Tuesday, April 18, 2023

some things worth noting & words I'm living by


Happy Tuesday, friends! I hope your week got off to a good start yesterday. This is a week that I will be glad to have behind me, because it's one I've been dreading at work. It's state testing week, and I am a small group proctor, which is the most boring thing ever. I'm in a small office with one of our school counselors and one student, who has to have the test read aloud. I can't leave the room for any reason, I can't look at my phone, read a book, or write/doodle on anything. I just sit and watch and try not to fall asleep during the two hours that it takes. Yesterday I prayed for the student as he tested, because he was so frustrated by how difficult it was for him during the essay portion. I also prayed for the school counselor, because his job is not easy. When I sat at his desk, I saw some Bible verses and a prayer written out that he keeps there to pray over the kids he sees. How sweet is that? The students are fortunate to have him. 

On to some noteworthy things, have you seen this floating around on social media?

One of my favorite authors (Karen Kingsbury) posted this on social media last week. This is the Covenant School in Nashville, when the parents met on the lawn to pray one day last week. This beautiful double rainbow appeared in the sky after a very brief shower on a sunny day in Nashville. They saw this right as they were about to enter the building, after declaring that God is good and that His light and love will always prevail, in spite of the dark times we're living in. Genesis 9:16 says, "The bow will be in the clouds, and I will look at it and remember the permanent covenant between God and all the living creatures on the earth." Isn't that breathtaking? Only God could do something like that, my friends. 

In browsing around on Pinterest, I've found a few words that I am living by right this moment. I thought I'd share.

I have learned this recently and I am perfectly okay with the fact that each day looks different for me than the last. Some days I am great at managing work and home life, other days I suck at it and almost break down and cry. Yesterday was one such day, after a long day at work, that somehow felt both long and short. The two sons that were at home were quick to come to my rescue and they came down to help me. I'm grateful for them and the help they're always quick to offer. This doesn't just apply to work life, but to many other things as well. Life is hard! I'm glad that I have friends and encouragers to pray for me along the way. 

I've read this reminder from the New Testament three times in one day. I feel like when that kind of thing happens, I need to remember to lean in and pay attention. I don't believe in coincidences, and find it funny that in ALL the verses in the Bible, I'd see one three times in a 24 hour time period. 

This seems to be my new motto in life right now. I keep thinking of that episode of Friends where Ross says in that high pitched voice, "I'm fine!" I am not always fine, by the way, but when people ask me this question, it's my go to answer. I learned a long time ago to give a short answer when people ask this—they don't necessarily really want to know how you are. I am selective in who I share things with in life, and I'll say again how thankful I am for my family and friends, who are my biggest cheerleaders and encouragers. 

I sincerely hope you have such people in your life. Well, thanks for reading my blog today, friends! I hope your day is bright and beautiful, wherever it finds you. Love to all! 


  1. I find this part of the school year to be very challenging. I am struggling this year because I am so ready to be done, but I love this year's students so I don't want the year to end. I am trying to stay excited for them and plan little things that I think they will like. Today they get to pick their own seat after my 5 seating charts of the year. They hurry to class to claim their seat for the rest of the year! It's always how I do my last 6 week's seating chart. I am also planning a scavenger hunt outside for sometime soon.

    Testing is incredibly boring as a proctor and I find anything that affects the normal routine to be hard and make the day seem longer.

    I hope it goes better than you thought!

  2. Amy, I totally understand how you would be ready for the year to end, but also wanting to hold onto every moment with this year's students. It sounds like they love mixing up their seating arrangements for the rest of the year! That was a great idea to mix things up like that. You are so right about being a test proctor! The rest of the day flew by, it seems like, because our students were only with us for half an hour each. The other thing that flew by was my lunch, which was sad. I'm taking more food today, because I as so HUNGRY during the testing. I don't know why- I normally don't eat at that time during the day, it's just psychological, I suppose? Who knows.

    Thanks, friend!

  3. That rainbow is absolutely a miracle from God

  4. This post reminds me of a time in our life when I tried to go back to work. My son was 3 years old and I was hired as a teacher in a small private school, to teach 4 year olds. After a few months of working, I realized that my moods changed and everything I loved doing in my home became overwhelming. I had less patience with my own 3 year old, after taking care of everyone else's kids for hours. I was stressed, not happy and the paycheck was the only positive thing coming out of that job. I was miserable.

    That was the only time, in 30 years of being a mom, that I tried to work outside the home. I know God called me to be a homemaker, full time, and every time I tried to join the crowd to make money, he would put me back in my place and the peace would overflow me once again.

    I am not trying to insinuate that's what's going on in your life. It's just an experience I wanted to share.

    On a 2nd note...no wonder kids are anxious about school. That testing procedure sounds torturous for all involved. What a shame.

    I hope you have a better week :)

  5. Standardized testing is exhausting for everyone and I don't envy you with the proctoring! Hang in there!

  6. This time of the year is so hard. Some days feel so long and others feel so short. Testing, finals, papers to grade, and more. I hope you are doing better.

  7. Holly, isn't that amazing?! I could hardly believe the picture once I read the words.

  8. Debbie, I actually have a similar story to yours! It occurred when I worked part time once all the boys started school. It was in their school, and I was offered a position to cover for the office lady while she was out on medical leave for a couple of months. Maybe 8 to 10 weeks? I accepted the position, but let me tell you- by the time my day was over, I had ZERO niceness left over for my own kids. They were all so young! I happily went back to part time after that and never had an issue.

    I absolutely know without a doubt that I am right in the middle of God's will right now, but I certainly have hard days every once in a while- and long days of testing is brutal for everyone. Thanks for sharing your story with me, though!

  9. Jen, I know it is! I have such a newfound appreciation for all that teachers do and deal with on a daily basis, especially those with younger children at home. I could not have done that when mine were young!


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