Friday, July 7, 2023

Friday Favorites, 7.7.23.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How's your week been? Are you like me and can't get the days right? I've been so off all week long, because of the fourth being on Tuesday. I didn't hate it, though, I must admit. My husband shut the company down for a four day weekend, so that was so nice for them to be able to take off like that! Even Drew was off for a four day weekend, which is so rare in his business. Poor Noah had to work, but he said it wasn't terrible, so that's always good to hear.

First off, did you happen to catch my recap post that I made about my beach getaway? If not, you can find it here. While I'm talking about blog posts, I'll go ahead and list my others as well. 

Monday was my weekending recap and what I primed in June. You should check it out, I found some great things on Amazon that month!

Tuesday was the fourth, but I did share a bit of encouragement there.

Wednesday was the Currently post for July. That link is still open, if you want to join in! I always keep it open for about three weeks, so you have plenty of time to join us, if you'd like.

Thursday I wrote a Thankful Thursday post, since it's been a long time since I did one. 

I'll move into some favorite moments from the week, starting with the fact that I saw all of my family. What a blessing to be able to say that. Todd worked Friday night of last weekend, but we went out for dinner and errands on Saturday. Doing mundane things like that with him is always my favorite!

Our Mexican restaurant dates are always our favorite. It's always our go-to restaurant of choice, because we eat things like what you see pictured. (Some of these pictures will be redundant this week, since I did share about some of this already.)

I worked in the audio/visual booth again on Sunday, which is quickly becoming a favorite place to volunteer. I was doing the big screens for the front of house again, so I have to wear this headset for the director and I to be able to communicate with each other. Also, remember how I mentioned I didn't feel great that day? I was freezing! I had to wear this blanket the entire time I was in there. That's so unusual for me! 

On Monday, I laid around the entire day, so there's really nothing exciting to share except for the beautiful fireworks display our town put on. Todd's parents came to watch with us, because we can see almost the whole show from the sidewalk in front of our house. 

Fireworks are my favorite, but so is watching them from the comfort of our own yard. I wore my comfy lounge clothes that I'd had on all day, and my hair was still piled on top of my head from when I slept that way the night before. I tell you that to say how nice it is to not feel like I have to dress up when someone comes over. Todd's parents are like that and always have been. I don't have to clean my house, I don't have to make anything fancy for dinner, they're just really simple people who come strictly to visit and don't care how my house looks. I really love and appreciate that about them! I feel so fortunate to be able to say this. 

Walking and listening to this podcast has been my favorite this week. Have you listened to this yet? I want my husband to hear it, but he's weird about podcasts and doesn't like a lot of them. I know he would love this one!

Getting my nails done once a month is always a favorite thing to do, but I wasn't sure how I felt about this new OPI color I picked, Flex on the Beach. 🤣 The names crack me up! It's growing on me, though and I like it better now than when I first got home with it. I went after dinner on Wednesday night, and nobody was there! 

And lastly, puppy cuddles have been my favorite this week. Chloe is adjusting nicely to being here with the other dogs, and they don't hate her too bad. Well, Oakley does, but she'll learn. I have had a very low key and easy week, so I am ready to get out the house some this weekend. My sister and I are making plans to get together on Saturday at some point, but other than that, I don't know what I'll be doing. 

My dad comes over today, so that's always fun! I'm hoping for a good, fun, and easy day with him—these days I never know what he's going to be like when he arrives. He was given an official diagnosis of dementia this week, which we already knew, so I'd love your prayers for him, if you're the praying type. I want him to always love and enjoy being here on Fridays, and I know he does. Sandy always says that when he comes here, he's coming to his happy place. He loves the dogs and we always have such a good time trying to solve all the problems of the world. And never once in my 46 and 1/2 years have we ever run out of topics to discuss. I can't wait for today! 

So, tell me something good from your week, I'd love to hear from you! Thank you for reading my blog, friends! I hope you all have a great weekend. Love to all! 


  1. Sorry to hear about your dad's diagnosis even if it's something that wasn't shocking at all to hear. Physically your dad is doing so well and if you guys are solving all of the world's problems then it sounds like he's doing pretty well mentally ;). Abby and I listened to Scamanda in its entirety on our drive back from New Jersey which was exactly a week ago. I don't listen to "entertaining" podcasts often; it really did help make the long car ride better. Have a great weekend!

  2. I hope you have a good day with your Dad! It's nice to hear from Sandy how much he loves Fridays with you.
    I hope you get into something fun tomorrow with your sister! Is there a place you all have both been wanting to go? Are there little boutiques you haven't seen yet? You are lucky to get to do that! My visit with my sisters was very short and they were worn down already and not much fun when I got to my mom's house - lol.

  3. Thank you, Maria! You are right, and most days he does great mentally. Somedays are really hard, though, so I honestly don't ever know what to expect. I do remember you saying you'd listened to Scamanda and had that in the back of my mind when I started listening to this!

  4. Thanks, Amy! It is always nice to hear that. I am always glad to give her a break as well! He can be exhausting! 🤣
    I'm trying to think of something different for us to do, since it's just us. I'll have to think about it some more! I'm guessing that your sisters had been with your mom before you got there? Bless them!

  5. I'll be praying for your dad and for you and your sister as you care for him. I can imagine that even though his diagnosis didn't come as a big surprise to you. It's still hard to hear those words officially.

  6. Great hearing about "mundane" time. . .actually it's a blessing and privilege to have it, right? My MIL has been diagnosed with Alzheimers and it is just a difficult thing for everyone -- her, those who love her, etc. She is doing great, though, and we get to live four doors down from them (they moved 300 miles two years ago to be with us) so that is great for everyone. I've never had the experience of "never running out of things to talk about" with someone -- that would be so nice!! I am surrounded by a lot of introverts - ha! Glad your inlaws are like mine and you can just "have them over" without expectation of having to entertain, dress up, or do anything fancy. And I really like your nails :). Happy Weekend@

  7. Oh that Chloe is just precious! The fireworks look beautiful and how awesome that you can see them from your own yard. What is that podcast about? I might have to listen. Have a blast with your dad :)

  8. Your nail polish is very pretty. Chloe is such a cute pup! Praying for your dad. Hope you have a great weekend!

  9. Thank you, Ruth! He is still living at home with his wife, Sandy, so I am thankful for that. I know she enjoys her weekly breaks!

  10. Thanks, Jennibell! You get it- I know it's hard to watch her go through that, but how wonderful that they live so close by you. I know it's a huge help to your father in law! I am so thankful for our relationship and the ease of our relationship. I feel like it's such a rare thing- along with all that mundane time. You're so right! I hope you have a great weekend!

  11. Holly, I love her! Girl, it is so good, you need to listen. She is a fraud who commits scams to people she loves! I don't want to give away too much, but you need to check it out!

  12. Thank you, Cathy! I hope you enjoy your weekend as well!

  13. I can't wait to read about your beach trip! Quick question while I'm thinking about it - when do you usually post the prompts for the next month's "CurrentlY" post? My husband's Grandmother was recently diagnosed with early signs of dementia. So, we'll be walking this road somewhat together!

  14. Hey, Crystal! I will come up with the prompts this week and share them in my Friday Favorites post. I keep forgetting! I always try to share them in each Currently post for the next month. I'm sorry to hear about his grandmother! It's so hard watching them go through this.


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Thankful Thursday -- the birthday edition

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