Friday, March 3, 2023

Friday Favorites 3.3.23.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this week's favorites blog post. I hope your week has been good! Mine has, and it's also gone by really quickly. We had some testing happening at our school this week that is preparing them for what is to come in April, and WHOA. Testing throws everything off schedule for us all, so our groups have been hit or miss all week. I've had long extended breaks almost everyday. I'm not complaining! I will say that my first full week this also happened one day, and I could barely stay awake. That wasn't at all the case this time around. Yesterday, my extended break was from 10:45 until 2:00. 

One thing my job is teaching me is the grace to be flexible in my planning. It's definitely something I'll be working on for the rest of my life, especially for the duration of my time in this position. 

This was one of my favorite days at work. I decided to take my Kindle each day so that I would be able to read some while I had a long break, and I found this little picnic table behind our school. It was so warm on this day! The high was around 80 and I actually got kind of hot in the full sunshine, but it felt great for to be here for half an hour. 

And, friends, that is all I have pictures of this week. My life is simple these days, and I'm fully engaged in my new routine. I do have a few other favorite moments from this week, though. One was when I spent time with my best friend Saturday night. We ate out, then went to a movie that I mentioned on Monday. Another favorite was when I went out after church on Wednesday night. A couple of friends and I hadn't been together in ages, and it was good to get caught up with one another. It was also a favorite thing to plan our upcoming trip. We purchased tickets to a few things we want to do while we're in the area, and we finalized some plans with our friends. After talking to our friend John and laughing over old memories, we're both really excited to see them. 

A few of my favorite blog posts happened this week, so I thought I'd share them and link to them below.

Saturday was the February edition of Share 4 Somethings.

Monday was my weekending recap and Hello Monday

Tuesday was when I shared about the books I read in February.

Wednesday was March's edition of Currently

Thursday was Thankful Thursday

Do you have any fun weekend plans? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I hear you on not many photos this week! I am so glad you took a break outside. We don't have an area quite like that in the sun.
    I am so glad you are finalizing plans and I want you to have the best trip!

  2. Soaking up the warm sun while doing some reading sounds perfect! I hope you have a wonderful weekend 😊

  3. Yay for small joys! I love that you were able to get outside and do some reading on your breaks! I’m not sure when we will see 80° temperatures here in Indiana, lol. We’re supposed to get a huge snowstorm this afternoon 6 inches! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, sweetheart!

  4. Glad you've been able to get some sunshine when we have had it this week. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. We have had some beautiful days this week, but today is raining, but that's better than snow or ice. I hope you have a good weekend.

  6. Testing sure does mess with a school schedule! It’s crazy how it can change things. Your reading lunch break looks lovely!! Have a great weekend!

  7. Oh yes I remember those testing days and how it threw everything off. I was often pulled in to proctor too. Your reading break looks wonderful though! That was a good idea to have your Kindle with you.

  8. Amy, thanks for all of your help in telling me all the things! I felt a little like you being outside reading like that. It was so nice!

  9. Thanks, Ruth! I hope yours has been great as well, my friend.

  10. Thanks, Andrea! Oh my. I do not envy you! It's this time of year when I'm ready to move on from winter. I'm sure you're used to it, but I know it makes you enjoy the nice weather even more.

  11. Thanks, Marilyn! I hope yours was good as well, my friend!

  12. Cathy, you're so right! Rain would be better than ice. Hopefully you'll have some pretty weather soon.

  13. Sarah, I have seen that more than ever! It was so nice being out there like that. I read that you do the same sometimes- go for walks on your breaks. I hope to do that more as well, just for a breath of fresh air. Thanks! I hope you enjoyed your weekend!

  14. Joanne, I think I'm going to make it a daily habit, just in case I get some down time. I've learned in this job that it's important for me to do that.


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