Tuesday, May 30, 2023



Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd share about the weekend, since I used yesterday as a day off from blogging in honor of Memorial day. I hope you had a great weekend! I always love this weekend, the unofficial kickoff of summer. I'll share more about that in the days to come, and all that I love about this time of year, but for now, here's what my weekend looked like.

I enjoyed having Dad over again on Friday. When I started working, we adapted our tradition to fit my new work schedule, which meant that we started doing early dinners together on Friday afternoons and spending a portion of the evening together. It was good that we at least got to do that, but it definitely was not the same. I loved getting everything prepped for him to be here on Friday. I knew we would stay in on this day, since his back was hurting really bad, so I made him a comfy spot on my couch and made a Mexican-inspired lunch for us to enjoy. As always, I took him home around 3:30, then I came home again to take care of the dogs and to meet up with a friend for dinner. My bestie Andrea and I haven't seen each other since before Christmas! Ugh. It was so good to catch up! We went to our favorite local spot and then we shopped a little at HomeGoods. We both love their candles and I got a couple of new ones for the summer that smell like the beach and sunscreen. 

On Saturday, I met up with my mom and sister, and we went to a favorite consignment shop I recently discovered. Trish always hits the jackpot when she goes, and this time I did too. I ended up leaving with a brand new pair of sandals that are neutral in color and only cost $20. Then we had lunch at Jason's Deli, because we all love their salad bar. They have jalapeno ranch! I added that after I'd used a little of regular ranch, but this plate was completely finished in about twenty minutes. 

Aren't these cute? I love them and they're super comfy. 

Todd ended up working both Friday and Saturday nights, so I watched episodes of a show I finished Sunday afternoon on Netflix. Come back here tomorrow! I'm sharing what I've been reading and watching.

On Sunday, I was up and ready for church by 7 that morning since I was doing lyrics in the audio/visual booth again. 

I'm still wearing my favorite dress from Amazon from last year! It's definitely looser this year than last, so I'm thankful for that. For the rest of the day, I read my book, then I helped my husband clean out his closet. You should see how much he is getting rid of—he barely has anything to wear. He's been buying a few things here and there, and came home with some things from Academy. He needs some nice shirts now, so I'll start looking while I'm out on Saturdays to replace all that he's getting rid of. He doesn't need that many, but he definitely needs a few. Some of those shirts have been around since the year we got married. They were really nice shirts and never went out of style. Some were the Eddie Bauer brand and others were the Lands End brand. 

Cheers to a great weekend! We laid low all day on Monday—Todd watched a couple of movies while I alternated between reading, doing things around the house, ordering and picking up groceries, and getting ready for our family dinner. We ended up having an impromptu cookout and Drew and his roommates showed up for dinner, which is always a fun surprise. We had lots of good things to eat for all of them and Noah was able to eat once he got home from work. I can't ever seem to get all of us together at exactly the same time, but I'm okay with how it all happened last night. 

How was your weekend? Tell me something good about yours, I'd love to hear! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 


  1. Love your new shoes! Do you have a men's consignment shop? We used to have one that was half men's and half women's and it sadly went out of business during the pandemic. The owner was the nicest man and I bought several things from him over the years. Another place I would look for Todd is TJ Maxx. Enjoy your new routine, friend!

  2. I bet your dad was so glad to return to Fridays with you :)

    Those shoes are really cute and comfy looking. I don't do well at thrifting clothes, for some reason, or even at stores where you have to really search through crowded racks. Unfortunately that's where all the good bargains are!

    We had a quiet, slow weekend, which I wrote about over on the blog :)

    Glad you're back to blogging! Happy Tuesday!

  3. Thanks, Amy! I need to see if I can find a men's consignment shop. I know that we used to have one or two with men's things in there, but I don't know if they're still open. That's a great idea, though! I also thought about Marshall's for him, so I'll check those two as well. I hope your day and week goes by quickly, my friend!

  4. Thanks, Debbie! I love them too and wore them yesterday. I did good this time! I know what you mean, though. This consignment shop isn't laid out very well, and things are displayed by color. I did not do any digging, either. I never do well when I have to dig- I like things displayed by size, so that I can browse that way. This shop is small, though, so I didn't mind the time browsing. My mom doesn't do well at these shops either, so I suppose the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 🤣 I'm off to read your blog now!

  5. Those shoes are so cute! I am glad you are getting back to your normal routine at home. I went to the Sunset Symphoney to hear the Memphis Symphony play this weekend and it was such a nice night outside!

  6. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! We had a nice mix of socializing and downtime- love this weekend so much and what it symbolizes :)

  7. It sounds like a really nice weekend. Love the new shoes!

  8. Thanks, Marilyn! I bet that was a fun night. The weather has been amazing lately!

  9. Thanks, Holly, and I love it too. I'm glad you had such a great weekend!

  10. Thank you so much, Cathy! I love it when I find a great deal on good and comfy shoes. I hope your week is getting started well!

  11. That sounds like a lovely weekend and I really like your cute new shoes!

  12. Looks like a great weekend. We love Jason's Deli too.

  13. Thanks, Jen! Their salad bad is so good.


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