Monday, May 15, 2023



Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's blog post. How was your weekend? Mine was really good, even if it did fly right by. I'll catch you up!

These Sonic drinks that we got at school on Friday were such a treat, but let me tell you, my day turned sad so quickly. My coworker's (who shares the classroom with me and one other friend) husband was in the hospital while she was at work on Friday, but she came in, because they were not concerned about him too much. She ended up getting a phone call while she was at work, and she took her kids and rushed to the hospital. Her husband ended up dying later on, and I am heartbroken for both her and her kids. I have been thinking about her all weekend long, because I can't imagine how she must still be reeling. 

I know that she most likely will not be returning to work for the last few days of school, and I don't blame her. I know I wouldn't be able to work, if I were her. 

On a much lighter note, I hung out with my dad and stepmom after work. Well, Dad and I went to dinner, then we went back to his house around seven, so I could catch up with Sandy and give her the Mother's day gift and card I had for her. I didn't stay up long after I got home, and went to bed early to watch an episode of my show on Netflix. I did that, because I had to be at church by eight Saturday morning, to help with the technical side of the women's conference we had going on. 

It was really good! Truth be told, I didn't plan on going until I was asked to work the tech side of it. I hadn't made plans on going because of how it was advertised, which led you to believe it was ONLY for moms of daughters. #petpeeve It was really good, though, and different from anything we'd done in the past. It was fun doing the tech side with this friend, Rachel. 

It was also fun seeing other friends there. I was there ALL DAY, though, and by the time I got home, I was starving, because I went to get my nails done right afterward. I chipped one that morning, and I can't stand to keep it like that, so I went to get them done a few days earlier than I usually would have.

I love this color! You can't tell that much in this picture, but it's a white-ish pink called Let's Be Friends, by OPI. I'm going to get this on my toes when I go back in a few weeks. I love white in the summer! 

As soon as I got home, Todd and I went to our favorite local Mexican food joint, and we may have each enjoyed one of the best margaritas I have had in a while. 


It was so good! After dinner we went our separate ways. I took my mom's gift and card to her, and he took his mom's gift and card to her. My mom is sick, so I just delivered it and we visited outside for about half an hour before I left and came back home to shower. Todd had been invited to a friend's house, so I watched tv for a while, then crashed. 

I was back at church at 7:45 Sunday morning for praise team rehearsal. Isn't my dress cute?! I love it, and it's the one I bought to wear on Easter. I love the sleeves on it as well, which I am kind of particular about. 

After church, all the boys were here for lunch, even if Jonah didn't stay to eat. He did stay for the picture, though, which is all I asked for. 

The rest of the day was pretty low key, which is just how I like them. I'm posting this picture of one of "my" girls that I used to help lead while she was in youth. This is Emma, also known as my son Drew's first girlfriend. I will always love her so much, and it was so good seeing her at church Sunday. I miss her! She lives a few hours away these days.

And this is my friend Teresa again, who is moving to the Nashville area in a couple of weeks. I'll miss her! Todd and I were at home for the rest of the day, and I read my book. It was the perfect day! How was your Mother's day? I hope it was good and that you were made to feel loved and cherished. Did you do anything fun and exciting this weekend? I'd love to hear about it! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. The picture of you and your boys is precious! Glad you got to see them and spend time with them. It would be really odd to have a church retreat or conference be just for women with daughters. I'm glad it was open to all!! Sorry to hear about your coworker's loss. So sad. Have a great Monday!

  2. Oh my gosh - your co-worker! What happened? I am so sad for her and her family!
    I'm so glad you got that picture and I had that dress hanging out in my Target cart for forever and decided against it and now I'm sad. I've been trying to be more disciplined in my shopping and that's why I didn't get it.
    I love white nails in the summer so much! I will probably do white toes soon, too.

  3. Thank you, Maria! It was good having them all together for a few minutes. It's almost impossible to accomplish that these days! The conference really could have been for anyone, but it was definitely advertised in a very misleading (and off-putting) way. I'll probably mention that in a couple of weeks, the next time I meet with my writing team friends.

  4. Amy, I know! It is heartbreaking! He ended up dying from heart failure- maybe from sepsis? He was so young. I cannot stop thinking about her!

    Thank you for that, I do really love the dress! It was super comfortable to wear and the length was appropriate for me to be able to wear it when I'm on the stage singing. I probably wouldn't have gone for it, had I not been there to see it in person and try it on. It didn't look flattering on the hanger, but I do think it is when it's on. I totally get trying to be more disciplined about that. I ended up buying the flip flops you shared about! I can't wait to get them.

  5. Love the pic of you and your boys- so glad you got to see them all! I am so sorry for your friend- that is so so sad! Wishing you a smooth end-of-school year :)

  6. Oh my goodness; I am so sorry to read about the co-worker of yours! What a sad ending to the week. That picture of you and your boys is just wonderful. It sounds like you had such a full weekend.

  7. That is just heartbreaking about your coworker's husband!

  8. Thank you, Holly! And thanks for the thoughts of my friend. I know she would appreciate your prayers!

  9. I know, Joanne! I am still so shocked for her. Thank you for that! I know my friend would love and appreciate your prayers. I'm not sure she's a believer.

  10. Tanya, I know! It's heartbreaking. I think she may come back to work tomorrow, just to start back to a routine and to be around her people. I know she would love and appreciate your prayers!


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