Friday, July 21, 2023

Friday Favorites, 7.21.23.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How has your week been? Mine has been good and uneventful, but also satisfying. Does that make sense? It was a week filled with favorite things! First up is this delicious drink that I had for breakfast on Wednesday. 

Amy has talked about her coffee/protein drink morning shakes before, and when I drank a new kind of the protein drink that Todd brought home this week and it was too sweet, I added it to some room temperature coffee. This was so yummy! 

This beautiful verse is one of my favorites in the Bible. I desperately needed this reminder this week. 

Will puppy cuddles ever not be a favorite? I don't think so. Also, this top is one of my favorites! I got it from Walmart before I left for the beach and have worn it a few times. I get compliments on it every time I wear it! 

Church signs have always been my favorite! I saw this one on social media this week and laughed. It's been this hot here near Memphis! I hate the thought of the fact that two of my sons work outside in this heat. I know they're okay, but my heart worries over them getting heatstroke or something. I know, I know, they'll be fine. It's just me.

Chip's favorite thing in all of the world is getting a new toy. We love the ones that Costco sells, because they usually come in a three pack. This sea turtle was one we brought out last weekend, and he sat like this for like ten minutes. He seemed like he was savoring it! 

This image below is also a favorite and very useful with my dad. The key will be remembering what this says when we're together, though I already do pretty good with most of these tips. 

I shared this again on Sunday, because it's so true! This was on my Timehop from a few years ago, maybe four or five? Who knew it would turn out to be a bit prophetic? Dogs are my favorite.

Matching my reading glasses to my outfits is a favorite. This was me ready for church on Sunday, and I wore the black glasses that I usually keep here at home. 

This picture below is one of my favorite memories! One summer while Jonah and Noah spent a few days with my in-love's, my mom and I surprised them with a room makeover. Before this their room had been a taupe color, and was really young looking. We painted, rearranged furniture, she made the curtains, and we hung new things on their walls. They loved this room! They stayed in here together until Drew moved out in 2020, and now Jonah has this same room (painted differently now and looking way different) to himself. This was the summer they were around eight years old.

I love driving along my favorite roads in town! Add to that a beautiful, sunny day and I am one happy girl. I feel so fortunate to live in such a beautiful place. Isn't it wonderful to love where you live? I know many of you feel the same!

Pizza from here is always a favorite! I shared it with Jonah and Noah last weekend. It was delicious and cheesy, a couple of my favorite things. 

I bought some new sandals this week! Remonte is one of my favorite brands, and I love the color of these. You can see that they're not white, but a creamy, iridescent, pale gold color. I love them and have worn them two days in a row. 


Choir practice on Wednesday nights is always a favorite, and so are the songs we're learning! We have a fun event coming up that will take us outside of our church walls. We get to be guest worship leaders at a conference a mega church in our area is hosting on a Tuesday night in August. I'm excited about this, because singing outside of our church walls is one of my favorite things. I've been privileged to be able to help lead worship in several settings like that over the last five to ten years, and I never want to get over the honor that it is. I love to sing! 

Todd's new drone is his favorite! He took these on Wednesday night after church. In this one below, he's over our church. 

And this next one is above our house and neighborhood. Aren't these cool? 

Not being able to sleep Wednesday night/Thursday morning was not my favorite. I came downstairs at 2 a.m. to watch tv, because I was tossing and turning. I finally fell to sleep again at 4, and Noah woke me up at 7 when he came downstairs for work. I didn't feel too bad, in spite of my lack of sleep, except for one small (huge) thing that happened that morning—a huge container of salsa (a gallon sized container) slipped out of my hands as I was putting chicken into the crockpot, and it went everywhere. It was on me, Todd, the dogs, the floor, the cabinets, and everywhere inside the refrigerator. The good news is that Todd was here to help me clean it all up, and my floor and refrigerator were spotless afterward. I had to pull everything out of the shelves in the door of it to rinse everything off. What a mess! I just laughed, because what else could I do? It was so bad that I didn't know where to begin cleaning. 🤣

This was a favorite thing I saw on social media this week. It's such a great reminder!

This song below is my current favorite song. You should look it up and listen. It's so good! This is also one of my favorite musical groups right now. I love everything they put out!

Lastly, seeing this promo video that just released about our upcoming fall Bible study on the book of Judges is my favorite! The books should be available to purchase/order through Amazon soon, if anyone is interested. For anyone new here who doesn't know this, I am one of the writers of the study. There are a team of four of us who write studies for women in our church (and anywhere else) that want to dig deep into the Word of God. This is our fifth study to write since 2020! The other books in the Bible we've written on are Hosea, Philippians, Esther, 1-2-3 John & Jude, and now Judges. We alternate between Old and New Testament, and in 2024, we will probably take a writing break to do something totally different. Lord willing, we will pick back up in 2025 and continue to write. 

Did you read all of my blog posts this week? I'll share them below. 

Monday was my Weekending post. 

Tuesday I shared some Dinner Inspiration with a yummy recipe a few people asked about.

Wednesday was Wordy Wednesday, where I wrote from a writing prompt.

Thursday I shared about Struggles, Hard Times, and Resting in God.

Tell me your favorite thing about this week, I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Lots of favorites which is a good sign! I like all of them, by the way. That church sign regarding the weather is clever. Do your boys complain about being outside in the heat so much? I'm afraid that I would ;). Your singing and upcoming book are exciting- really good things. You'll let us know when your book can be ordered, right? Have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks, Maria! I thought the church sign was funny- I have always loved those. They don't complain, but I know I would! They drink plenty and eat light meals- things with protein and such - and they wear cool clothing. They're such great sports! Better than I would be, I know for a fact. I will let you know about the Bible study! I can't wait...we should be hearing from them today or early next week, which means it could be ready to order in a week or less. I will keep you posted!

  3. That jar of salsa!! What a mess! And I had to laugh at you redecorating your son's room while they were gone because I used to do that to my boys every time they would go to church camp :) As they got older, they would say "Mom, don't do anything to my room while I'm gone!" :) It's something we laugh about now.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I have spilled things more times than I could count. I get in a hurry and try to do more than I should.
    Glad you liked the "proffee". I am currently using instant coffee crystals from the Mexican grocery. I put in a teaspoon or so and a little water and then froth it up with my frother and add ice and about a half of my protein shake (my new glass iced coffee glasses only hold about half). Seriously, this is what has kept me from Starbuck's! Ha! I am really on a vanilla kick lately. The vanilla goes really well with the coffee flavor.
    I love your new sandals! You have mentioned Remonte before but it was a new brand to me. I guess it's time for me to start thinking about my feet on those cement floors. My current plan is sneakers with dresses and Birkenstocks. It would be nice to have some better looking really comfy sandals.
    Glad you had a good week! I did, too! There are now some cute Hallmark type movies on E channel - I just watched Ms. Match. There is another one coming out on Sunday.

  5. Yes I totally get "uneventful AND satisfying" ...that is how I would describe my week too and perfect for summer. That top and color are so pretty on you- have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Debbie, IT. WAS. A. MESS. And, I am still smelling salsa in my nose, because it probably flew up there as well. I'm rolling my eyes. I love that you did that with your boys too! Actually, now that you said camp, maybe that's where Jonah and Noah were. I thought maybe it was before they started going, but I bet that's where they were!

    Great minds think alike! Have a great day and weekend, friend!

  7. Amy, I loved the drink- thanks for sharing the idea with us! You should definitely check out the Remonte brand of sandals. I have issues in my feet with one foot that was broken in the same place twice, and I also struggle with tendinitis and plantar fasciitis...these sandals are perfect for all of my ailments with my feet. They're pricey, but they're worth every single penny.

    That coffee sounds good- I may have to try something similar. I'll check to see if I have that channel, I'm not sure it's one offered on the apps we use.

    Happy Friday, friend!

  8. Holly, YES! I knew someone would understand that phrase. Thanks for the sweet words! I do love the top. I have it in blue as well and wore it last Friday when I met up with Marilyn for dinner. I shared about that on the Hello Monday link this week. It's a totally different look!

  9. Cute shoes! Sorry to hear about the salsa, but glad no one was hurt and everything was cleaner afterwards. I hope your day goes well with your dad.
    Next time we meet, maybe we can go to Lost Pizza!

  10. Thanks, Marilyn! I love them. Yes, I love that idea! The Greek salad is also delicious!

  11. Oh those puppies!! That little one loves to snuggle...but I really love Chip holding onto his toy! I know they bring so much joy to your house. (I'm personally very happy to enjoy our "grand dog" that comes for a visit but then goes home with her mommy!! ha!) I hope you have a special day with your dad and a great weekend ahead! Stay cool...and wear those cute sandals! Love those!!

  12. Did you get a new puppy?!?!?!?!?! As per late, I am not consistent with any blog reading. :( Was just thinking of you and wanted to pop over. It was definitely easier to keep up with you when your blog showed up in my email inbox. Miss that it doesn't anymore. Hope all is well and that you are enjoying your summer, friend!

  13. Jennifer, I love the one of Chip holding his new toy. He's so cute with them! I totally understand you loving the grandparent phase of having a dog- all the fun, none of the responsibility!

  14. Bri, YES! Her name is Chloe and she's adorable. I've missed you, my friend! It's so good to see your name here. I'm about to text you now...

  15. I love reading church sounds too; they are usually so clever! My husband and oldest son often work outside in the summer too and I get nervous when they do that on hot days too. I remind them to drink more and we buy those liquid IV packs to add to their water. My husband has had nights where he wakes up with massive leg cramps after working out in the heat.

  16. Joanne, right? I'm glad it's not just me that gets nervous over my sons working outside. Those IV packs are a great idea! Bless them for their hard work, made even more so by working outside.


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