Monday, March 13, 2023

weekending & Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's blog post. How was your weekend? Mine was really good, and I got it started with my dad. We went to eat Mexican food, then came back here for coffee and to chat. I love this night to get caught up with him, and to see my stepmom as well when I take him home. It's always good for her as well, since it gives her a break. Dad was great on Friday night, but he's gotten sick since then and doesn't feel his best. I would love for you to help us pray for him! At his age, any sickness can become serious. 

This was so good! It's called Pollo Fundido, and it's just marinated chicken breast that sits on a bed of grilled onions and mushrooms. I eat it with corn tortillas. I only ate half of this, so I had it again on Saturday night. 

On Saturday, I got up and met my mom and sister for some errands. I returned the two shirts I bought last weekend to Marshall's and brought home some hand soap for the downstairs bathroom, two curly hair products, and a blow dryer with a diffuser in their place. I'm much happier with those purchases. I loved the shirts I bought, but one was a little short, and the other one I just changed my mind about.

I love these trees that are blooming everywhere right now! I'm not sure if they're tulip trees or some other kind, but this area in our town is beautiful. There are also tulips everywhere right now, which I want to see before they're past their peak. We went to Marshall's, then to a home décor shop for my mom, and we had lunch together. I was going to go to Mom's house for dinner, but I didn't feel great for the rest of the day. I just took a shower, got comfy, and watched The Resident all night while everyone was out. 

It was my oldest son Graham's 24th birthday, and he spent the day doing what he loves the most—being both a spectator and a participant of a car meet. I forgot to ask him for a picture, so I used this one from last year to post on social media.

I took this picture of my blanket when I didn't feel good to show you. My mom made this for me the Christmas of 2021. It's one of my favorite gifts that I've ever received, and I was so surprised when I opened it at her house that day. 

I felt better on Sunday, and I was at church bright and early.

I ran lyrics for them this week, which I always love doing. I came home afterward, ate lunch, and took a nap. I do not love this time change! This one is always hard for me to adjust to for some reason, so I'm glad to be on a break this week from work while I do that. Todd had to go do a few things after he ate lunch, so when he got back home we made a Costco run, then we picked up sushi to bring back home.

We unloaded what we bought, fed the dogs, and ate dinner together. I went to bed pretty early, because I had to leave home at six forty this morning to be in Memphis for a test that I have to take for work. I'd love your prayers for that as well! I was never a great test taker in high school, so I'm hoping I'll pass this. I don't know what will happen with work if I don't, but I'm not too stressed about it. After that, I have plans to come home and catch up on all the house things so that I can enjoy the day tomorrow before we leave town on Wednesday. Did you do anything fun this weekend? I'd love to hear about it, if you did! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Good job on returning two shirts that weren't 10/10! I am also doing better with that. If I have any doubt or I don't wear something right away, I am returning it. That Mexican food looks great! I try to just eat the chicken and vegetables at Mexican restaurants and a few chips. Prayers going out for your Dad!
    I have been a bit under the weather all week. I think it's allergies from all the time I was outside last weekend and Monday. Tuesday the temps got cold and I had a bit of congestions which led to cough by Friday.
    I think those are dogwood trees? I have been admiring those around here, too.
    Good luck on your test today!

  2. Thank you! I was happy with my decision to return them. I'm usually pretty good at that! Thank you for the prayers for my dad. I feel so bad for him! A lot of us are the same here, because of the mood swings our weather keeps having. I just went and bought more sinus medicine for them all on Saturday. Dogwood trees! That's it! I get all of the tulip, Dogwood, and Bradford pear trees confused. Those are the most vivid ones we have here right now. I hope you're able to feel decent with your allergy problems! It's hard to work when you're not 100%.

  3. What a fun little weekend! Sending you knowledge and strength for your test today- you got this friend XO

  4. I hope your test goes well and that your dad feels better! Saturday every time I looked out the window, it was snowing pollen from the trees! For the past few weeks, I've had days when I just felt drained from all the allergies. Add time change and snowing pollen and you get tired! :)

    Have a great week! Enjoy your break :)

  5. I'm glad you got time with your dad this weekend and that blanket is so pretty. I think it's so special to get something handmade from someone we love.

  6. Thanks, Debbie!'ll be that way here before we know it. That usually happens for us here in April. We have to hose off the vehicles daily when it's pollen season! I get that...I came home and took a nap from playing catch up on losing an hour of sleep.

  7. Thank you, Cathy! I agree wholeheartedly. I appreciate my mom's talents greatly!

  8. Hope that test went well. And I will pray for your dad! Promise. Love those blooming trees. Ours have been blooming too but now it has turned so cold again that they really do not look super pretty. Such a shame. And that blanket is the best!!

  9. I just prayed for your family Jennifer. I hope that your Dad is ok. Sending hugs xx

  10. Thank you, Jennifer! I'm afraid after this week, that may also be the case for our trees and shrubs here. It's been so cold again! Old man winter is hanging on for dear life.


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