Monday, March 6, 2023

weekending & Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's Hello Monday post. We had a lovely weekend here where I live! It was so wonderful to see sunshine and to feel warmth in the air here. I feel like my weekend was long, even though it wasn't, but because I did several things in one day, it did seem to stretch out. Here's what we were up to this weekend, including all my favorite guys.

On Friday, we ended the day with the book character parade in the afternoon at our school.

This was so much fun for the students, and super cute for all of us adults to see. Our kiddos kept seeing us and were walking down the halls giving us high fives. 

On Friday after work, Graham left to go out of town for the weekend. He and some friends went to a car meet in the Nashville area, and I'm assuming he has had a great weekend. It's after six p.m. on Sunday, and I haven't seen him yet. Dad came over at 4:30 and was able to see most of my people (four out of six isn't too shabby), then he and I went to grab an easy dinner at Chick Fil A. I'd been wanting to try their grilled nuggets. Have you had them yet? They're really good! I splurged and ate fries as well, AND on Friday I also started my day with a special breakfast for the staff at school. I'll focus on that and not that I signed up to take a couple of dishes and got so soaking wet that it took me four hours to completely dry out. In spite of my drowned rat look, it was a great day at work and the breakfast was delicious. I earned that entire bagel with minimal cream cheese that I ate, trust me. 🤣

After I took Dad home, I came home and watched an episode of one of the shows I'm watching, then I watched a tutorial video on YouTube on how to trim curly hair, then I went upstairs and showered, and did just that. It doesn't look any different, but the ends look better and it's easier to style. (I had an appointment for Saturday, but I canceled and the first she could get me in was for the weekend of Easter in early April.) 

Drew came over early Saturday morning to try on some new work boots we bought for him. He starts a new job today, so I'm excited to talk to him later on this afternoon. He decided to stay and take a shower while he was here, so since he was leaving right after that, I went ahead and left to meet up with my mom and sister. I met them at Marshall's and got a pair of white pants, a navy button down that's soft and gauzy, and a royal blue shirt. I needed a few new things for work, so hopefully those will tide me over for now. We went to a Mexican restaurant for chips and dips for lunch, then we went to our favorite local décor shop, John Mark's. 

He had so many cute things out for spring, but the fresh floral garlands around the door were beautiful. He is such a talented young man! He's super young, in his mid twenties, and is so much fun to follow on Instagram. I came home after leaving his shop, and our friends and old neighbors the Dicksons came over to visit. They live in the Nashville area now, so it was great to see them. They were our dearest friends for the years they were here, and we had a path worn between our homes. They have legal guardianship over their nephews, who are around the ages of our youngest sons, Jonah and Noah. They had a pool in their backyard, so they let us swim whenever we wanted. It was a sweet time during the years they were our neighbors, and we have missed them. They have two additional children now, that are quite a bit younger, so it's kind of weird that we don't really know the other two all that well. 

When they left, Todd and I left to grab sushi for dinner, then we came home for the rest of the evening. I started a really great book and read way past my bedtime, then I was up early on Sunday for praise team practice at church. Todd worked that night, I watched The Resident and worked on blog posts for this week, and I got things ready for my work week after picking up my grocery order. It was a great weekend, just one where I didn't take many pictures. I'm looking forward to this week at work, because we have some fun things planned. How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun and exciting? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!


  1. Girl, you were busy! I just looked John Mark's up on IG and I followed. I can always use more flowers in my feed. Good for you that you DIY'ed your own hair. I love the CFA grilled nuggets and I sometimes get extra to throw in with something I have at home. The fries always get me! Show us your new clothing items! The parade sounds so cute and elementary does more fun stuff like breakfasts for the staff. Both of my sisters are in elementary and they say they are constantly surrounded by food where we hardly ever get any at the high school level - probably better for me.
    We ate at Captain's Quarters last night to see how high the river was and because I had a craving for fried fish. It hit the spot. That's why I thought of it to share with you! I am off again today because our area was hit so badly by the Friday storms.

  2. I'm glad you found him! He's adorable and fun to watch. He's super Southern! It's fun to have things like that in school to look forward to. I do try and limit what I actually pick to snack on. One day I got a bag of Skinny Pop, and I usually just get some veggies with a tiny bit of dip. We're having another treat day this week, but I don't know what it is yet. I'm so sorry to hear that your area has so much damage! I know you'll make lemonade out of lemons and hope that you thoroughly enjoy your day off. I know you will!

  3. That parade looks like so much fun! Yes girl you earned that bagel- ha! Love the busy fun you had :)

  4. You found the HOLY GRAIL!!! White pants?? I can NEVER find any good ones that fit right or aren't see through, or have weird bunching ... good for you!

  5. That parade sounds so cute. It does sound like a busy weekend indeed. Oh and reading way past your bedtime, I totally understand that.

  6. Holly, I know, right?! I had zero guilt in eating it and enjoyed every single delicious bite. 🤣

  7. Rebecca Jo, these are my favorite brand- Jones of New York. I have black ones in the same brand, and knew these would work the minute I felt of them. I feel so happy about finding them now! I didn't think about how hard it is to find a good pair of white pants.

  8. Astrid, it was adorable and so much fun to see their smiling faces coming toward us down the hall. As for the reading- I may do the same thing tonight!

  9. The one and only time we ate a Chick Fil A I ordered their grilled nuggets... and that's now what I received! LOL. So, I never did get to try them and I gave the fried nuggets to my boys to eat. I love that you get out shopping with family so frequently. My mom and I make it a point to do that once a year near my birthday but that's about it.

  10. I am so late in commenting this week, but that sounds so fun to see old friends! That is one of my favorite things. I am glad you found some good items from Marshalls. I haven't been there in a while because I also go to their sister store, TJ Maxx. Hope your week is going well!

  11. It was fun, Marilyn! I love it too. Thanks for that, I hope the same for you!


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