Friday, June 9, 2023

Friday Favorites, 6.9.23.


Happy Friday, friends, and happy June! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been a great mixture of fun and getting things done, which is always my favorite. 

This was me sitting down to start writing on Monday, in between sending funny birthday memes to my best friend on her birthday, like these below.

She loves Robert Downey, Jr., so those with him in it were here favorite. 

Last week I mentioned this new eyeshadow palette by Elf that's my new favorite, and someone wanted to see it, so here it is! I have only been using the one color next to the cream color on the edge. I just use that one shade all over my eyelids, then I blend it up with a larger brush. I found a girl on Pinterest who gives great tips on applying makeup, so I took her advice and am doing mine differently. I line the bottom of my top lid and just the outer corners under my eyes with the brown color and a small, pointy applicator. Here's a link to her Pinterest page. Her name is Julia Rosemond, and I love her simple makeup style. 

I can't remember if I mentioned this, but Crash had to have some minor surgery two weeks ago, to remove a metal plate from his leg from a surgery he had two years ago. He started developing an allergic reaction to the metal, so the doctor wanted to remove it once the infection had cleared. He had to live in a kennel again for two weeks afterward, so his favorite thing was getting to be free again this week. He was given the all-clear from the doctor, so to celebrate, we gave him a bath on Monday night. Chip had a bath on Saturday, and we gave Callie one last night. We love summertime for this reason! It's so much easier to bathe them all outside when it's hot.

I mentioned earlier in the week that I was trying a new recipe from a video I'd seen on Tik Tok. It was delicious and a possible favorite for the future! It was super easy, and here's what I did: In an 8x13 baking dish, I added some shredded chicken, diced cherry tomatoes, two diced squash, and two diced zucchini. I drizzled with olive oil, Olive Garden light Italian dressing, salt and pepper, and about a fourth cup of shredded cheese. I mixed it all before adding the cheese, and baked it for 30 minutes on 375. It was even really good as leftovers, so I was pleased.

My last favorite from the week were the two days I spent here. It's been really hot already this week, so the water felt amazing. I'm so happy that my summer tan is coming along nicely! 🤣 And because of that, I was finally able to get my nails done in a color that I've been wanting ever since I saw Sally Hepworth's nails painted this color last year when she toured the US for the book that came out last spring.

It might just be my new favorite!

Did you happen to read my other blog posts this week? I'll link them below.

Monday was a weekend recap and recent Prime Purchases.

Tuesday was when I shared about routines.

Wednesday was the Currently link party.

Thursday I used a writing prompt and shared about my personality.

I hope your week has been good! Tell me something great about it, I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!


  1. That recipe looks and sounds really good! I've got a not-a fan- of - soggy (which is to say cooked)- veggies eater in the house so I will make it when that eater is not around ;). Love the memes and I relate to the hair well. I had bangs almost exactly like the one in the picture in one of my school pictures. Too funny! Have a great weekend!

  2. Yellow makes me really happy so I love that nail color! The pools here are still really cold I think. I went to Erica's yesterday and it was really cold! It takes a while for the water to be doable for me. Our weather has been simply divine the last few days with nice 80s. Yesterday was my first day free and I chose fun over productivity so today I might need to be a bit more productive.
    Happy Friday!

  3. I might need that eye shadow palette- I wear those colors every day and love your nail color- so summery! Your meals look amazing!

  4. Maria, I totally understand that. Our sons would never eat that meal! We loved it, though. That's so funny about your hair in school- I think we all had very similar hair to what is pictured! She enjoyed the birthday memes since I didn't get to see her that day. Have a great weekend!

  5. Thanks, Amy! I love it too, even though I'm not a fan of yellow usually. I do love it on the nails, though, especially when you have a bit of color on your skin. I'm so glad you were able to have a fun day yesterday! I know you enjoyed every minute. The water in the pool here is still pretty cold, but it has also been very hot and humid, enough so that I don't mind the cold water. Once I'm used to it after a minute or two, it feels great. I hope you enjoy your day, my friend!

  6. Holly, the best part about this new palette is how inexpensive it was- I think it was like $3! I really do love it, though. Thanks for that, friend! I hope you enjoy your weekend!

  7. Thanks for the pic of your eyeshadow palette. I love all those colours and they look similar to the ones that I have from Nars. I will have to check out the Pinterest page for some tips. Your nail colour looks fabulous! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

  8. Those memes did make me chuckle and that eyeshadow pallette is so nice.
    Aww! Poor Crash! I am glad he's on the mend and is feeling better.
    That Tik Tok dish looks so good.

  9. Thanks, Cathy! I wasn't sure Todd would like it either, but he actually loved it. We're big squash and zucchini fans, though, so maybe that's why. I hope you had a great weekend!

  10. Ruth, I remembered! I love the colors. I also love that it was so cheap! That is always the best thing. Thanks for that, my friend! I hope you had a great weekend!

  11. Thanks, Kim! I love fun memes and gifs. You should see the text threat I have with my best friend. We're constantly sending funny ones back and forth. Thanks for the well wishes about Crash! He is doing great, and I am relieved. We love our fur babies!


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