Friday, April 28, 2023

Friday Favorites, 4.28.23.


Happy Friday, friends! I don't know about you, but I am so glad it's Friday. It has been a WEEK for me, so I'm glad to say goodbye to it. I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. I'll jump right in!

While being sick this week has NOT been my favorite, I have loved the time at home being lazy. I've watched movies and shows galore, including this new show on Netflix, The Diplomat. Have you watched any of this yet? It reminds me very much of Madame Secretary. 

The language is terrible, so consider yourself forewarned.

It's always a favorite getting to visit some pretty places in my town. 

This was on Tuesday night, when I had my first library board meeting. I was so sick and really did not feel like going, but I kind of had to be there, since they were introducing me that night. Isn't our town hall beautiful? I love how they keep the lawn manicured in the crisscross pattern that I love seeing on a lush green yard. 

I felt so official as I sat in front of my own computer screen and gold nameplate with my last name on it. 

Another favorite of the week was going to Lowe's to pick out flowers with Todd. I didn't feel great on Monday after work, but he drug me there to do this with him as soon as I got home, and I'm glad he did.

We only bought two hanging begonia plants and will go back for ferns later. 

This is one of my favorite things I saw all week online.

And lastly, new nails are my favorite! I went last Friday as soon as I got off work, because they were driving me crazy.

Different lighting, same neon coral color. Bright colors are my favorite at the moment! 

And now for some blog business—it's almost time for a couple of link-ups that I host each month! Tomorrow is when we'll post our Share 4 Somethings, and we'll be talking about the things we loved, read, learned and ate this month. I hope you join us for this! And then on Wednesday May 3, I'll be hosting the Currently link party, where we'll be talking about the things we're currently loving, picturing, craving, wishing, and collecting. I hope you come back for that as well! Did you catch my other posts this week? I shared on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. 

How was your week? Tell me something good from yours, I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. I hope you have a great weekend! Love to all. 


  1. I am so glad it's Friday! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and are back to 100%! I will try to link up tomorrow and next Wed!

  2. TGIF!! Glad you are feeling better :) I bought two huge ferns this year. I hope I can keep them alive. I recently bought two rose bushes from Sam's and they are blooming and so beautiful! Roses might be my new go-to. We didn't do a thing but plant and water and here they are, giving us beautiful flowers. That's the kind of plant I need :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Amy, you and me both! I hope your weekend is great as well. I'll see you back here then!

  4. Debbie, I kind of feel the same way about plants! We have to be picky because our spots for flowers are very shaded, so not many things do well in that environment. I would love to have some rose bushes, though, or maybe even some knock out rose bushes. My mom has such a green thumb- she could plant a stick in the yard and it would grow into something gorgeous. I, on the other hand, am her complete opposite and kill everything. Ferns I can do! I can also keep hanging baskets alive. So I totally get your dilemma!

  5. HAHA the dog meme is great!!

    Beautiful nails. I'd like to get mine down sometime soon.

    Hope you are feeling better.

    Lauren @

  6. I love the exercise/extra fries meme! So true! I hope you are feeling better and get some rest this weekend. You did a lot this week, even when you weren't feeling your best! Hang in there!

  7. Sorry to hear that you’ve been sick. I hope that you are able to rest and recover this weekend after a busy week. I love looking at your pretty spring flowers and your nails look amazing!

  8. Oh no! I hope you are feeling better now.
    Your town hall is beautiful.

  9. Hope you're feeling better! I've been wanting to watch The Diplomat but haven't gotten around to it just yet.

  10. I've been watching the Diplomat too! Love your nail color...I always get bubble bath or funny bunny...I'm so boring. I will do bright pink on my toes though.

  11. Thanks, Lauren! Isn't that meme hilarious? I laughed way too hard at it last week. Maybe because I feel like that? I hope you had a great weekend!

  12. Thanks, Tanya! Isn't that one great? It was a good weekend...I hope yours was good as well!

  13. Thank you, Ruth! I hope you had a great weekend!

  14. Thanks, Joanne! You should watch it soon!

  15. Jen- it's so good! And thanks for that! I go back and forth between a white-ish pink color and something more fun. I was definitely in the mood for bright!


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Friday Favorites, 3.28.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! It's my favorite day of the week, and I am excited for my weekend. How's your week been? I had what felt li...