Wednesday, June 28, 2023

what's up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday from the beach! I'm linking up with Sheaffer and Shay for today's blog post. I'll jump right in!

What I'm eating this week: All. the. seafood! I was told once that wherever I'm at, eat the food the place is known for. I've told our sons this and I take my own advice. Aside from the first night I was here at the beach and we ate Mexican, I'm looking forward to seafood for the rest of the time I'm here. Last night we went to the Marina Cafe and had some amazing food. It's a favorite and one we frequently visit when we're here.

What I'm reminiscing about: Summers full of activities with best friends and teenage girls! Here are a few examples.

Also, were any of you around when my hair was shorter? I don't know that I'll ever go back to that. I prefer it like it is right now. 

What I'm loving: Today.

The water was crystal clear yesterday!

What I've been up to: I've been doing and enjoying all the summer things. I've been outside a lot, either swimming or in the yard, and I've been loving every second. We had a crazy bad storm blow through our area Sunday night, and almost 200K people in our county were without power. So, while I've been here, my sweet husband has been checking on our people. My dad and Sandy don't have power yet, and it's Tuesday night as I write this. 

What I'm dreading: I can't really say that I'm dreading anything right now. 

What I'm working on: I finished my part of the Bible study I helped to write, and it's been edited. We're sending it to the publisher on Friday, maybe before, and I can't wait to see it! After that we'll be working on logistics for our fall women's Bible study. 

What I'm excited about: I'm always excited by everything, so it's hard to answer this one! I'm having fun right now in this moment, but I'm excited for tomorrow, and Saturday when I'll see my mom and sister, I'm excited for the fourth of July when we'll see fireworks...the list goes on. 

What I'm watching/reading: I've been rewatching The Summer I Turned Pretty on Amazon, to get ready for when season 2 comes out in July. I've also been watching movies on the weekend. You should go back to my "weekending" post this week for some recs. I've been reading great books! I'll post about them next week.

What I'm listening to: The waves right this moment. When I drove here on Monday, I listened to podcasts for seven hours. It was wonderful!

What I'm wearing: Dresses, a swimsuit, a coverup and a visor. And lots and lots of sunscreen.

What I'm doing this weekend: Driving home on Friday! Seeing my mom and sister on Saturday and church on Sunday. I can't wait!

What I'm looking forward to next month: So many things! I'm just soaking up the summer moments. 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all!



  1. Glad you are having fun at the beach! Looks like a great week to be there ;). I think your hair was cute short but it looks like nice longer, too. So exciting about your book! Have a great day!

  2. You're doing all the fun summer things! Did you drive by yourself? That's a long drive! Have a fun week and safe return :)

  3. That's just enough time at the beach! Monday-Friday! I can't just lay on a beach or by a pool for too long because I need activity like sightseeing or something. The pool and beach look gorgeous!

  4. Oh I cannot wait to read all about this trip- yeah! So happy for you :)

  5. Thanks, Maria! It is a great week to be here. Yesterday was perfect! Today is super hot, though, with less wind, so I don't think we'll be able to be out there too long. The ocean was really calm yesterday, which I always love to see!

  6. Thanks, Debbie! I did drive here alone, but I love to drive and was okay with being by myself. It felt like a little mini retreat or something, because I was listening to podcasts and praying as I drove.

  7. Amy, I am with you! I would have actually sat there longer yesterday had I not had to get up to use the restroom, and since I was getting up, I wanted to go to the pool. It felt really good with the wind blowing! But normally it's not like that at this time of year, so I loved that we got that Tuesday. Today we're doing more of the same, and then we're getting out for a bit while she runs errands.

  8. Thanks, Holly! It's so relaxing and fun to be with a girlfriend for days at a time. I always loved sleepovers!

  9. Gorgeous beach photos! Glad you're getting lots of seafood...which by the way, sounds really good. I love your longer hair style a lot. I have a cousin who's hair looks similar to pretty. Enjoy your podcasts driving home and the rest of your time on the beach.

  10. Thanks, Cathy! I'm probably going to eat some today. Oddly enough, I posted this yesterday afternoon and last night I had the best hamburger for dinner! 🤣 Thank you for that, my friend! We're doing things differently today because of the extreme heat. We're going out in the daytime and coming back in the afternoon. I'll probably end today at the beach and then maybe at the pool. It's CRAZY hot here today- like, we're under a heat advisory, it's so hot. It'll be fun, regardless!

  11. Enjoy the water and scenery! A road trip catching up on podcasts sounds wonderful!

  12. We try to eat local and fresh when we go out to eat-- especially on vacation. My husband was loving all the BBQ and smoked foods of the south since we don't have great BBQ options up here in Connecticut. Those beach photos are fabulous! It looks wonderful.

  13. Your beach trip looks like so much fun - and so relaxing. I'm late in commenting on WUW posts but I hope your July is off to a great start!


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Share 4 Somethings

  Happy Saturday, friends! I'm so glad you're here to join in with us for this month's Share 4 Somethings, where we'll talk ...