the Remonte brand. I am also still wearing my summer white polish that I got the last time I had a pedicure back at the beginning of June. 

Speaking of nails, I am still wearing (and loving) my light coral nails. When I go back to get them done in August, I'm going to an off white color that I love by OPI, My Vampire is Buff. And after August, and for the rest of the fall, I will wear dark colors only. 

What I'm doing this weekend:

I get to see one of my best friends, Andrea! I cannot wait to see her on Friday. Those are the only plans I know of right at this moment. 

What I'm looking forward to next month:

Have I mentioned that I will be glad when the weather cools back down? I am also looking forward to school starting back for students, because everywhere I go right now, the traffic is terrible. It's like this every summer when school is out. I am also looking forward to seeing the friend I mentioned who moved away, and being able to celebrate Mom on her birthday. 

What's something you're looking forward to in August? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends, Love to all! 


  1. I hope the chicken with Boursin is a hit. I put too much Boursin, I think. Mason said it was perfect. Also, at the end, I broiled the bacon a bit to get it crispier.
    My legs stick to everything and sometimes it is downright painful to get myself unstuck. That and the mosquitos I will not miss!
    So much more I could comment on - lol!

  2. So much good stuff! You've had a great summer and it sounds like you have lots of great stuff coming up. Glad your boys are happy and are in good places with relationships. Have a great Wednesday!

  3. Love all the pink. Can’t wait to see it Friday. You look like you’re having the sweetest Summer! So happy and glowing!

  4. How did you ever have time to work? :) :) :) hahaha!

    You live a full and lovely life, my friend! What a blessing!

    I also made a meal plan this week. So far I've made one thing on the list :)

    Happy Wednesday!

  5. Love all of your girl time this summer- I am sure you ladies had a blast at Barbie- you al look amazing in your pink!

  6. Amy, it turned out okay, but they left my bacon off the grocery order this week! So, it was just chicken with the cheese. Even so, it was tasty. I drizzled some Olive Garden Italian dressing over each piece to kick up the flavor. It IS SO painful getting unstuck from pleather!

  7. Thanks, Maria! It has been an excellent summer. I feel like I've enjoyed it to the fullest. I always get excited at this time of year because we're heading into my favorite season and all the b-e-r months. It's about to be the most wonderful time of year!

  8. Thanks, Andrea! Funny fact about myself is that I used to hate pink, and now it's all I want. My husband bought a cover for my tablet last night, and he searched and searched, looking for a "blush pink" one. 🤣

  9. Debbie -- Right?! That's what I'm wondering as well! I do enjoy my days of being on the go and keeping myself occupied, but I recharge by staying home alone and piddling around the house. That's what my plan for today is, and I am over the moon excited about that! I do have choir practice tonight, but that's not until six. Yay for one meal on the meal plan this week! That's better than nothing, right?

  10. Thanks, Holly! I do love spending time with girlfriends. They are one of God's greatest gifts to me, after Himself, my husband, and our sons. I love quality time with people, so I get my fill while spending time with those I love most.💙💚

  11. Looks like a great month! I chuckled when I saw it's thighs sticking to the chairs season. Yes, yes it is.
    Beautiful pics- enjoy the rest of your summer! It is flying by!

    Morgan @

  12. I have that chicken dish on my list to make this weekend after reading about it today! I'm so glad you will be able to be back in bible study. I know they missed you in the spring! If I haven't mentioned it before, I really like your new shoes. It was so sad to hear about the firefighter. So many sad things in our community once again. I'm glad they were able to honor his family and legacy.

  13. Just added that devotional to my wish list! Love Charles Spurgeon! Was it the Barbie movie you guys saw?!? I don't know what's all out but have heard about that one. If so, what'd you think. I heard there were a few questionable things in there but idk. When is your mom's birthday in August? My mom's is August 5th! So fun!! Love all the pictures in this post! And boy, the one of the officers honoring the one they lost... gah!!!

  14. Thanks for reminding me about a good meal for next week (taco bowls), that I need to change my nail polish out (hahaha), and that I need to look up "Summer Hits of the 80s" on Spotify. So many great things on your blog today :)

  15. Thanks, Morgan! Isn't that hilarious? I cracked up the day I saw it online. I hope you have a great rest of the week!

  16. Bri, YES! It was fun to dress in pink, but I didn't love the movie. You would love this Spurgeon devotional! I just sent you a text about a place to order it from, instead of Amazon.

  17. Thanks, Marilyn! You will love that chicken dish. It was so delicious! Wasn't that sad? That kind of thing always makes me cry.

  18. Thank you, Natasha! Girl, go check out that playlist on Spotify! It's amazing.

  19. I loved hearing about what's up lately. :)

  20. That sea of red is so sweet! Your vacation photos are just fabulous and you look so adorable in pink.

  21. Joanne, that kind of thing (the Sea of red) always makes me cry. I just think it's so beautiful. Thank you, my friend!

  22. I love your beach photos! Looks like an amazing vacation! I recognized those Exploring America books immediately - my kids all used that curriculum in high school. ;-)

  23. Thank you, Kym! It was incredible and so very relaxing. That's funny! We loved Notgrass curriculum. I'll hold onto them forever, because they are beautiful! I was always a curriculum nerd, and I still love a pretty book.

  24. Love the pic of you and your friends in pink! Hadley saw the Barbie movie last night with her friends, and she really liked it. Now I want to see it. haha
    The sea of red (and blue) is such a sobering reminder of how selfless firefighters and policeman are. My dad was a policeman for 30 years. I never worried about him, really...but now I realize how often his life was in danger.
    I love your nail color. I should be more bold and try different colors.
    Have a great day!

  25. Thanks, Jen! Did you ever see the movie? I didn't realize your dad was a police officer. How sobering to think about now- I would not have realized that either when I was young, about how often his life was probably in danger. Sometimes blissfulness is good for us.

    You should pick a bold color sometime! It's such a small thing, and you may love it, who knows?


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the Wednesday hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce today for the weekly hodgepodge. I always love this day of blog reading, and I ho...