Tuesday, July 25, 2023

what's in my shower and useful things that I love


Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd share things that I have in my shower right now. Do you enjoy reading things like this? I always do, honestly, and I love knowing about a product that someone loves, especially when it's inexpensive. Everything I use is inexpensive, and it's my belief that for every expensive product, whether makeup or a hair product, there is a dupe that is equal to the expensive one.

Anyway, here goes. Also, while I'm here, I thought I'd show my bathroom again, in case you've never seen it before. We updated it in 2018 with paint and new fixtures, so it's much better than it was. Even so, it's nothing special by today's standard, but it's plenty sufficient for us and accomplishes what it was designed for. Something about me you may not know—I'm not super fussy about things like fancy kitchens and bathrooms in houses. As long as they work, that's all that I care about. I like the pretty and fancy ones, but I never feel like it's something I need.

Also, know that we used to have a cat and had to keep her food on our counter because of the dogs. I'm rolling my eyes. As sweet as she was, I don't miss having a cat in the house. She died on Christmas eve in 2021. 

Our cabinets are just the old fashioned oak kind. I'd honestly love to paint them, but I don't know if that will ever happen. Jonah painted their bathroom cabinet a few years ago, and it turned out great. I would do the same color he picked for their bathroom. 

The color he picked was during the Covid lockdown and was the 2020 Sherwin Williams color of the year—Naval. I love it and would use the same in our bathroom. As you can tell, I am not afraid of using color in our home and love seeing pops of it throughout our house. In our bathroom, we went with gray, navy, bronze, and wood fixtures and features. It looks like we planned it that way, but if I'm being honest, we started with sale items that we found at Lowe's. For instance, the mirrors you see in our bathroom—they were $20 each. Everything else was from Amazon. Anyway, I got sidetracked...onto the idea for this post. 

We have these shelves in our shower that Todd installed a couple of years ago. We love them! They help us stay organized, because three of us use this shower. Even though this is an older picture, some of the items have remained the same, starting with my shampoo. 

Funny story about my shampoo and conditioner and how they're different brands. I was using Renpure for both of them, but I can no longer find the conditioner that went with the shampoo. I was at Marshall's this summer and found this pink bottle of conditioner, so I decided to buy it and give it a try. I love it and have since bought more. I don't really care that the brands are different, so long as they are similar in smell. As you can see, the coconut scent is my favorite for shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and lotion.

This is the brush that I use, the Wet Brush brand. I love the vents in the back and think it helps detangle my curly hair. But back to the shower...

Do you use body wash and a loofah? I haven't really done this for a long time, but I've been using them exclusively for two years now. I have used several brands of body wash that I've loved, but this one right above is my current favorite. I bought it at Ulta a couple of Saturdays ago, and you would not believe how yummy it smells! It is divine. I use the loofah for the body wash and I always use a washcloth on my face to help exfoliate. I have mentioned this before, but I use coconut oil to remove my makeup. I rub it in really well all over my face, then stand under the shower stream to remove it and whatever else is left (mascara). Once my face is squeaky clean, I use the washcloth to exfoliate. The other yellow thing you see is from Lowe's and it's something I use in the shower drain to remove the hair that washes down and gets clogged. 

These other two things are self explanatory, but I'll continue. I only use the pink Daisy brand razors and have ever since I first started shaving my legs at the young age of twelve. Honestly, my mom used that brand, so I used it as well and just continued. Isn't it funny how we do things our moms did? Do you do that, or is it just me? My mom is so cool, I guess I just want to be like her. This other thing is a pumice stone that I use on my feet. 

This next picture is a favorite Amazon purchase I recently found...

Quick drying, microfiber bath towels, and hand towels. We love them! They're particularly good for all the curly headed people who live with me. I like to shower at night so that my hair will air dry before bed. Ideally this will take place right after dinner, but that certainly doesn't always happen. There is a whole process to my hair, so I'll walk you through it. 

After washing it, I towel dry my hair, then I flip it over my head and brush it from the underneath. After I brush it, I don't move it around much more. I spray it with this detangling spray, then I use this Moroccan oil styling cream, then lastly, I use the Tresemme mousse. After the mousse has been applied praying-hands style, I use the towel once more and soak up the extra moisture and mousse. I leave it alone while it air dries, then when I go to bed, I pull it up on top of my head into a messy bun. When I wake up in the morning, I take the bun out, shake it out by using my fingers to lift it up at the roots while I'm flipped over again, then I leave it alone until I leave. The only thing I may have to do with heat is to use a zap of my blow dryer to get the hump out from the elastic I used overnight. The one thing I love about my hair is how easy it is for me to "style". I don't have to do anything to it, which is why I say that. 

After my hair is finished, I put this oil on my feet, I lotion up with my favorite kind from Amazon that I've talked about here one hundred and sixteen times, and I put on my facial moisturizer (Cerave) and Chapstick. 

This Chapstick is my favorite brand! My lips stay dry, so I use this every night before bed and again in the morning after I brush my teeth.

I have a confession: I started this blog post on Thursday night, and since looking at the older pictures of my bathroom at the beginning of this, I wanted it to look like that again. It had gotten more cluttered on the countertop in there, so I thoroughly cleaned it all on Friday night. I gave it that good cleaning, I organized things better in the drawers we have, I straightened up under the cabinets on his side and mine, and I cleared the clutter from the counter. I have a bookshelf that resides under the window in our bathroom that we use for things like cleaning products, Q-tips, and toilet paper, and on the top of that is where I keep my jewelry box. I had another stand for earrings and bracelets that had been sitting in the middle of our counter, but I moved it next to my jewelry box on top of the bookshelf. I also organized the things on it better, and now it all looks so much nicer! So while I may have started this post with you in mind, I'm thankful that it made me clean up and organize in our bathroom. Don't you love it when you're inspired? I know I do, so hopefully this will inspire one of you today.

Now that I've shown you mine, tell me what's in your shower! What is something you use to get ready with that you love? Do you prefer soap or do you use body wash? Do you use a loofah or a wash cloth? Do you use something you think I'd like to try? Please share the love—I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. Your bathroom is pretty! I like the light fixture. We painted our cabinets a few years ago and don't regret it. We are trying to decide if we want to spend $$ to update ours. We are leaning towards not. We don't want to spend the money and we don't want to deal with having workers in our house for what a long time. We'd want new tile, a new tub, a new vanity and more. So we are dealing with what we have which is fine. It is always interesting to see what people use. I bought the same shampoo you use based on your recommendation. It was maybe a pointless purchase for me based on my very limited sense of smell. But it cleans my hair so that is the most important thing, lol. During the week, I like to shower at night but if I sweat a lot during exercise during the day, I shower then. Have a great Tuesday!

  2. I am a sucker for all things coconut- thanks for sharing :)

  3. Thanks, Maria! I totally understand the draw of not wanting to spend time and money to update the bathroom. In my humble opinion, you can use things like paint, new fixtures and faucets, and new towels and a shower curtain to freshen things up on a budget. The floor I understand, though- we actually need all new flooring upstairs, and someday we will do that, but we may have to start in the bathrooms up there first, then do the rest of it later.

    I'm glad that the shampoo works well for you! I still love it as much as I did when it was first delivered. Have a great day, friend!

  4. Holly, you and me both, my friend! I just love that it smells like summer.

  5. I actually like my products to be seasonal! So coconut for summer, then something else for fall - ha! I love coconut so much, too, though. I love Dr. Teal's and have it in lemon, orange, and lavender. I use lavender at night. I don't have a current favorite shampoo and conditioner so I need to try some more. I used Kroger coconut for a while this summer and liked it ok.
    Posts like this are so interesting to me! You are lucky to have so much counter space. That is what I was missing for 22 years! I love having it now!

  6. Amy, I am the same way with lotion and body wash, as for as something being seasonal. But for shampoo and conditioner, I really love the coconut scent all year long, especially because it's not a strong smell. What is Dr. Teals? I'm going to Google that now...thanks for the heads up on that! I know other people who have mentioned that brand, but I don't know what it is.

    I do feel fortunate that we have so much counter space. I have never minded our bathroom!

  7. Yes, I enjoy these kind of posts! I could definitely use some shelves in my shower! I'm with you on the coconut scent - it's the best! I know exactly what you mean - my Grandmother used Oil of Olay her entire life and now I find myself buying it. I don't use it daily but when I do, it reminds me of her and I smile.

  8. I'm just like you in finding dupes for products and also not caring too much about the latest remodeling projects for the kitchen and bath. Functional is good! This is inspiring me to start using more scented products...I love coconut scents too. And there are so many times a blog post has inspired me to tidy an area!! :)

  9. Crystal, they are my favorite part of our shower. I have loved them ever since he installed them! That's such a sweet memory of your grandmother. My grandmother used talcum powder, and anytime I smell something like that, it reminds me of her.

  10. Tanya, I love what you said- functional is good! I LOVE it when a blog post inspires me.

  11. I love this post! I always think it's interesting to see what others do/how the get ready. You have the best hair...what i wouldn't give! I just shampoo and condition it, let it air dry 75%, blow dry it and that's it. Then,I straighten it before adding waves when I'm getting ready. I usually only wash my hair a couple of times a week. My favorite product in my shower right now is Trader Joe's Brazil nut body wash...Hadley loves it too. Unfortunately, I think it's seasonal, so when we are out, we're out. This post inspires me...maybe I will share what's in our shower --especially since the kids usually use my shower too!

  12. Thanks, Jen! It even inspired me to clean up and do some decluttering in my bathroom- I know I said that in the post, but I love it when that kind of thing happens. One area usually spills over onto another. You should do this kind of post as well! I am like you and love seeing what people use and love. I hope you're having a great week!

  13. Love your bathroom! It's so big!!!! And all your products give me the happy, summer feel!

  14. Thanks, Bri! It is nice and big, which is a wonderful thing. I know what you mean, they do the same for me!


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