Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Currently- the May edition


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm so glad you're here this month! Today we're sharing what we're currently loving, picturing, craving, wishing, and collecting in May. In June we'll share what we're currently loving, doing, trying, seeing, and reading. I realize that we may have shared about some of these prompts before, but since it'll be summer at that time, I think they're all relevant topics to talk about, especially the one about reading!

Loving: Well, so far I am loving the month of May! I know I talk about work a lot right now, but since that is what fills my life and time at the moment, I'll stick with that. I walked into work on Monday and immediately noticed the sidewalk chalk drawings telling us how loved we are and how much the students and parents appreciate us. The walls in the halls are lined with posters with sweet messages on them. Here was mine outside of my classroom.

It's almost as if someone knows how much I love Post-It notes, so it felt appropriate. This week is teacher appreciation week, so the week will be filled with goodies and fun. The PTA brought us breakfast on Monday, yesterday was Sonic drinks, Wednesday is lunch from a local deli and ice cream sundae bar, Thursday is a Kona Ice food truck, and Friday is the day for any other goodies brought in from the class who was assigned to me. Isn't that the sweetest? 

As for the rest of the month, it'll jam packed with end of the year activities, and we may not have another completely normal week in the 16 and a 1/2 days we have left until we're out.

Picturing: I am picturing the summer that is quickly approaching and longing for days spent by a pool! 

This looks so dreamy to me! My friend was out of town a couple of years ago and my son was watching her dogs, so they let us use their pool while they were away. That was the best! But also, I swim with my mom-in-love every week during the summer at her neighborhood pool, which is just as wonderful. We are almost always either alone, or with one small family or person. We always get there at ten, when it opens, we take our lunches, and stay until about one. We do that once a week, every week, and sometimes twice. I hope to go more than just once a week this summer! 

Craving: I am still eating healthy, for the most part, though I've splurged a time or two and have eaten either bread, or a bite of something sugary. That being said, when you start eating sugar again, you start craving sugar again, so that's the dilemma I've been in. I'm going to go easy on myself this week, since it's teacher appreciation week, but I need to be careful again after this week. I bought a box of Think bars from Kroger last night when I ordered groceries. Have you had one of these?

They're good! Once you get used to eating low sugar, you can really fool yourself into thinking something is sweet that really isn't all that sweet. I bought this box, and a box of peanut butter ones. I love them both!

Wishing: I have been under the weather for over a week now, and I am really wishing that I could feel back to normal. I'm almost there, but my energy level is still pretty low. I'm really wanting to start going on short walks each day with a couple of dogs. I'm hoping this is the week that it happens! I get really sick one or two times each year, usually in the spring and in the fall. This is one of the times, evidently, after months of being completely healthy since November. I've done a ton of sitting around for two weekends in a row!

Collecting: It feels like I'm collecting memories right now, as this school year draws to a close. I want to remember all the kiddos that I had and how wonderful and kind everyone has been to me since I've been working at the elementary school that I work at. When I was hired, I was originally supposed to have been there through March. That date was pushed back until the end of May, and though it may turn into more over the summer if the teacher decides to return, I probably won't return in the fall. I'm okay with this, as much as I love this job! I miss being at home and doing things here that I love. Isn't life such a conundrum? I don't know why I can't ever just be content to be exactly where I am. I know that I was supposed to be there at Crosswind Elementary School for the time that I was there, though, and I'm grateful for the opportunity I've had. I have no idea what's in store for my life next, but I know the Lord does know that and that He will see it through. It's amazing how the Lord opened the doors for me to be there, and the friends I have made while being in such an incredible school. My principal has told me repeatedly that I have made an impact on everyone there, which is very kind of her to say. 

Well, my friends, it is your turn—I can't wait to read your posts! Thanks for linking up with me today! Love to all.

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  1. Your PTA sounds amazing! And I can see how you are appreciated. And I understand what you mean about the push and pull of working vs. not. This school year has been odd for me because I've subbed a lot less than I have in years. I like not working as much... but then it's almost harder on the days that I do because it seems abnormal. I think I know what I want in a job- I just don't think the job exists, lol. Hope you get to feeling better and by all means indulge this week- next week can be a get back on track week ;).

  2. I love the messages with the Post-it notes that your students left for you. How special! What an amazing PTA you have and this week sounds like it's going to be so fun! I'll be praying for you that you feel better soon and that you can enjoy the fun summer break. I'm excited to hear all about where God leads you next if you don't stay at Crosswind Elementary xxx

  3. Enjoy these last few weeks of school. We've still got about eight weeks left here so we're slogging our way through to the end. I love the sign you got for teacher appreciation week. And I hope you start feeling better soon. Being sick is so hard.

  4. Maria, YES! The PTA is incredible...but also, everyone at this school is so nice that it makes people want to do things for them. I've never witnessed this in a school setting before, so it's quite something. I totally get how not working as much would almost be harder to get back into the swing of subbing on certain days. Thanks for the encouragement! I will definitely have to get back on track after this week. Yikes!

  5. Thanks, Ruth! I loved my poster as well, and you are right about how amazing our PTA is. Thank you so much for that! I am so ready to be back to normal. I am excited about seeing what's next as well! I hope you have a great day and rest of the week, my friend!

  6. Thank you, Natasha! I hope those eight weeks go by fast for you. They can be some of the toughest!

  7. Thank you for all you do for the kids- you truly are a gift! They are very lucky to have you and hope you are spoiled all week by your PTA- love Teacher Appreciation Week! I am dreaming of summer too Jennifer :)

  8. Oh wow; those 16.5 days are going to fly by! We have another month and a half yet and I already feel like that is going to go by so fast. I hope you feel better soon. I know just what you mean about sugar/cravings.. I try not to eat it and it seems like every time I break that craving there is some excuse to eat more and I just can not say no! But then I have to break myself of that craving all over again.

  9. I would love a pool but there's not one part of me that wants to have to take care of it lol.

    So glad you had a good long-term experience! I'm sure there will always be a place for you in the schools because they need caring and hardworking teachers as subs :)

  10. Thank you, Holly! It's been such a fun week!

  11. Joanne, I think so too! This week is proof, because I can't believe it's already Thursday! You are so right- one of my sons found a sweet treat that tastes like a brownie, but with only 3 grams of sugar...I'm going to go buy some more this weekend to help me get back onto a low-sugar lifestyle. I've gone to bed feeling bloated each night! It makes such a huge difference.

  12. Thanks, Kristin! I don't even know that I'd mind taking care of a pool. I grew up with one, and I watched my mom do it all the time, and she made it look easy. Maybe it's not, but I can dream! Thank you for that!

  13. How wonderful that the PTA and students are doing such a good job making you feel so appreciated! That pool looks beautiful - we have a pool we can use in our apartment neighborhood and I'm curious to see how crowded it will be once it opens. I hope to have our granddaughter over for swim dates whenever her dad and mom want to bring her!

  14. I hope you enjoy your last days of school and then have a great summer! Take care and feel better soon.


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  16. Sounds like a fun Teacher Appreciation Week! Love the little post-it notes. So fun. I hope you have a great rest of the year. I am also excited for days by the pool.

    Lauren @


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