Friday, June 23, 2023

Friday Favorites, 6.23.23.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. I hope you've had a good week! Mine has been, and as I knew would happen, it passed by quickly as it filled up with activities I needed to get done. 

I ended up going down a bit of a rabbit trail and found some old pictures of areas I used to love in Memphis. Some of these places were my favorite! I'll explain below.

I vividly remember passing by this house and was always fascinated by the shape and oddness of it. Can you imagine what the inside must have looked like? I would have loved to have seen that, and also, this is proof that my love of architecture dates back as far as I can remember. 

I used to love going to Adventure River with my dad and a friend. When I was young, not many people had pools in the backyard. We eventually did have one put in, but before that happened, this was a place we'd go to beat the heat. We also belonged to a country club, Holly Springs that later became Woodland Hills. My love of swimming also dates back as far as I can remember. 

This cool place (The Hungry Fisherman) was always my favorite place to eat! I went there many times for all the seafood I could eat. They had this cool beach area with a play area for kids that I would hang out at until they called our name. The lighthouse was also a favorite fixture! I can remember this place as clear as day in my mind. It's no longer there, obviously.

Lastly, lest I continue to bore you to death, most of you will remember that I grew up going to a used bookstore called The Book Depot. It was sold and torn down a few years ago, but this was what it looked like! Floor to ceiling books at least two rows deep. I would spend HOURS there on the weekends! Dad would drop me off and come back for me three or four hours later. I would come out with piles of books that I would read through in a matter of weeks, then I'd take them all back to trade them in on my next haul. 

Moving on now...

This picture of my beautiful great nieces is my favorite! They were at my sister Lisa's house last weekend for an afternoon tea party. Is she the best Gigi, or what? I want to be that kind of grandmother someday. 

These guys are my favorites! I can't explain what good it does to my heart to have them all at home under one roof. We had fun celebrating Todd on Sunday after church.

Oakley's sleeping positions are my favorite! Do not miss how her mouth is gaping open and her teeth are showing. She is the funniest dog!

Dinner this night was my favorite! I made cauliflower crust pizza with buffalo chicken and spinach. It was delicious!

Tuesday was my favorite day this week, because I spent a portion of it floating in this pool. I will say that the pool got crowded and by the time I got out, my nerves were shot from the kids who were with us in it. 🤪  

While waiting isn't necessarily my favorite, I feel so fortunate to be able to take my car to be serviced and sit there to wait while they work on it. My husband is the best and has always done this kind of thing for me, but I have the time to do this kind of thing again, so I offered to be the one to wait this time. I did this on Wednesday, and I worked more while I waited.

The night I took Crash for a sunset cruise was his favorite night ever. The rain didn't stop us too much, and in his mind, a car ride is never wasted.

I have a new favorite lounging outfit at home!

Lastly, and he knew I was going to do this, look at my Graham! He's so handsome. I love him in a uniform! He was going to work a shift last night with his future roommate, and pictures of him are always a favorite because he is forever hiding from my phone. 

Did you catch my other posts this week? I'll link them by day below.

Monday was my weekending recap.

Tuesday I talked about what's on my phone. 

Wednesday I talked about Summer.

Thursday I shared from my heart about things I struggle with. 

Tell me a favorite of yours from the week! I'd love to hear from you! 

I'll be hosting this month's Share 4 Somethings post tomorrow, so I hope you join us! I am always excited to read everyone's posts for that. Also, on Wednesday July 5th, I'll be hosting the monthly Currently post, where we'll be sharing what we're currently loving, savoring, celebrating, remembering, and trying. I'll get back with you on that date about what'll be in store for us with that post in August. 

I'll be out of town next week, but I'll still be posting here each day, so I hope you come back and visit. Have a great weekend, friends, and thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. I never think to wear leggings in the summer but you made me remember my fourth of July leggings! They are so cute and I will try to find them. I did order yours in 7/8 and biker shorts! It's just not often I find a fun print like that (or I should say you find) and the price is incredible. Walmart, I am so sorry for all the things I said.
    Graham looks so official and nice in his uniform.
    I'm sorry the kids came to ruin your pool day - ha! I have got to talk myself into going to the adult pool alone. I don't think I have anyone able to go with me next week.

  2. I'm so glad you found some for you, Amy! I like to wear things like this at home, though I could certainly wear them out as well. These are super comfy! I wish I lived close enough to go to the pool with you! An adult only pool sounds heavenly.

  3. Nice picture of your son and the one with your husband and handsome boys is so good as well. I know you treasured your time together. Especially as they get older and have more of their own life, time together seems more poignant. Our neighborhood pool is always so loud with the sounds of kids. I remind myself that it was my kids not that long ago but honestly, I just tend to stay away from the pool now. I hope you have a great weekend- more great sunsets and time with your fur babies and family/ friends.

  4. Yes! Your boy/man is very handsome and I love a guy in a uniform ;) I love all of the nostalgia in this post- so fun to look back and remember the things that brought you JOY in childhood for sure.

  5. Thanks, Maria! You are so right. I cherish the times when we're together! I try to be so patient with kids, and I usually am, but these kids were on my last nerve. I never let my kids splash other people, and we kept trying to stay in a tiny corner of the pool and they kept encroaching us and getting water in my face. I wasn't mean about it, but I was ready to get out by the time noon came around. It's okay, though...I still enjoyed the time with my mom-in-love and getting some sun. I hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Thanks, Holly! I've always been a sucker for that as well. I loved reliving some of my favorite memories this I said, I kind of went down a rabbit hole with this and spent an hour or more looking up old places. Some of them I hadn't thought about in years, and one I could never remember the name of- The Hungry Fisherman. I hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Great post. So fun to see places from your past. Love, love, love the bookstore. It looks so much like one we've visited many times when in Pigeon Forge. Our girls and Tracy and I spent a lot of time there. They also had a cat inside that would roam around and we loved on that cat a lot too. I showed your picture to hubby and he thought the same thing I did. Our bookstore is no longer there either, but I sure do have some good memories from there. And now, I want to hit a used book store again! lol

    Be safe and have a great trip next week.

  8. What a fun post! I remember that house and also have so many childhood memories going to The Hungry Fisherman! I remember standing outside throwing food for the ducks/fish!
    I hope you have a great trip and let's get a date to meet when you get back!

  9. Great post! We've been to Memphis several time as we used to go every year to a horseshow a little south of it in Tunica, MS. Memphis sure has some great BBQ and I also enjoyed visiting The Peabody! Enjoy your weekend!

  10. I love all the nostalgia pictures. I often think about how much Houston has changed since I moved here 30+ years ago. Love the pic of your son in uniform - so handsome! I can't wait to head over to our neighborhood pool. You reminded me to check on if they had sent my "key" to me. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Those throwback photos are so neat; we have a book place like that near us (only it's 3 or 4 buildings worth!). That photo of your husband with all your boys is fabulous.

  12. Thanks, Cathy! I love looking back on memories like that. How funny that the bookstore picture reminded you both of one you loved as well! I loved that bookstore so much. Do you ever use Thrift Books to place book orders? Their prices on their used books are unbeatable!

  13. Thanks, Marilyn! Yes! I loved that place so much. I have so many memories wrapped up with going there to eat! And yes, we have GOT to put a date on the calendar!

  14. Stacie, that's so cool that you came to the area for a horseshow! We also love going to the Peabody. I loved taking our sons there as they were growing up! We wanted them to love going downtown as much as we did. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy your weekend as well!

  15. Thanks, Tanya! I love looking back on old memorable places as well. Our area has changed a lot too! I hope you get your key soon and that you can enjoy having a pool to use that you don't have to care for. It's definitely the best of both worlds!

  16. Thanks, Joanne! I love looking back as well. I hope you have a great weekend!

  17. What wonderful photos and memories. That house really is strange, inside must be so interesting and that book store looks amazing!


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