Wednesday, April 26, 2023

What's Up Wednesday


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for today's blog post. Since I haven't been around all that much lately, I figured it was a good time to catch up. I'll jump right in!

What we're eating this week:

I have not felt great this week, so I'm eating to survive, basically. On Monday night I made pasta for the boys and ate that with chicken nuggets for dinner. Don't ask about my childlike tastebuds right now; it sounded good, so I went with it. I stayed home from work yesterday, so I made buffalo chicken in the crockpot, along with roasted potatoes. I plan on making quiche at some point this week as well, and other than that, it'll be leftovers, most likely.

What I'm reminiscing about:

This popped up on my Timehop yesterday. I remember this day like it was yesterday! Dad and I had taken the boys to lunch one Friday, then we walked around on the town square. They asked if they could walk down to the army surplus store alone and I said yes, while Dad and I sat on a bench and waited. (Graham was 14 in this picture, so I trusted him and Drew to be responsible.) They came back with this flag as a surprise for my dad. They all chipped in for this unexpected gift. I thought that was the sweetest thing—I still do, and I'd forgotten all about it until I saw the reminder yesterday. 

What I'm loving:

Pinterest! I'm loving it for images like this one below to use as my wallpaper and screensaver for my phone, and I'm loving it for the reminders like the second picture you see under this.

I'm a big believer in all the little things in life that spark joy. That means that I look forward to things like reading a good book, watching an upcoming movie, making plans to catch up with a friend, and the prospect of what is to come. 

What I've been up to:

Aside from work and church, I haven't had a lot going on. I was talking to my best friend recently, and she and I are hoping to get together for dinner and a movie in the next week or two. I'm also beginning to think about what I'll be up to when the school year ends. I am looking forward to having more time again! I feel like I've let so many things go since January, including being here on the blog, and I miss my old life. I don't know exactly what this means for my future, but I don't have to have it all figured out right now.

What I'm dreading:

Now that state testing is over in our schools, I'm not dreading anything. I actually missed the last day of testing, due to being sick, and I do feel kind of bad about that. The rest of the week will be spent doing makeup testing, but that doesn't affect me. 

What I'm working on:

I'm working on two writing projects! I spent a little bit of time doing that yesterday while I was at home. Soon I'll have to finish up one of them, and I'll start working on the editing process for our upcoming fall Bible study. 

This was me yesterday alternating between one project and this blog post. 

What I'm excited about:

The start of a new month. May is jam packed with end of year activities at work, including lots of special treat days that are coming up, so I'm looking forward to that as well. 

What I'm watching/reading: 

I watched this on Netflix over the weekend.

Have you seen it? I loved it, and the scenery was beautiful. As for the books I'm reading, you'll have to come back next week when I share about the books I read in April. 

What I'm listening to:

At this very moment, I'm listening to my dog whine to go outside because he sees a critter. I also have Gilmore Girls on in the background. I've had it on all day, actually, as I've napped on and off. 

What I'm wearing:

Transitional clothing! It's hot one minute and cold the next. I'm wearing lots of layers everywhere I go, whether work or school. Is it like this where you live? This week it's cool here everyday, which is also why I'm sick right now. The weather always eventually catches up to me and makes my sinuses go haywire. 

What I'm doing this weekend: 

I have no idea! I do hope to make plans for part of my Saturday. I haven't done anything the last two, so I'm ready to do something again. 

What I'm looking forward to next month:

The start of the summer season! I am ready for all things pertaining to the warmer months, and I am excited about having the time to do them. There are so many things I've let slide around our house, so I'm going to use that time to get things back in order. It's funny how time away from something gives you fresh perspective, and I have loads of it now. 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. Hope you feel 100% soon. I think I'm going to make a crustless broccoli quiche because I have tons of broccoli right now.
    I think you are living the true life of a teacher now where everything gets put off til summer! The job requires so much physical and mental energy. My sister says it's not a healthy way to live, but how can we change that? It's just not possible. She's a teacher, too, by the way! I am sad that my school day will be done an hour later next year because I think that will really affect my ability to have work/life balance.
    Maybe you will feel up to boutique shopping Saturday even by yourself? It's fun to see all the spring stuff out!

  2. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  3. Hi friend! Yes, dressing in so many layers is where we are as we experience different seasons throughout the day. I hope you feel better and I know you will look forward to that summer break. So proud of you for stepping out and serving in the school though! When you get ouf of school, we will definitely need to get together again.

  4. As I'm reading this, I am also sick, sipping a hot drink to hopefully soothe my sore throat. I guess it's the weather because we've gone from hot to cold and back again. Uggg.

    We gave up Netflix, but have been watching a creepy show on Hulu called Big Sky. I started watching because Reba was supposed to be in it, but turns out, she doesn't show up till the 3rd season and now we're too far into it to stop :)

    Also, I changed the setting on my blog and posted today. Thanks for checking on me :)

  5. I'll have to check out that movie; I didn't see it on Netflix but it sure sounds like something I'd enjoy. Sorry to hear you have been feeling under the weather.

  6. Thanks, Amy! You are so right about all of that. I have so many things that I'm looking forward to once school lets out. I am for sure making plans for Saturday, even if it's by myself. I was at home most of last weekend, because I was getting sick, so I'm looking forward to this one.

  7. Marilyn, right?! It's so hard to dress right now. Thank you for saying that! I always appreciate the encouragement. Yes! I would love to do that, and maybe we can go somewhere where we can eat outside before it gets too hot. I feel like we have so much to catch up on!

  8. Debbie, I hope you feel better! It's rough. I love it when a show hooks us like that! That happened to us years ago when The Good Wife was on- I was watching it one night and after two full episodes, Todd asked me to start it over so that he could watch it with me. We loved it so much! I always think that's the best.

  9. Thanks, Joanne! You should totally check it out, I know you'll love it as much as I did!

  10. Awe...the flag story is too precious. I hope you are feeling better. We are just getting started with testing. Ugh.

  11. I'm just catching up on my WUW reading. I hope you are feeling better now. Being sick isn't fun. I miss Timehop. I used to get it on my iPad. I should see if I can install it on my iPhone. *brief pause* It is now installed on my phone. Hahaha! I too get excited about "little things."

  12. I hope you're feeling better by now (since I'm late to the WUW party this time!) - and I bet the comfort foods from childhood help! When I'm sick I want mac & cheese or bread pudding.


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