Tuesday, May 9, 2023



Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought it would be fun to share my confessions post here today. These are confessions of what I'm missing right now. Summer countdown is 11 and 1/2 days!

I have missed seeing my parents regularly. I do see Dad regularly on Friday nights, but I've missed our afternoons. We much prefer that! I've missed going to lunch with Mom on a random Tuesday or Thursday, and doing a little errand running together. I've missed my mom-in-love and have only seen her twice since Christmas. That is not acceptable and I plan to remedy all of that as soon as school ends. 

I have missed my best friends. I've not seen any of them a lot since January! I need to see them soon! I spent half the weekend talking on the phone with my bestie Missy. She and I talked for like an hour and a half on Saturday! Then again that night, and again on Sunday. 

I have missed talking on the phone! I've learned that at the end of a long school day, I have no words left. I miss conversations with people other than little ones and have let go a lot of that time I would spend on a call to my sisters or to a friend. I shouldn't have let that happen, but I did and now I want to change it back to how it used to be.

I have missed being at home! I don't have to work full time, so I've decided that I don't want to anymore. I may go back to something part time eventually, but I need a break for now. I've missed being the one who did all the things in the house. I never felt like that it was something nobody would help me with, but I did consider it my work and I loved it...and I've missed doing things for the ones I love most. I realize this sounds preposterous to some of you, but I have always loved being a stay-at-home wife and mom. I know that's not for everyone, but it's what I was made to be and I can't wait to start getting back to that. I'm counting down the days until I can start cleaning and organizing in my home again. I tackled the pantry Sunday night and have plans for all the kitchen cabinets as soon as time allows. 

I'm ready to switch some things around in our home and repurpose the things I already have, moving them to other areas that I can enjoy things anew. Do you do that in your home? I love to do this, and it's been ages since I've been able to! 

Needless to say, I confess that I've missed being at home. I am literally counting down my days to getting back to my life's work and couldn't be happier about the decision the Lord has led me to. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Oh, I'm so happy for you Jennifer! David and I were just having this discussion last night about how much there is to do at home and how much we would miss me not being here to do it all. It brings great comfort to him to know I'm running the household and he can count on me to do it well. It reminds me of the Proverbs 31 verse about the husband having full trust in his wife. I know some will take issue with that, but we love it. It's definitely my calling in life and it's the place that brings me so much joy and peace.

    And yes, I move stuff around in my house all the time! It keeps things fresh and interesting :)

  2. As a stay-at-home wife/mom, I can totally relate to your feelings about this. <3

  3. Thank you, Debbie! I know my husband feels the same way, and I am just like you in my thinking. My husband has been so kind to pick up all the slack that I've left in working, but I am so glad to be able to take it all back again. I think there's something so special about him coming home to a house that's clean and with a plan for dinner already in the making. He's been such a great sport! I'll always be grateful he encouraged me to do this and I'm glad I gave it a try, because I know I can do it if I had to.

    I love, love, LOVE the act of repurposing! I'm excited to do just that the week after school lets out.

  4. So glad to hear this and only a few more weeks of school! Looking forward to seeing you soon!

  5. Thanks, Marilyn! I hope you're holding up, my friend. I am looking forward to that too!

  6. I am with you on the phone calls. I have not had the energy to talk on the phone this month, but I do throughout the year. I'm just drained and spent. May is rough. With us getting out so late this year, I don't even have the whole month of June. I really don't have the whole month of July, either, because they have our pds starting at the end of July and we basically start so early in August that we have none of August. What happened to Memorial Day to Labor Day! I have always felt like an SAHM in the summers and I do get a bit restless by August.
    I am glad you had this experience and that it taught you what you didn't want. I think part time would be the sweet spot.

  7. Amy, May is brutal! At least it has been at the elementary school I'm at. It's like the waited to cram all the things in right at the last minute. Add to that testing that we have to do in our classroom, and well...you get my drift. I hate to hear that you don't have all of either month this summer! At the very least you should be out by Memorial day, right? I know a lot of schools in the New England area start later than we do, not necessarily as late as Labor day, but later all the same. That would be nice! I hated starting back earlier and earlier each year. It's that way for them next semester.

    Thanks for that, friend.


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