Thursday, July 27, 2023

throwback Thursday-- days gone by and what life with teenaged boys used to look like


Happy Thursday, friends! For the next few weeks, I am going to be sharing some older throwback posts that I wrote years ago. I know all of you know my sons, my husband, and me from how we right now in this present day, but back in 2017, things were way different. That got me to thinking if you'd ever be interested in reading about days gone by...and as all of you know, I do love to look back on the past. I don't want to go back to that time, necessarily, because I have always loved whatever the ages the boys are present day, but don't you think it's fun to reminisce? 

That being said, I present to you the year 2017. Graham was 18, Drew was 17, and Jonah and Noah were 13. (Today Graham is 24, Drew is 23, and Jonah and Noah are 20, so it's been a minute.) The picture below was taken on the night of Todd's birthday at The Peabody Hotel in downtown Memphis. We'd been to dinner, then we walked around downtown, ending the night on this rooftop. This was one of the rare times that it was just the eight of us: the six of us, and Todd's parents Phyllis and Wiley. Starting the next year, girlfriends started being added to this night, and in the years after that, the trajectory of this night changed drastically. I'll italicize the throwback post below. Happy reading! I'll see you back here tomorrow for Friday Favorites with Andrea and Erika, and don't forget that this Saturday is the link party for Share 4 Somethings. (Some things we've loved, read, learned, and ate and/or enjoyed.)

I've noticed a new unfamiliar pattern with my weekends lately. I don't really know when this started, either, maybe when my older two boys became more social in their lives. But I have noticed the change and thought I'd share a little about it, and life with four teenage boys.

Todd and I have always been in agreement with one another about parenting, and one thing we have always wanted was for our boys to know that their friends are welcome here all the time. Todd had that when he was growing up, and I had the same. In fact, my dad gave me only one piece of parenting advice when we started our family, and that was to never say no to them having friends over. Or at least, if we did say no, to not say it often and to be armed with a good excuse (like a sickness). We've said no a few times over the years, but from the time they were in kindergarten and first grade, they've ALWAYS had friends over for sleepovers or to hang out for the day.

All of that paragraph above is how we've always been the "hang out" house. I have lots of friends who are young in their parenting years, and this is for them. I'm asked pretty often about how we became the "hang out" house, and that's how it came to be. It's so simple, it's almost too easy to believe it would work. It does, though, and it doesn't always have to be complicated. Just start when they're young and keep it up; by the time they're teenagers, the precedent will have been set. Also, I feel like it needs to be said that you don't need a large home with a pool for this. We have a normal sized home and backyard with grass; it doesn't matter how big the home is or what it looks like inside. All teenagers want is a warm, inviting place to hang out and to be welcomed in by the parents.

I will say here that my kids have always been the type to want to hang out with their friends. I was that way when I was younger, I loved to spend the night out or to have my friends spend the night with me.  Usually it was that my friends came to me, and that is the case today with my boys. I don't know if they'll ever outgrow wanting friends to spend the night.

Heck, who am I kidding? I still love a good sleepover, and I'm forty. This might be why I volunteer in the youth at church; I have always loved a church camp, retreat, or lock-in. 

Now on to the rest of my post. We used to have weekends that looked exactly the same. We would go out on Friday night, we would go to my mom's and Bill's for dinner on Saturday night, and church would be on Sunday. My stepdad Bill always warned me that the day would come when nights at their house for dinner would grow fewer and further apart, because they'd want to be with their friends on the weekends. He was right.

Nowadays the boys are solo on Friday nights. The older two driving has made them fiercely independent, and they usually make all their own plans. They'll use Friday nights for guys night sometimes, or sometimes they'll meet friends for dinner and go to a late movie afterward. I've taken to making a huge dinner for my family on Saturday nights lately. And usually, it's not just us, but others will be crowded in around our dining room table. I love having a table full of people. For two weeks in a row, I made a huge dinner for them on this night, and it was completely devoured. This weekend I made another huge dinner, but it was just us six.

We can do either way, and I'm content with that. (Drew has one friend who loves my cooking, and often he will eat with us. We are always prepared for extra people.)

Often time, after dinner, they invite friends over. Sometimes it's just guys, and sometimes it's mixed. This week it was only three people, but they had fun laughing, and watching movies in the playroom upstairs. Sometimes it's crowded, sometimes it's simple, like this weekend.

This was an extra large crowd, on New Years' Eve, and some of the regulars that always come were out of town, but lots of weekends, it looks like this, or at least close to this.

Notice my house is not large. There are always people on furniture, around tables, and on the floor, but they don't mind. My house is never perfectly cleaned either, but that's okay, they don't care about that either. I will clean on weekdays and let the house be lived in over the weekends, when we're all home together.

Also, if I've not mentioned this, Todd works a lot of weekend nights. The night changes pretty frequently, but sometimes I'm here with these people alone. I don't ever mind, honestly, because they're all easy and fun to be with. Sometimes if my friend Missy isn't doing anything, she'll come join me, but usually if Todd is gone, it's just me. On those nights, I have noticed that they stay downstairs. I will watch any movie they request...even High School Musical 1, 2, and 3. And honestly, the more singing, the better. One of my favorites to watch with teenagers is the movie Enchanted with Patrick Dempsey and Amy Adams.

So this is what our weekend nights often look like. The key is to be open to the plans that my boys make.  One thing I try to tell them is to make sure they include everyone. They have this group text that they always use to talk back and forth, and sometimes a lot will respond to that, but this weekend, only one responded. They are okay with whatever, honestly, and often have even more fun on the nights when it's just a few here. The laughter seems louder on those nights, from what I can hear downstairs.

Also, most of this is about my older two boys, the sixteen and seventeen year olds. Jonah and Noah are thirteen, and they always have at least one friend here, my "bonus" son, and sometimes they'll have him and one other friend. Not usually, though. Alex is here more often than he's not on the weekends, and usually they won't ask for anyone else to come over. I know that day will change, though, and they'll be the ones who make our house burst at the seams with friends. Also, the fact that I volunteer as a youth leader at church helps tremendously. I know that God has given me a supernatural love for teenagers, and not everyone has that. I would prefer a house full of teenagers, though, over a few babies or toddlers, or even elementary aged kids. I've always loved whatever age in life my boys were, so since they're all teenagers now, this makes perfect sense. 

God has done this, though, and He is the one I want to boast in, not myself, not my husband, and CERTAINLY not our parenting skills. God has given us the wisdom and knowledge we've had thus far, and I pray all the time, for all of this. We are totally human and we are flawed. We've mimicked what our parents did for us, and we've used what we have learned from our godly pastor at church.

I know and recognize that these boys are not ours; they are the Lord's. His plans, His ways are totally perfect, and I trust Him with their lives. I hold them loosely in my hands, with my palms outstretched to God. They are His. When we mess up as parents, He is there to pick up the pieces and to gently guide us along the way. 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends.  I pray that you're encouraged in your parenting journey, no matter the ages of your kids. Enjoy a couple of pictures of what our weekends used to be spent doing: going to Costco with five boys on a Friday night and ending the evening at the park playing whatever sport they were into at the time. It always started with four or five, and more and more would join before long. Those were the days! Love to all.


  1. Now it makes sense why your house seems more quiet! You had a houseful. I have always been open to kids coming over and our house was within walking distance of their school k-12 so it happened quite a bit. I love them feeling comfortable to do that and it has happened a few times this summer. If you cook, they will come!

  2. Loved reading this- such a fun look back and so much fun and love in your home- I am sure you miss that :)

  3. Amy, yes! Now you see why I sometimes struggle the quiet. It's not quiet all the time, though. Just yesterday, Jonah and his girlfriend were here, and when she comes over she almost always brings her dog Sadie. So for one hour, it was crazy in the house! Sadie is wild, bless her little heart. But I was so used to have all the extras that when that stopped happening as much, I was on the struggle bus. We still have an open door policy here, and it's unspoken that even though they ask if someone can come over and eat with us, I will always say yes. I'd even eat something different and give up my portion to feed another person, and have done that many times.

    I love that you had the same at your house. That doesn't surprise me at all!

  4. Thanks, Holly! I do, but I also feel so fortunate that we still have it here. With three at home, they're always bringing someone home with them, whether a girl, or friends that come over to wash their vehicles. We are still known for our revolving door!

  5. This makes perfect sense that you would have the "fun" house :) We had a certain family that had the "fun" house and we all loved going over at least once a week and then the kids even on the weekends. My house was just the opposite...always quiet, with the exception of the boys music. Once Ted got his license, he was gone all the time. Collin was my homebody, so he and I would do school, then enjoy a quiet afternoon together - him doing his thing and me roaming around the house, doing mine. We loved it!

    It takes a certain personality to be the fun house all the time. I don't have it :)

  6. Awww, why am I not surprised that you were a great mom to teens? I love how you opened up your heart, home, and kitchen to your sons' friends. How fortunate for your boys and also for their friends. You received some good advice from your parents/ step parents and it sounds like you heeded it. Good job, mama! I hope your day is going well.

  7. Debbie, we had friends like that as well, and their house was always fun too. We loved going over there to play card games; sometimes all the boys would join us, other times they'd play upstairs or outside while the parents sat and laughed over cards. Those were the days! But we did love having #allthekids over. I loved it so much and it still makes my heart happy to cook for an army! My mom was this way when I was growing up, so the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I know you loved your boys being at home! I think it's so great that each family figures out what works for them. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Thanks, Maria! I still love cooking for a bunch of people. Just recently Drew was coming home for dinner and asked if it was okay if his two roommates came as well. Of course I said yes, because I'd rather eat oatmeal for dinner than turn away their friends. I can remember looking at what I'd made and the amount of people in our home and asking the Lord to multiply the food for us, much like Jesus did when He fed the crowd with a few fish and some loaves of bread. I feel like He did that kind of thing all the time for us, and I also noticed that they'll eat what's there. If there's a ton, they'll eat a lot; if there is only a little, they'll just get a smaller portion of everything. It's the same with adults! I hope you're having a great week, my friend!

  9. This is such a fun idea for a post. I love seeing the pics from the past. I hope as my kids get older, that we are a hang out house. I'd rather have them here than not really know what's going on somewhere else. You've raised four awesome guys!

  10. Thanks, Jen! You should do this kind of post sometime. I think it's fun to look back on how things were. Thank you for that encouragement! They certainly have flaws, as we all do, but I am proud to be their mom, and it makes me happy when I see their integrity in action. 💙💙

  11. Too funny! I was just working on my August blogging calendar and was thinking of making each Tuesday a throwback post. Great minds think alike. We wanted to be the hang out house too and living on the lake we kind of had the perfect set up for it but I've found that my boys aren't really the hanging out with friends type. They know they are always welcome to invite anyone over but rarely do-- and honestly they rarely seem to go over friends houses too; mostly they all enjoy hanging out online but in their own houses. A totally weird to me phenomenon but my middle son explained how with lots of apps now they can all talk and interact as if they're in the same room but be comfy in their pj's and have the whole space/bed to themselves. They often watch movies or tv shows together but apart! LOL.

  12. What a great idea to do a Throwback post! We also had a similar attitude with having friends over and everyone being welcome. It was always so much fun! Now it definitely feels quiet!

  13. I love that your house was the house to be at!!!! Look at these memories! Awe!!!! Makes me wanna cry! Teenagers are SO fun!! We are having a blast with ours, and now that our oldest started working this summer, we MISS her so much and look for the times we can hang out. You are a great mom/a great example, Jen!

  14. Joanne, that's so funny! I hope you do one, because I love reading those. That's interesting about your boys, but I know others that do the same. Mine were like that sometimes, and would go through phases of being at home a lot, and other times they wanted to be with lots of friends and be gone all the time. Honestly, I'm like that myself.

  15. Thanks, Tanya! It was so much fun being a parent to teenagers. I have more people at home than you, and I'm thankful for that, but it does definitely feel different these days. I know you loved that phase as much as we did!

  16. Thanks, sweet Bri! You are so kind to say that. I think it was so much fun having teenagers, so I could easily imagine you feeling the same way. I also imagine you being the same kind of hang out home that we were. I know you miss your oldest while she works, but how awesome that has a job this summer! Will she continue to work when school starts back? I'm just curious. My boys always worked during school, even if just a couple of hours two or three nights a week. I hope your week has been good so far! 💚


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