Friday, June 16, 2023

Friday Favorites, 6.16.23.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. My week was really good, but also really low key. I'm okay with this, because I got a lot accomplished during the days I spent at home. 

Most of you know that one of my favorite parts of my quiet time in the morning is writing out Scripture. I haven't been doing that this year, since my life got crazy when I started the full time job...and I've missed it! I started up again on Monday, and it's been so good to write it out again. I love the Word of God, and I know for a fact that the more we write it out, the more likely it is to "stick". I have done this for years, nine or ten by now even if it was off and on during those years, and I have journals full of God's Word. I do not say this to boast, but to encourage you to find something that you love doing and add it to your quiet time. I am still going through the devotional books that I started for the year, and on my days I read a chapter in my Bible. Lately I've been going through the book of Proverbs, but I was glad to tack this on at the beginning. I found this plan on Pinterest, but there are so many to choose from. I did choose a topic, which was something I felt like I needed on Monday when I went searching.  Because each day is only one verse, I went ahead and wrote out all the ones that came before that date, and now I'm caught up for the month.

I saved this to my phone, because it is so very relevant to the day and time we're living in. I wanted to show it to my writing buddies, because it goes along with the study we're wrapping up right now, on the book of Judges. This has been a HARD book to study and write on, but it might just end up being my favorite yet, for several reasons. The main reason is because I see present day all throughout the pages and chapters in Judges. Another reason is because this is our first study that we've been one hundred percent self sufficient on! That just means that the four of us wrote it, I edited it, we self published it through Amazon's publishing company, and a dear friend and member of the women's ministry in our church designed the cover of the study. How awesome is that? There's going to be a promo video coming out soon and when it does, I'll share it here. For the first time in the history of us being a writing team, you'll be able to purchase the study through Amazon and participate with us via YouTube! Our women's ministry has a page there, and like I said—I'll share more when the time gets a little closer. 

On a much lighter note...

Chip's sleeping positions and spots have been my favorite this week! He came up to bed with me one night and I cracked up when he finagled himself to where he was laying on Todd's pillow with another smaller pillow on top of his head. That was all him! 

Makeup-free days are my favorite!

And us sending pictures like this back and forth to each other is another favorite. 

Yesterday was my favorite, because I got to float around in this pool for two solid hours. We had the whole place to ourselves! It was glorious.

And friends, that's about all I've got for this week. It's been a good week, a productive one filled with actually getting a few things taken care of. I've been working on the Bible study I mentioned everyday this week, and thanks to the glorious rain we've been getting, it's been easy to stay home and get that done. I've also been talking to some town employees this week about an abandoned house that we have on our street that is starting to cause problems for the rest of us (think critters). I passed it along to my husband, because the family no longer lives here that owns the house, and the lady that lived there is no longer mentally capable to make decisions regarding the house. He's trying to reach them now, and he's working along with a couple more neighbors about the whole thing. 

Did you happen to catch my other blog posts this week? I'll list them below.

Monday was my weekending catch up.

Tuesday I shared about being content.

Wednesday was when I shared about being healthier.

Thursday was Thankful Thursday.

Tell me something great about your week, I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Good for you on the Scripture memory front and on your Bible study book- I'm sure it's very exciting to see it come to fruition. It sounds like you got a lot done. I love low key weeks especially ones with rain when it makes staying inside and getting things done there much more cozy. Of course a day of sunshine and a pool to oneself thrown in is not a bad thing either ;). Have a great weekend!

  2. You look great without makeup! I need to float around a pool soon. The pool water is still pretty cold as far as I know!

  3. Thanks, Maria! It was definitely a great week. I hope your day is great and that you have a great weekend, my friend!

  4. Thanks, Amy! I went two days in a row with no makeup on, and it felt great. I hope you get to float in a pool soon! The water is still pretty cold at the pool we swim in, but it's hot enough outside to be okay for us to be able to get in. However, when clouds started moving in yesterday, we had to get out, because we got cold...we barely made it back to her house for me to drop her off, when the bottom fell out of the sky. We still managed to get our two hours in!

  5. Wish I looked that gorgeous in my makeup free pics! Sounds like an amazing week of productivity and relaxation- enjoy your time with your dad and your weekend XO

  6. Aw, you're sweet, Holly! It was great. I hope you have a great weekend, my friend!

  7. I loved hearing about your week! I really got out of my routine with Bible study during our move, so I need to focus on making that a regular part of my day again. Have a good weekend!

  8. OH that pool does look wonderful!!

  9. Thanks, Tanya! I totally understand how that would happen during your move. I hope you're able to get back to a regular one soon!


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