Friday, April 14, 2023

Friday Favorites, 4.14.23.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this week's favorites blog post. There are quite a few things this week, so I'll jump right in.

Last Friday was my favorite because it was a school holiday, and I got to spend the whole day with Dad. He came over around ten thirty that morning, so we visited for a while, went to pick up lunch from Chick Fil A, then came back to my house to catch up again. It was a really good day, and yes, I did take this picture of him sitting at my table as he prayed over our lunch. For anyone wondering, Dad is doing pretty good these days! His memory comes and goes, and some days are better than others. Last Friday was a good day, so I was thankful for that. I took him home about half an hour early, because I needed to be at church right before a five o'clock call time to rehearse for that night's Good Friday service at church. It was such a great night, and I was glad that I was able to go and be a part of it. 

After the service, I hung out in Todd's area of ministry as he wrapped things up for the night.

Then I went and found my writing team friends and we had my friend Laurie take this picture of all of us. I love these ladies so much and I have missed them! 

We were SO HUNGRY after church, so Todd and I went to La Perla Tapatia and had yummy Mexican food and margaritas. Todd was texting this picture to his brother, because his brother had texted him a picture of himself having a good hair day. I had a good laugh over all of this.

On Saturday, I went to have my hair done (fresh highlights!), then came home for lunch, then I went out one last time to get a pedicure. I loved the color I picked this time! 

These are the only pictures I took on Easter Sunday, but I'm so glad Todd took this one of the boys and me. I love this picture, and no, we did not mean to match. Someone on Facebook pointed that out, but it was purely accidental. And of course two of the dogs had to be in the picture.

Monday was a day with no students, and a professional development day for us as a staff. We started the day at school in a meeting about state testing that starts next week (which I'm dreading), then we went to our room and did some things there. We went home for lunch, and met back up an hour later at our local high school. LOOK at the sheer magnitude of this gorgeous school! These pictures don't do it justice, but it is MASSIVE. It seems more like a college campus than a high school. We went through some trauma training, then we were dismissed around three and I picked up groceries and came home.

On Tuesday when I got there early, I was serenaded by this beautiful choral group in the cafeteria as they practiced for the fine arts night that was taking place that night. They sounded amazing! 

After school, I had a meeting. I am the newest member of our town's library board! I'm excited for this opportunity to serve and give back to the town I so love. I'm filling in for someone who resigned, so my term will go through the end of this year, and if I want to go another term, I'll have to be elected. The mayor appointed me for this position, probably mostly in thanks to a friend of mine and vice mayor of our town. 

This outfit that I wore to work on Wednesday was my favorite, as are these hot pink earrings that you see in the pictures above. My co-workers always wear the cutest earrings, and they totally inspired this purchase. Also, so did my sister Debi, who insisted I needed hot pink earrings to go with my bright green Easter dress.

I bought this pink pair of Hey Dudes when I started my job in January, but they never felt the same as my other pairs that I've worn more. I finally managed to break these in enough that I can wear them to work now. There's nothing like wearing a bad pair of shoes to work, so I'm very particular about which ones I wear every day. 

Sometimes I like to sit and write out some of my favorite attributes about God. Doing this always gets my perspective right again, when it's gotten off of Him. Things that take my eyes off of Him and onto my circumstances are things that I go through that are hard, stress, tiredness, and not praying diligently or skipping days of Bible reading. You don't HAVE to do anything of those things as a believer, but we should all want to do those things. Life happens, though, and sometimes it can't be helped. The good thing is that the Lord is not legalistic about these things, nor does He ever grow weary of all the ways we fail. No matter what, He wants us to come to Him time after time to lay our burdens upon Him. He WANTS to bear them for us! I'm always so grateful to have spent time with Him like I did yesterday morning before I went to work. Also? The 91st chapter of Psalm is one of my favorites! 

On a lighter note, word searches are my favorite! I gave two of these to the group of students I had yesterday who are in the third grade. They like for me to do them with them and see who can finish first. And yes, I was beat by one third grader, but I beat the other one. I love giving these to reinforce the skills we've just gone over. 

So, how was your week? Tell me something good from yours! I would love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!


  1. The best thing about this week is that it is over? Ha! Just kidding! You had a busy and exciting week and yes, that high school is beautiful! Congrats on the library board!
    I enjoyed seeing all of your pictures and love the pink pedi and earrings!

  2. Great picture of you and your boys! I love serving on our town's library board. I have gotten and continue to get so much out of the library; being on the board is a small way to show my gratitude for the institution. In addition, I've learned so much about libraries that I'd never thought about before and have met some great people to boot. I hope that your experience is as positive as mine has been ;). Have a great Friday!

  3. Amy, I get it! I have a feeling I'll be saying that at the end of next week, after a week of state testing. Have I mentioned how much I'm dreading that week? My assignment is not great, either, and I'm afraid it's going to be horribly awkward. Ugh! I'll survive, though. Thanks for that!

  4. Thanks, Maria! I am so glad I remembered to get one. I'm really looking forward to it, and I feel the same way- as a lifelong library advocate and reader, I'm so grateful for the wonderful one we've had in town all my life. It's a great way to show my gratitude in return for all that it's meant to me and our sons. I feel like it was my home away from home!

  5. I LOVE those earrings. I'm always hesitant to wear statement earrings and i don't know why. It's been a long week work-wise but a good week none-the-less. Found out that I will be gaining a new nephew in October and I couldn't be more excited. I love being an Aunt. Have a great weekend!

  6. I love the pink nails and earrings. I need/want fun earrings

  7. How lovely to spend the whole day with your dad. It sounds like you had a nice day. What a fab photo of you and your boys, you do all match very well. hehehe
    Oh wow! That school looks huge and very impressive!

  8. I love the picture of you and your boys! Have a good weekend!

  9. Sounds like a good week with many positive things going on. I love the picture of you and your boys. So glad you could all be together on Easter. I love your enthusiasm for your job. Congrats on being appointed to your town library board. I hope you have a restful and enjoyable weekend. See you again soon!

  10. So many great family photos and memories this week!! I can't believe the size of that high school-- wow! Ours aren't anywhere near that big around here.

  11. I am loving all of your pink! So springy and fun- my favorite :)

  12. Thanks for that, Kirsten! You should totally buy some fun earrings. I feel like that's a fun and inexpensive way to show some personality. How exciting about gaining a new nephew! I loved spoiling mine rotten when they were all little.

  13. Thanks, Adrienne! It's a fun investment, for sure.

  14. Thank you, Kim! It's such a privilege to spend time with Dad like that. We do every Friday together, so when I'm not working, we do the the daytime, but on days that I work, we do dinner out on Friday night. It's fun!

  15. Thanks, Deb! I may feel differently about my job after this week. HA! State testing is NOT my favorite, but I'm glad the week is here so that we can get this behind us until next year. I hope your weekend was great!

  16. Thanks, Joanne! It is HUGE! I would be so overwhelmed if I went there.

  17. I love the picture of you and your boys!! The pink is so pretty. I have a gift card for a pedicure, and I can't wait to use it. The photo of your dad is precious. I love a good word find. I just did one the other day while helping a student with one about Romeo and Juliet. I hope you are having a great week.


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Friday Favorites, 3.28.2025.

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