Thursday, April 27, 2023

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I hope your week has been good so far. Mine started a little roughly thanks to sinus problems that kept me home for two days in a row, but I'm confident that by the time you read this, I'll be feeling better and will be back at work. Fingers crossed!

I'm thankful that I was able to stay home from work for two days. Both days that I was home, I slept on and off all day. That never hurts, when you're under the weather. It felt luxurious, but I know that it helped me feel better as well. It's nice to work for and with kind and understanding people!

I'm thankful that with the exception of makeup testing, state testing is done with at the school that I work at. That is some intense testing, and it'll be good to be back on a regular schedule when I go back to work today. 

I'm thankful that our sons are healthy and safe. I'm also thankful for the Life 360 app so that I can check on them occasionally to see when they make it back home. They're all such sweet young men, and they've all been super sweet and helpful since I've been sick all week. They're not used to seeing me down for the count like I have been.

I'm thankful for parents who call to check on me, and I'm thankful for their prayers. 

I'm thankful for my husband, who has been so great at picking up where I've been leaving off at home. I've come home to laundry that's been finished, a clean house, and his offer to help me with dinner. I appreciate that so very much! 

If I'm being completely truthful, I will say that I though I am thankful for and have loved my job, I'm not sure if I'm going to go back for the next school year. It's been wonderful in so many ways, and though I've gotten into somewhat of a groove, I miss being at home and doing all of the things that I so loved doing. The more time that goes on, the more I realize this. I have found out a few things recently about my job that are also helping me in this decision, and though I am praying through this, I've not come to a final decision. For anyone who didn't already know, I was hired for this position on a temporary basis. The teacher is out on medical leave, so one assistant slid into that position, and I am the fill in for the assistant who is now acting as head teacher. Originally I was hired through March, then that got pushed back until the end of the semester. There are two more positions opening up at my school for the next school year, but I'm not sure if I'm the person for either of them. There are a few other extenuating factors that are contributing to this thought process, which I won't get into now. There has just been a lot going on in my life and in my family, so know that it's not just that I don't "feel like" writing here, it's that other things have been taking up my time and thought life. 

If you pray for me in this, I assure you that it won't be time wasted! I am still thinking and praying about it all, and I don't have to have it all figured out right now. Thankfully, I have some time before making a final decision. I have so many other things to say and thoughts rolling around in my head, but I'll save all of that for a later post. I didn't really mean to lay all of that out here, but I started writing and couldn't seem to stop. Thanks for reading and being such an encouragement to me! Many of you are that and so much more and know that I am so thankful for you. Often times when I pray, you're some of the ones that I thank the Lord for. I'm glad we're friends! 

Love to all. 


  1. I will definitely say a prayer for you to feel at peace with your decision. I get the mixed emotions about saying yes to this position and that in turn, meant saying no to some of the things from your "old life" or just figuring out how to have a balance. I think they would be blessed to keep you next year, but it may not be right at this time.

    Glad you are hopefully feeling better!

  2. I was thinking about you the other day when I was at school subbing. I wondered if you'd continue with your job next school year. Day in and day out is a lot especially when you aren't used to it. I would consider subbing if you decide to not work full time at the school next year. The pay is not good but... it's better than nothing at all and the flexibility can't be beat. Glad you are feeling better and got much needed rest and pampering by your family ;).

  3. Good morning :) I'm glad you're feeling better! I hope I follow you in this only lasting a few days.

    I'll pray for your decision. I know it's a lot to think about, for various reasons.

    Enjoy your Thursday :)

  4. Lots to be thankful for and glad you have some time to make your decision- praying about it is always the way to go

  5. Whatever decision you make is going the be the right one!

  6. Decisions like this are so tough, but it sounds like you are getting many signs and nudges on what the right direction will be. Now that my kids are out of the house, I sometimes think of going back to work. Then things come up (like currently buying a new house and selling ours) that make me realize how important my role at home is. I will pray for discernment for you in the next few months.

  7. Thanks, Amy! I am truly very conflicted over it all and I may change my mind again. I don't have to have it all figured out right now, so I'm trying not to put too much stress on myself about the decision.

  8. Aw, thanks, Maria! Day in and day out is a LOT. I was okay with it at first, but it seems that once April came around, I hit a wall. Maybe that's normal? I keep hearing people tell me I should look into subbing. I applied for that, but I still haven't heard back from them about it, so I don't know what that means. Who knows?

  9. Thank you, Debbie! I appreciate that more than I could ever express. I hope you feel better as well! Today was rough, I'm not going to lie. My voice is just about gone again, from talking all day! Even so, it was good to be back to a routine. And, it was good to be out of my house!

  10. Thank you, Tanya! You are so right- just because the kids grow up and leave the nest, doesn't mean that our job ends. There is still so much to be done! I feel like I could do more for my own sons if I weren't so busy working all the time, and that's what I miss. I appreciate your sweet encouragement!

  11. Thank you so much, Mandy! I know that must have been hard on you at the time, but I also imagine it gets easier the longer you're away. You are so right about it being a whole different world now. I am so thankful my kids are out of that phase of life, so I feel like it doesn't affect me like it would have back when they were young. It also reminds me over and over again that we made the right decision to homeschool the boys. I will always be grateful we did that and for the years it gave us to grow together.


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