Wednesday, May 24, 2023

this is me- organized or messy?


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm anticipating being at home early today and going out to celebrate my last school day with my favorite guy tonight. I'm excited! I thought I'd start by asking you a question—are you an organized person, or are you messy? 

You can always tell a lot by people by the condition of the exterior of their homes and by the condition of their vehicles. Do you know what I mean? For instance, we have a neighbor whose front porch always looks adorable and dressed up for the season. I know if I were to walk in their home, it would be equally as adorable on the inside. I've also ridden with people whose cars were a disaster and smelled like fast food. I had this happen to me when our sons were young, and from then on, I never let them eat in my car again. I'm not even kidding! I'm not judging you at all here, I promise, I'm just curious: which are you? And why are you that way and how does it work for you? I know lots of people whose homes might be cluttered, but their system works for them. To them I say, good for you! If it works for you, then you should probably keep doing the same thing. 

For me, as you all will easily guess, I am more productive in a clean and uncluttered space. Because of our dogs, I dust all the time and vacuum daily (when I'm at home). I also don't have a ton of counter space, so I like to keep the surface of ours pretty clear of clutter. I do have a few things sitting out, but they're against the back of the countertop, so it doesn't interfere with me working in the kitchen. I love it when the kitchen is organized in the cabinets as well, but they're not that way right this moment, because of the hectic life I've lived since the end of January. I cannot wait to remedy this soon! It's high on my list of things to do. I'll share a few examples of how I love for things to look at home. 


I love for all the spaces to be neat and tidy, and I have some catching up to do! I can't wait to get started. I do consider myself an organized person and am that way pretty decently here at home, but the problem is that I live with people who undo what I work hard to keep a certain way. That being said, I am organized, but I could definitely be more so. What about you? How do you function in your home? Why does it work for you that way? I can't wait to hear from you on this. I love reading about what works for people and the reasoning behind it. I also LOVE seeing people's homes and Todd and I used to go driving all the time to look at houses. I loved it when I could see into a room in the house, because I love seeing how people decorate. 

I realize that this makes me sound like a stalker, and I promise I'm not. 🤣 Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I am pretty organized, but I do have pockets of clutter. I plan to start on those ASAP! I like clear spaces and not too much visual clutter. I have kept my new bathrooms pretty sparse because that is what I like. The spaces that haven't been renovated definitely look more cluttered. How do we humans accumulate so much stuff?
    My car is neat but needs to be vacuumed. I don't like to keep much in my car. I don't have wads of receipts in the dashboard or anything like that!

  2. Amy, I know what you mean by visual clutter. My home is not without that, because of my love of things like books and things I've accumulated for the sake of remembering, but I have seen way worse than ours. It's so good that you've kept your bathrooms the way you like them! My car may be cleaned out on the inside, but I always have a Goodwill pile in the back and it is in desperate need of a wash and vacuum!

  3. I am 95% a neat and tidy person who loves organization and everything to be in its place. However, my desk is usually a mess and we have several drawers in this house that I have never organized and don't know if I ever will. When the boys lived at home, I spent a lot of time asking them to clean their rooms. Finally I just learned to close the doors and figured they would eventually realize that a clean room is so much more pleasant. Not sure that ever happened, but it's not my problem now :)

    I can't function in clutter, so my house is always clean, for the most part. Not always dusted, but always tidy. I wipe the bathrooms down every day, make the bed every morning, straighten the pillows on the couch, vacuum and make sure the kitchen is clean. Sometimes during the day I will let the dishes stack up in the sink until it's time to start fixing dinner. I kind of schedule my day in sections of time, so I can get things done.

    For instance, in the morning when David leaves I get ready, then do about a 30 minute cleaning session and throw a load of laundry in the washer, plus all the stuff I mentioned above. This sets me up to be able to go in the office and write or take care of bills, calls, etc. until almost lunch.

    This is more than you asked...sorry :) !!!

  4. I am also an organized person who likes to have things in the house tidy. All these boxes and piles for moving are driving me crazy and I can't wait to get settled in the new house. ;)

  5. I am a neat freak; I like everything put away and cleaned up and uncluttered. I clean the inside of my car all the time too and don't allow much of anything to be eaten inside it either (though crackers or something that makes crumbs I can vacuum up is okay).

  6. Clearly I'm the wild card in the comments ;) I am disorganized by nature and not particularly domestic. I moved to the suburbs from NYC to raise my kids, and I admit that I find the upkeep of a house tedious and unrewarding. HOWEVER - I don't like clutter and I need things to be clean, if not organized. So it's a constant battle for me. I usually do pretty well, but don't look in my closets!

  7. Debbie, you and I sound exactly alike! Before I went to work, I did almost the exact same thing. I would actually do my 30 minute cleaning session before getting dressed, though. I can't function in clutter either and if there are dishes I've let go during the day, I have to clean the kitchen before starting dinner for us that night. I loved that you shared all of that, thanks!

  8. Tanya, I know you must be so excited to move in to the house and begin the process of settling in! I'm excited for you and can't wait to see pictures and hear about details.

  9. Joanne, yes! I'm the same way. I will occasionally eat something like a protein bar in my car, but I even hate bringing home leftovers in my car because of how it makes it smell inside. Now that we're talking about this today, I am making plans to go clean my car! It's a great day for it here.

  10. Obscure- I searched for your name and couldn't find it, so I'll go with the part of you title I see- thanks for taking the time to stop by! I have so many friends who are just like you by nature. I think sometimes I can be TOO much like I am and my friends who are the opposite actually show me that I need to learn to let certain things slide from time to time. Now, our closets are a different story! I need to work on mine soon.

  11. I'm definitely a neat and organized person. So is my husband, but I've always said that he's the cleaner and I'm the organizer. I start to feel overwhelmed if things aren't tidy/cluttered. I do let go about the kids' rooms because I don't want to nag them all the time,but Sunday is a "reset" day where I ask them to tidy up. My car is always picked up might need a car wash and even then inside might need cleaned, but any trash comes out of my car every time we exit. This was a fun topic to think about!

  12. I'm so glad you share that, Jen! My husband is the cleaner as well. It takes all hands to make things work on the homefront!


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