Thursday, July 6, 2023

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! It's been forever since I've written a Thankful Thursday post, so I thought I'd do that this week. I never have to dig too deep for the words on this type of post. I have so very much to be thankful for! I've always been a look-on-the-bright-side-of-things type person, so maybe that's why. The Lord has been infinitely good to our family and He is always faithful!

Just yesterday I was thanking God once again for His mighty hand of protection. Our bonus son Alex was in a wreck Tuesday afternoon, and while his car is pretty messed up, he walked away without a scratch and just a bit of a backache. I am so thankful that he is okay! I told him that, because cars are replaceable, but people aren't. 

I am thankful for the family time we had this week. Once again, we can never all seem to get together at the same time, but it is what it is. I was just grateful that most of us were together at my mom's and stepdad's on the evening of the fourth of July. The rain messed us up a bit, though, and for the first time ever, no fireworks were shot off. It was so strange! Bill made an amazing dinner—chicken wings, and a shrimp boil. Have you ever had a shrimp boil? It's shrimp, potatoes, onion, corn on the cob, and smoked sausage boiled with water seasoned with Old Bay seasoning. It was delicious!

This is at their house, but was taken several years ago. I love it out in the country! Graham bought this really cool drone and took some amazing video footage of all their property while we were there. I would love to put that for you here to see, but I have no idea how to do that. 

I'm thankful that the rain cools things off here, at least temporarily. As I write this, it's about to rain and the temperature has dropped at least ten degrees. We have had scary storms lately! We were driving out to Mom's Tuesday afternoon, and I was shocked at the damage they had the night before I left for the beach. Mom and Bill were without power for about 24 hours, but my dad and Sandy went without from Sunday night to Thursday afternoon. Many more were without power even longer! I am also always thankful for the linemen who work tirelessly at our utility company to restore what was lost. They worked around the clock for days on end! 

Even though it was a random Wednesday night, I'm thankful Todd was able to work last night. He has had the hardest time lately trying to find partners to ride with! I told him he needs to find new friends. 🤣 I don't know that they were all that busy, but even so, he was definitely in his happy place. I know that technically that is a second job for him, but I am so thankful that he loves what he does. It's really more of a hobby than anything else, and he absolutely loves that line of work. I've always heard that if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. I'm also grateful that Graham, Drew, and Jonah feel the same about what they do for a living. Noah feels differently, and he's the one I stress over because of how he's treated at work, but what do you do? He's twenty and a grown man, so as long he is okay with it, that's all that matters. Don't mind me pouring my heart out a bit here. Do moms ever NOT stress or worry over their kids, whether little or grown? I think not. 

I am thankful I had such a fun trip last week, but I am also glad to be home, where I most love to be. I feel like I'm fortunate to be able to say that. 

Well, I've rambled on for long enough. Tell me something you're thankful for this week. I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Love the way you always remind us to be thankful even for the little things. This week I am thankful for some sunny days, a more laid back schedule and a little alone time I got last night :)

  2. Thankful for electricity still and no storm damage to my house. A house one street over was totally destroyed. I guess both you and I have had reminders of what a storm can do. I'm thankful for some time with my sisters and my nieces and nephews. I'm thankful for just a normal unhurried day at home.
    So much, really!

  3. Thank you, Holly! I know you loved those slightly easier and sunny days you've had recently. Your lake pictures looked amazing! And yay for alone time! It's something we all need from time to time. Honestly, it's how I recharge my batteries after being away or from being super busy.

  4. Amy, you are so right! I know you are thankful to have your power back on and that you got away from that with no damage. We had another storm last night, and now every time it does that, I get nervous at what it could become. I hate that I'm like that, but now I have trust issues with the weather again! How fun to have spent so much time with your nieces and nephews recently! I know you love that time with them.

  5. So many great things to be thankful for. I've never had a shrimp boil- I think they're more of a southern thing? Not that you're in the deep south but you're not north, either ;). Sounds delicious and any meal not prepared by me is much appreciated and you likely feel the same way. Have a great Thursday!

  6. Debbie, it's true! That sounds like a terrible work environment your son was in- good for him in standing up for himself and getting himself out. I tell Noah all the time to never let anyone mistreat him. I'm pretty sure they're nothing like the rude person who did that to your son, but it's more in words and using his kindness to get what they want out of him. It makes me so mad, but you are so right- people are just cruel, and yes, even (sometimes especially) in the church. I'm pretty sure I would never want to work in ours for that very reason...if there are people there who are like that, I don't want to know about them!

    I am so glad to hear your husband is already enjoying his new job! What a blessing!

  7. Maria, you are probably right. I didn't think about that! And you assumed correctly- any meal I don't have to make is one I love!

  8. I've had a crab boil several times from Joe's Crabshack. It sounds the same except they also add crab legs. Yummy! I don't want to make a crab boil at home, but I think I could handle the shrimp boil. I hope you have a great weekend, Jennifer!

  9. Cathy, I bet that was good too! I love crabmeat. You should try a shrimp boil sometime! You could easily do a small version for just the two of you and tailor it to your tastes. That seasoning is super salty, though, so beware. I hope you have a great weekend too, my friend!


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