Monday, July 10, 2023

weekending and catching up with grown up kids


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's blog post. How was your weekend? Mine was really good! 

I got it started off with my sweet Daddy. Some of you said some really kind words about prayers for my dad, and I want to thank you. We are so grateful that it is this and nothing worse or life-threatening. I will cherish each and every moment with him that the good Lord gives me. Friday was one such day, and the Lord was sweet to answer my prayer for a good, fun, and easy day for him. His memory wasn't too bad, even though I did figure out that he doesn't grasp the year that it is. I think he thinks that we're earlier in time, maybe even up to it being thirty or forty years prior to today. I'm not sure what that means that he thinks my age is, but I do think this is the case. Be what it may, I will cherish all the moments we have until God calls him home. I don't want to take one second of our time together for granted, and for this reason, I am so relieved (once again) to NOT be returning to fulltime work in the fall. How good is God to keep showing me that He helped me decide what was best?

Todd worked that night, and I stayed home watching Sweet Magnolias. Check out my dinner!

My stomach wasn't feeling so great (thanks to weather and sinus problems), so I was trying to eat something that would "stick" with me. It was a peanut butter sandwich on wheat bread and the grapes Graham picked up last week. I was comfy and in pj's before six, which is pretty much my dream come true. I did feel better as the night went on, but this weather and me are not getting along very well. It's been super humid, which is seriously messing with my head. 

I didn't really do anything all day Saturday, except read. I had grand plans to get together with Trish, but because of heavy rain that was expected, we both decided to just stay inside instead. Todd was home all of that day, but he did go to work that night. I watched a few great movies!

I'm not sure how I missed this one the year it came out, but it was excellent. Is Tom Hanks ever anything but that? I think not. I also watched these two on Netflix. Sully was on Prime.

And then on Sunday, I got a huge surprise! I had sat way over to the side after choir, because I wanted to catch Drew on his way out. He'd brought a friend (more about this in a few) and as we were talking, Todd called me. All he said was for me to come to the front of house sound booth, someone was asking about me. When I got close, I heard my name being said very loudly, and my mouth fell open in shock.

These are my dear friends and some of my favorite people on earth, Kent and Kathy. Kent was my old worship leader and choir director fifteen years ago. They resigned from our church that we went to at the time and moved back to the Rocklin, California area, where they'd lived before. I consider them friends and spiritual mentors, as they both taught me such valuable lessons and walked through a very difficult time in my life with me. Kent is the one who first invited me to sing on a praise team, so I am still that same choir girl today, thanks to his encouragement. Kathy taught me to love studying the word of God, and Bible study is still one of my favorite things today! I will always love, respect, and look up to them both. They've recently moved back to our area, and they're trying out different churches. Today they came to mine, and I was thrilled to see them, as you can see from my huge cheesy smile. These people mean so much to me! I thank God that He put them in my life fifteen years ago, and that even though we've not seen other since, we picked right back up like old friends. Believers usually experience that heart connection, and ours was still there, needless to say. 

As for my sons, I thought I'd share a little about them. Graham was out of town all weekend, at one of his favorite events of the year, The Music City Truck Show in Nashville. He loaded up his fancy truck early Thursday afternoon and came back Sunday afternoon. He said he had a great time, and he made money polishing while he was there. It paid for his entire trip, plus some extra! That is definitely a bonus, thanks to his friend for letting him stay at his house. 

I love his mentality about his vehicles. He loves being a positive role model for younger kids, and they're kind of the ones who motivate him to keep doing this kind of thing. He's such a special young man, and one day he will make a great husband and dad, if the Lord has that instore for him. 

Drew brought a friend to church on Sunday, someone he's been seeing for a few weeks. He really, really likes Caitlyn, and he made me promise to just act like they were nothing but friends, and to not make a big deal about her being there. I would never embarrass him, so I find it funny that he felt like he needed to say that. She is a doll and so sweet, and she made him breakfast when he picked her up this morning. He may be in love—I have always said that whoever wins his heart will have to get through his stomach first. They went to lunch after church and then hung out here with us for a bit before leaving again. It was so good to see him and we enjoyed getting to know her a bit. 

Jonah stayed home all weekend, but he stayed in the country Saturday night. He had plans to detail vehicles this weekend, but the rain ruined his plans each time he tried to schedule an appointment. Have I ever mentioned that detailing vehicles is his side hustle? He's been doing this since he was fifteen and has his own business, The Auto Salon. He makes great money doing it, and he loves to detail. He also loves to pressure wash and does that when the detailing is slow. 

Noah spent the weekend at the lake with some friends and our bonus son, Alex. I'm so glad he was able to do that! The rain might have messed them up some, but I know they had fun in between. Having grown kids is so strange. I know I say that a lot, and I'll continue. I am so proud of the young men they've turned into, and that they're all such hard workers. I love knowing that they schedule time for lots of fun things, because even if they don't travel all that much, they really do enjoy their lives. I'm so glad for this, because I think it's so important to have something to fun to look forward to. It's good for them mentally, and it's good for my heart to know they have plenty of fun. It's so crazy that they're all the ages they are right now, but we've always loved them at whatever age they were at. 

It kind of seems they should be these ages instead. (My handsome nephews and step-dad Bill are pictured with them here.) Time never stands still, but I'm grateful that I have such a great relationship with each of them. People used to ask me how I raised four boys so close in age and how we're so close, and the only thing I ever did consistently was listen to them. Kids want someone to listen to them and to care about them, to be invested in what they enjoy doing. Anyway, thanks for letting me share about them! It's something I don't all that often these days, so I like to catch up for my own personal reasons on occasion. 

Tell me something great about your weekend, I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all.


  1. Sounds like a nice weekend despite the rain that ruined some plans and contributed to you not feeling well. The rain had an impact on some of our plans as well but overall I was happy about the rain- what kind of tomato plant mama would I be if I begrudged the rain too much, lol? Nice to hear an update on the boys and hear that they are enjoying life. My son was in Nashville over the weekend! He had never been there. Nashville is definitely an "in" spot - I think he was the only one of his friends who had not been there before. That's cool that you were reconnected with old friends. We had friends move back into town last summer after being gone for fifteen years and it has been such a blessing to have them back into our lives. Have a great Monday!

  2. Hi Jennifer,
    I love hearing about your boys! And it does seem like they should still be those young ages. It's an interesting adventure to parent adults! We learn as we go.

    And I am feeling the same way with this weather! I thought the rain would wash all the pollen away, but my allergies have returned. And the humidity is ridiculous.

    Hey, have you watched A Man Called Otto with Tom Hanks? We watched it on Prime and it was so good!
    Of course, I can't think of a bad Tom Hanks show at all.

    Hope your week is a sweet one :) Get to feeling better :)

  3. A gal who will go to church and make him breakfast - that's awesome!
    I'm glad you had a good day with your Dad and I'm not sure what to make of the time thing. Rain, rain, rain! It's been like that here, too. Happy that you met up with your old friends, too. How amazing!

  4. Maria, that's so funny that Jacob was there as well! I wonder if he saw a ton of big trucks? There were tons of people who registered for that event. Even though the rain makes my head feel terrible, I don't really ever mind it, because it seems like we always need some! We have had a lot of it this summer, because I've barely had to water my flowers. I keep thinking it'll taper off eventually, but who knows?

  5. Debbie, you are so right! Maybe my issue is an allergy of some sort, though I don't know what it would be. A friend at church and I were actually talking about that yesterday and that's what she wondered about me. She just learned she gets sick in the summer a lot because of ragweed. It's all around a lake in their neighborhood!

    Thanks for the rec, and I did see that. It was SO GOOD! I just love him. I hope you have a great day!

  6. Amy, right? I laughed when she said that. I don't know what to think about that with my dad either, but Todd heard him ask something about my mom's parents- it's like he thinks it's 20 or 30 years ago and people who have died long ago are still alive. It's so sad! Maybe I shouldn't answer those questions, but I can never lie to him. It was so great seeing these friends! I still can't get over it. When he called my name, I immediately recognized his voice, because it's so loud and booming!

  7. I am happy to read about your day with your Dad and sending prayers for his health. LOVED reading about your son bringing the girl home. So cute! Says a lot that he wanted her to see his family :)

  8. That is so tough about your dad, but he is very blessed to have his Friday's with you. I loved hearing about each of your "kids." I relate so much to all that you say about your relationships with them. I love seeing my kids' young adult live unfold, but also miss the sweet days of their childhood. Have a good week!

  9. I enjoyed reading about your sons today. They seem like pretty special guys. Meeting up with "old" friends is always glad you got to see them. I hope you are having a good day today.

  10. I enjoyed reading about your boys!! Looks like everyone had a great weekend.
    The best part of my weekend was celebrating my husband's birthday.

  11. Thanks, Holly! I thought that was extra sweet.

  12. Thanks, Tanya! It is hard, but I also feel fortunate at the same time.

  13. Thanks, Cathy! I agree wholeheartedly.

  14. I'm so glad you had a great day with your dad! God is so, so good! I can't wait for the new season of Sweet Magnolias! How amazing to get a sweet surprise at church!! I love this for you! They sound like wonderful people! Loved getting to read about your sweet kiddos!

  15. That is so sweet of you, Crystal! Thank you! I loved seeing my friends. They both laughed so hard at my reaction.

  16. Oh I loved Sully; and I remember thinking the same thing when we came across it streaming somewhere. Seriously, how did I miss that? I love Tom Hanks and I love based on a true story movies too! I find so many people ask me if I miss my boys being little and lamenting over how grown all our kids are getting and while I do understand their feeling I always answer with "I LOVE the ages and stages they are now!" I have always loved something about every age and stage but this age is so neat because I know when my boys seek me out or talk to me it's by choice and not by default.

  17. Joanne, YES! I just love him! And I say the same thing about our sons. I have always loved whatever age they were currently. I love the friendship we have now with each of them! We never set out to be their friends while they were young, but as a result of how we raised them, that came about naturally. I feel fortunate to be able to say that! It sounds like you and your husband raised yours very similarly.

  18. I just saw Sully for the first time (finally) and while I was very impressed, I was also glad I saw this AFTER our recent trip. Yikes! My friend who is an airline pilot said aside from the overdramatization of the "trial" part, much of it was quite accurate to actual pilot/flying experience.


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