Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Currently- the April edition


Happy Wednesday, friends! I am so glad you're here for this month's edition of Currently. Today we are talking about the things we're currently loving, hoping, playing, needing, and feeling. I'll jump right in! 

Loving: I am currently loving my early morning routine. Since I started working, I've had to adapt this several times before getting it just right, and I think I have it down now. I wake up at 5:45 by my alarm, I come downstairs to let the dogs out while my coffee makes, I let them in and settle back in to either read my book or blog posts I'm behind on. I take my cup into the kitchen and start the dryer to freshen up what's inside, then I go upstairs to get dressed at 6:45. I'm back down at 7:15, and I make my lunch (and Todd's), drinking my second cup of coffee as I go about, then I fold some clothes, and have my quiet time before heading out for the day. I leave every morning at 7:45 because I love being early. Once I'm at work, this allows me to get my day planned out almost entirely, without having to rush around. I have lessons planned by the end of each day for the following day, but this gives me time to make copies, check email, and collect my thoughts before jumping in at 9:05. 

These are examples of what I do during my early morning arrival. I guess you could say that I am loving the routine I've established, with the help of some great examples in my co-workers. 

Hoping: Currently, I am hoping that we stop having weather that turns bad or dangerous. I know that may sound like I'm joking, but I'm not, I assure you. Even if I loved spring, I would immensely dislike it because of the unpredictability of the weather. We've had tornado weather for three weeks in a row, and I am hoping it changes soon! Each year, it's exactly like this, but that doesn't mean it's something I'll ever grown accustomed to. 

This was what it went from on Friday of last week. The sky turned dark and threatening, and once night fell, the tornado sirens started going off. Tell me I'm not the only one who hates this weather! 

On a more spiritual note, I'm hoping that you have a place to attend worship on Easter Sunday this weekend! Even if you never go to church, it's a good weekend to go and to celebrate. As a believer, this is my favorite holiday to celebrate after Christmas. Resurrection Sunday, as I like to call it, is the most promising and hope-filled day in the lives of believers, and it's one I love to celebrate. Is there something about this holiday that you love? 

Playing: Currently, I am playing our choir music on repeat, because we have three services this weekend, and I need to learn the music.

This is an app that we have and use to learn our music. Our awesome friend Karen plays each part for us and uploads it to the app so that we can hear our own parts. In case you haven't guessed, I sing Alto. 

Needing: I am needing to clean my house and order groceries. I keep forgetting about groceries this week, so I still haven't gotten my act together. Just being honest! 

Feeling: I am feeling excited because it's a four day work week with the possibility of early dismissal tomorrow with impending tornadic weather. Aside from Good Friday, on Monday we have a professional development day, which I'm excited for since it's my first one. I know, I know, I'm a total newbie here, but I am anxious to learn what my duties will be during our week of state testing and to receive trauma training.

Thanks a bunch for linking up with us today! I hope you visit back here often and check for blog posts. I'm posting about three times a week right now, and since I don't have a subscribe button, you could just bookmark my blog on your computer and check back that way. Someone mentioned not wanting to miss out on posts that I make, so I wanted to share what I do. In May we will be sharing what we're currently loving, picturing, craving, wishing, and collecting. I hope you join us! As always, thank you for reading my blog, friends! Love to all.

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  1. I'm so glad you have your routine down! It really sets your whole day up for success. I like to think of how I want my future self to feel when I come home and that motivates me to do some tasks in the morning.
    I am with you on the weather. We have had so many high wind events, too. I never knew how much I hate wind! I pray that you don't get anything bad and that Mother Nature calms down after this.

  2. Love your early morning routine- love early mornings in general! So glad you will be singing Easter Weekend- this is my favorite week in church all year! :)

  3. Hi Jennifer. I am linking up with you today for this fun post. Sounds like you have a good morning routine going. So glad you are enjoying your new job. I have lived in the midwest and I totally get how scary spring weather can be. We are having tons of snow here in Utah, which can be hard to deal with, but it is not the same as violent thunderstorms and tornadoes. Prayers for all affected by the weather. Have a good Easter weekend.

  4. I like Easter even better than Christmas, I think. There is just something about it which is so joyous after the darkness and sadness of Lent and Good Friday. I'm sorry about tornadoes. That would not be fun. Thank you as always for hosting every month.

  5. I'm not particularly fond of the weather either. We have storms coming in too today.

  6. We never used to have to worry about tornadoes at all here in CT but in the last several years we seem to get more and more warnings and alerts and even a few actual small tornadoes now and then and I hate it so much. Give me a blizzard over that any day of the week.

  7. Thanks, Amy! It does make such a big difference. I like how you think about how your future self will feel in the afternoon. That is a great idea. You and me are on the same page with weather! I'm glad to say that what was expected yesterday passed us by and even became smaller than what they were warning us about. I do sometimes think the weathermen are dramatic.

  8. Thanks, Holly! I love this time of year at church as well. I am especially looking forward to the Good Friday service that night. It's been ages since I've been to one!

  9. Thanks, Dara! It makes a huge difference.

  10. Deb, I am so glad you joined us for this! It's so strange to think how different it is for each area in the U.S. I do like reading about how each state differs. I can't imagine snow right now! Thank you for that!

  11. Natasha, I agree! It's very celebratory, which I love. I also love that there's no expectations with gifts and such afterward.

  12. Cathy, I hope everything was okay for you there yesterday. Ours ended up being not much of anything. I'm so glad for that!

  13. Joanne, I am with you! I'd take a snow blizzard any day of the week. That's strange how you used to never hear of tornadoes and now you do...I do feel like everything like that is worse now, or maybe it's just that we're HEARING of things more now because we're so plugged in all the time. It's interesting to think about.

  14. I also hate this weather (I'm in mid-southern Missouri).

    So I used to be that kind of teacher. *Last year*, I had serious issues (trying to get through the traffic on a military base) and would often be walking in WITH my students. It was awful. I'm vowing to be better when I go back to work sometime lol.

  15. Sounds like an efficient but relaxed morning routine, and I bet it makes a huge difference in your day! I love having a morning routine that really works, and I'm trying to get into a better rhythm with mine now that the weather is a bit more cooperative. Thanks for hosting this link-up!

  16. Sorry to hear you have had such crazy weather!! I hope that you don't get anymore either. Stay safe and thank you for hosting!

  17. That is a great morning routine! I tend to arrive at school right when I have to ...haha...but I don't have students waiting on me like previous years. I hope you stay safe. I know what you mean about the weather. Since we lost power for five days in March, we've had two other crazy storms with extreme winds...and I'm always fearful we'll lose power again!

  18. Kristin, you made me laugh! I'm so glad you linked up with us for this month's Currently post!

  19. Thanks, Kym! It makes such a big difference in my day. It may change from time to time, but for now it's working. I'm learning to be more flexible with that kind of thing. I'm so glad you joined us this month!

  20. Thank you so much, Melanie! I am glad to host this each month, it's one of my favorites. I'm so glad you joined us!

  21. Thanks, Jen! It's definitely working for now, even though it may be subject to change. I totally get that! I hope you guys stay safe as well. 💜


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