Saturday, July 29, 2023

Share 4 Somethings, July edition


Happy Saturday, friends, and welcome to the July edition of Share 4 Somethings! We always talk about things we loved, things we learned, things we read, and things we ate and enjoyed. Don't forget to link back to me in your post, and remember to leave some comment love on the blogs you read from the link party. Happy reading! 


I loved the fireworks on the 3rd of July!

I loved that I remembered to get this picture of Dad and I recently. 

I loved being introduced to this song. It's currently one of my favorites.

I loved this reminder that I saw on Instagram.

Chloe loved watching this show on Hallmark with me.

I have loved my new sunglasses! They're the flat front kind and they are seriously the most comfortable pair of glasses I have ever owned.

I loved meeting up with my friend and fellow blogger, Marilyn!

I loved seeing my old friends at church a few weeks ago! Kent was my old worship leader and he and his wife are near and dear to my heart. 

I loved seeing the oldest and youngest pups being cuddle buddies!

I loved getting some new pillow covers and giving the downstairs in our home a much-needed reset/refresh. 

(More of my downstairs reset/refresh)


I am reading this book every morning, but I've read some great books in July. I'll be sharing a post on the books I read in July on Monday, so come back to read about that! 

Learned: I learned about Elizabeth Elliot's sister-in-law, Colleen while listening to this podcast this week. This is a great podcast, in case you're interested. Robin Jones Gunn is one of my favorite authors, and she is the co-host along with Cheryl Brodersen. 

I've also learned some things about dementia, and what to do/not do. Most of you know my dad has this, so I like reading about things people give advice on when it comes to aging people with this diagnosis.

Ate and enjoyed: I have been loving the fruits and vegetables of summer. I ate this big bowl of fruit one day after dinner, and I've had several more just like it since. 

I enjoyed being out with my mom last Saturday, and this bowl of soup was so very good. It doesn't matter how hot it is outside, I always love and crave soup, especially La Perla Tapatia's tortilla soup.

I've been having this for breakfast everyday. It's a (new to us) kind of protein drink, the Orgain brand, and it's pretty sweet. Nobody likes them, but I've discovered that when I pour it over ice and add some coffee to top it off, it's delicious. This was not original to me, my friend Amy has talked about this before on her blog. 

Todd and I ate this sushi for dinner one night as a stay-at-home date night, and it was delicious! I hadn't had it in a long time, so it tasted even better than normal.

When we had our date night on Thursday, we really enjoyed the Mediterranean food we had. We ate at a place called Sufi's, which was quaint and that had the most delicious food.

I had the Jerusalem salad, we shared hummus and babaganoush with fresh pita bread, stuffed grape leaves, and shawarma meat with his wrap and my salad.  

That wraps another month of Share 4 Somethings! Can you believe it's almost August? I know this makes me sound old, but time goes by so quickly these days. Maybe it always has and I'm just noticing it more. Who knows? 

I know it's still a while before the new year, but I am keeping up both this link party and the Currently link party that happens on the first Wednesday of each month. That day for next month will fall on Wednesday August the 2nd, we'll be sharing what we're currently loving, looking forward to, starting, thinking, and wearing. I hope you'll consider joining up with one or both of those link parties! I'd love to have you join; they're fun to read. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!


  1. I'm in serious denial that it is almost August! Love your new throw pillows. So pretty! We got new pillows last fall and I love them. Such a quick and easy change. Your food looks good, too, at the restaurant you tried. It's always nice to find new and good places to eat. Have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks, Maria! I love them and agree that a small change makes a big statement. I have actually had the pillows and the covers, but I had to replace two, thanks to a dog who tore one accidentally. This is why I buy things that are inexpensive! 🙄😂 We LOVE trying new food together! Have a great weekend, my friend!

  3. Chloe is so cute!! You inspired me to write a shower post too-- I hope that's ok. We love sushi and have a few favorite spots in town. Life has been busy, but maybe I can go on a sushi date with Travis before I get back to school. Thanks for hosting this fun link up.

  4. I love the kindness quote, too. If we all could do it, what a difference we'd see! Great tips on dementia. My mother had Alzheimer's and we learned these things along the way, but I wish I'd known them from the beginning. (And btw, I'd like people to treat me this way, too, even though I don't have dementia! lol)

  5. I can't believe its almost August. This summer has flown by! That mediteranean restaurant looks delicious! Have a great weekend.

  6. Your home is beautiful! And I do love the bathroom decor! That photo of you and your Dad is precious! Thank you so much for hosting this fun blog, I really enjoy reading! Looking forward to following your blog!

  7. Aw, I loved meeting up with you this month too! It is fun to buy new pillow covers to change up decor. I need to check out Sufi's. I went there last year for my birthday wehn it was Casablanca because I loved their pita chips and hummus. :)

  8. Thank you, Jen! Of course I don't mind - I love reading about those types of things, so I'm glad you did one on your blog. I'll have to check it out! I'm so glad you join us for these, it's always such a fun link party. I hope you're enjoying your weekend!

  9. Lisa, you're so right! What a different world we would live in. That picture with the tips about dementia is really good! It's always a great reminder. I'm so glad you joined us for the link party this month!

  10. Tanya, the month has flown by! We loved the food at Sufi's and are planning on going back. The hummus with pita bread was TO DIE FOR. I could just eat that as my meal and be done. I hope you're having a great weekend!

  11. Marilyn, how funny that you just went there! The hummus with pita bread was AMAZING. Maybe that's where we should go next time we meet up for dinner!

  12. Your puppies are so sweet looking! Wonder if we all start eating soup, will it cool down just a bit outside? That fruit looks amazing. A refresh is always so nice. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend. Thank you for hosting this link up!

  13. I actually love the Orgain brand protein shakes! They are a staple for me when I forget to eat, or on days when I'm at work on busy all day or when I just need an extra shot of protein.

  14. The summer really seems to be going by so quickly! Looks like you've been having a wonderful one though, with so many things to love! The picture of you and your dad is the sweetest.

  15. I can not believe that August is already this week! The summer just flies by so fast.. funny because I feel like winter drags on and on and on. My grandmother had dementia and I really wished the home she eventually settled in had had some sort of hand out like that one. It would have been so helpful. My aunt used to argue and repeatedly remind her that we sold her house and other things like that that would get my grandmother so upset. I knew my aunt wasn't trying to be cruel but I often wondered why she bothered knowing my grandmother wouldn't remember that conversation for very long anyway. I tended to just smile and agree and share fun stories and hugs. But, I also wasn't the one my grandmother took her frustrations out on so... we were definitely not dealing with the same "person."

  16. I am with you! I can't believe it is almost August and time does seem to go by faster as we get older. I love all your food pics, family pics, and general updates. I hope you have a great week and I NEED to remember to come back tomorrow to see what you are reading!

  17. I am sorry aboutyuor father but that's a great quick guide on helpful support. Looks like you've had a few nice meals out too! That's always a treat! Thanks you for hosting. I will try pop by on Wednesday too.

  18. Jen, thank you bunches for hosting. What a great month you had. I especually love the photo of you and your dad and the pups. I appreciate you sharing the infographic about demtia.

  19. Thank you, Jean! Hey, I like the way you think. I'll try it this week and if it works, I'll let you know! 🤣

  20. We love them as well, Bethany! We've been drinking protein drinks for about a year and a half now, but we started the Orgain about a year ago. I appreciate that one fills me up, especially when it's made even more delicious by adding some coffee over ice!

  21. Joanne, you are so right about how the people who care for loved ones with dementia or Alzheimers are the ones who really see the true versions of the ones we love. When I pray each day, I pray for my stepmom. She is such a great wife to my dad! I always ask God to give her patience and strength, because I know it's not easy living with it day after day.

  22. Cindy, right? It really does seem to be the case as we age. Thanks for that! I hope to see you back here on Monday!

  23. Thank you, Paula! I hope you had a great weekend!

  24. So much to love! I really like your new throw pillow covers; super cute, and I love where you have your morning basket sitting. Looks so nice there and is a handy place for when you want to sit and study. I need to come up with something functional and pretty like that.

  25. the picture of you and dad, those sleeping pets, those very fun sunglasses, the friends.

    simple pleasures, sacred gifts, Jennifer.

  26. Thanks, Bri! I love the morning basket idea and got it from a friend. The basket was very inexpensive, but I love how pretty it looks. ❤️

  27. Linda, you are so right! Thank you!

  28. Well - my oh many things you have loved this month! Isn't that wonderful? God's blessings are just so abundant!! Here's to another "lovely" month ahead!

  29. Jennifer, yes! But also, I am definitely a look-on-the-bright-side kind of gal and can find lots of things to love and be thankful for. Thank you! I hope your week is off to a great start!

  30. What a joy to spend time with your father, Jennifer! So many great memories - animals, food, friends, books and movies this month!

  31. Lisa, thanks for stopping by and linking up with us! You are so right; I have MUCH to be thankful for. I hope your week is going great so far!

  32. Aw, Jennifer ... I love the picture of you and your dad. Does every older dad have a green plaid or checked shirt? Or maybe just the best ones? :-) I'm sorry that he has dementia ... those words of wisdom are so kind and helpful.

  33. Thank you, Lois! I bet you're right. Only the best dads have those kinds of shirts! Thank you for your sweet words, friend.


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the Wednesday hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce today for the weekly hodgepodge. I always love this day of blog reading, and I ho...