Thursday, March 2, 2023

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! Rebecca Jo and I are so glad you're here joining in with us today! I'll jump right in with a very short and sweet post. 

I am thankful for extra breaks in my day this week! We have some testing going on at our school, and that has made it to where we don't have all of our grades this week. Today I have a break from 10:45 until 2. I'm not sure how I feel about that long of a break, though...I'm afraid I'll get sleepy during all that extra time. I'm taking things to do so that I won't get bored.

I'm also very thankful for my family who keep picking up the slack for me while I work. I keep coming home to things like vacuumed floors, laundry in the process, and an emptied dishwasher. It's so nice of them! Well, I forgot to post this until six a.m. this morning, so I'm keeping things short today for that reason. I hope your day is great! Love to all. 

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  1. What a nice break in the day! But yes, then you have to fill your time doing something. Make out a grocery list/meal plan, write a letter, pay bills. That way you'll have more movie time when you get home :)

  2. Breaks are very nice when you are working. Hope you have a great day.

  3. Debbie, it really was! I thought it would drag, but surprisingly it did not. I found plenty to do to fill my time!

  4. Cathy, they really are! I'm so glad you linked up with us today!

  5. I'm a teacher too so I can appreciate any chance to have an extra break. That's a nice long one you got!

  6. Great gratefuls. Your thankfulness about your family doing some housework for you, made me smile.

  7. Moms need more slack than anything... working a job & then coming home & there's so much to do, its like another Job... its a lot.

  8. Fairytales and Fitness- it was so nice! Thank you for stopping by to read and participate in the link party!

  9. Rebecca Jo, I don't know how moms of littles do it!


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