Friday, May 26, 2023

Friday Favorites- Welcome, Summer edition! (5.26.23.)


Happy Friday, friends, and Happy Summer to me! I officially had my last day of work at Crosswind Elementary School, and it was a great day. We had so many celebrations going on that day, and I only cried at the very end as I hugged the best coworkers I ever could have had. I hate goodbyes, but I'm grateful that I got to know them as friends. I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week.

First up is my favorite meme that I saw on the internet. I immediately texted this to my best friend, then proceeded to sing the song for the rest of the day. Let's see if you do the same now! You're welcome.


I love my church family! This is my favorite thing that they've posted this week. It's so true! People have such a twisted view of the mercy of God. I saw something that read that religion says, "Oh no! I got in trouble and if I my dad finds out he'll kill me." Relationship says, "Oh no! I got in trouble and I need to call my Dad."

Saying goodbye is never my favorite, but my wonderful coworkers are! Cheryl (at the top) was the one acting as the main teacher in the absence of the actual teacher and whose position I was temporarily filling in for, and Carrie is the other assistant in the room. I loved working with them and am so grateful for their kindness.

The assistant principals are part of why CWES is the best school ever! Jamie is behind me, and Sherrie is behind her. 

And all of you know how I feel about our fearless leader and principal, Kristie. I feel like I've made a lifelong friend in her. 

We had a fifth grade parade on Wednesday and the Crosswind motto is my favorite. The principals all gave me a card and signed it with this motto inside. 

I loved seeing Marley one more time that day. This was when he brought us gifts for helping him this year and he hugged me, so I had him take a picture with me. 

Of course I took a last day picture to compare to my date of hire picture. I plan on having all of these turned into a Chatbook for my memories. 

This verse has been one that I've clung to since December, and I came across it again on Wednesday, which seemed fitting on my last day. 

On a much lighter note, these little margaritas in a bottle are my favorite. Todd and I ate Mexican one night and had these at home. I'm sure they're terrible for us, but if they are, I don't want to know about it. I never drink more than one! 

Crossword puzzles are my favorite! I did these this week while my coworkers did things that I wasn't comfortable doing, regarding paperwork for next year. They were fine with this. 

On a vain note, my outfit Tuesday was my favorite. I ordered this new shirt online last week and it finally came in! It is actually a dress, according to the website, but it most definitely is NOT a dress for me. I wore it with white cropped pants and sandals that matched. I took two pictures so that you could see the top and most of the rest of the outfit.

I found a new favorite playlist on Spotify! Summer Hits of the 80's. I've been listening to it all week long! 

Lastly, Sunday was my favorite. I sat in Todd's tech room at church after the choir finished singing that morning. I love watching him work! 

And I really love this black dress I bought back in the early spring. It's my new favorite! 

Did you catch my other blog posts this week? 

I shared a little catch up post on Tuesday.

On Wednesday I asked readers to answer a question for me, and I shared my own answer.

I'll be hosting this month's Share 4 Somethings post tomorrow, so I hope you join us! I am always excited to read everyone's posts for that. Also, on Wednesday June 7th, I'll be hosting the monthly Currently post, where we'll be sharing what we're currently loving, doing, trying, seeing, and reading. In July for Currently, we'll be talking about what we're currently loving, savoring, celebrating, remembering, and trying. 

Hopefully now that summer has begun for me and because I'm no longer working full time, I will be back to blogging regularly once again. So, tell me something good from your week! I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all, and I hope to see you tomorrow for the Share 4 Somethings post. 



  1. I love your new dress/top. Is it Umgee? That is a brand I really like. I also love your black dress. Show off those great legs more!
    You will love having the memories from this post and your chatbook to look back on. Yesterday was the last day with my seniors and I didn't want to get emotional so I didn't talk but wrote something for them. They still have to do senior walk next week, though.
    I am so tired! Ha! I hope you have a lovely true first weekend of summer, friend!

  2. Your top and your dress are really cute! I love the outfit with the white pants and sandals. I wish I were a better shopper, but I'm not. I usually come home and wonder why I bought the things :) I'm pretty much just a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl.

  3. Yep, I'm totally singing that song in my head now! LOL. It sounds like you had a wonderful last day and wrap up to your teaching time.

  4. Thanks, Amy! I think it was wise not to say anything, but writing it out instead. I would have done the same! The last week is emotional! I wasn't really prepared for all that I felt, but I was glad to have almost made it without crying.
    Believe it or not, the top came from Walmart! I found it online. I really love the dress and wish it had been available in more colors, because I would have bought them. Enjoy your weekend, my friend! I'm meeting a girlfriend for dinner tonight and making plans for a date night Sunday. I'm excited!

  5. Thank you, Debbie! I used to be just like you, then I started getting help from a friend who owns her own boutique, and I started browsing Pinterest for outfit inspiration. All of that helped me figure out what my style is, and now I know better. I still buy things that are a bust, though and have to make returns from time to time. It never hurts to try things, because everything can always be taken back and I never mind knowing that. I hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Joanne, right?! And thanks for that!

  7. I am laughing at the McDonalds meme. That is a good one!

  8. The school parade is so fun. You've made such an impact on those students and the school...I just know it. Love the outfit. Happy summer!

  9. Jen, it really was! Thank you for that! And happy summer to you!


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